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Lingua::Alphabet::Phonetic::Password - enunciate a password as words


This is a specialization of Lingua::Alphabet::Phonetic. You should not use this module; all interaction should be done with an object of type Lingua::Alphabet::Phonetic.

  use Lingua::Alphabet::Phonetic;
  my $phonetic = new Lingua::Alphabet::Phonetic('Password');
  my @phonetic_pw = $phonetic->enunciate('qOusiENi');


This module is a dictionary for Lingua::Alphabet::Phonetic. It allows for enunciation of passwords, using the following rules:

  • lowercase letters

    enunciated using the NATO alphabet per Lingua::Alphabet::Phonetic::NATO, but the word will be lowercased.

  • uppercase letters

    enunciated using the NATO alphabet per Lingua::Alphabet::Phonetic::NATO, but the word will be uppercased.

  • numbers

    enunciated as an initialcaps word for the english pronuciation of the number.

  • special characters

    enunciated as a mixedcaps word for the english punctuation of the character:

      @ At
      ? Question
      _ Underscore
      # Hash
      & Ampersand
      ! Exclamation
      - Dash
      * Asterisk
      + Plus
      = Equals
      " DoubleQuote
      % Percent
      ' SingleQuote
      ( LeftParens
      ) RightParens
      , Comma
      . Period
      / ForeSlash
      \ BackSlash
      : Colon
      ; SemiColon
      < LessThan
      > GreaterThan
      [ LeftBracket
      ] RightBracket
      { LeftBrace
      } RightBrace
      ^ Caret
      ` Backtick
      | Pipe
      ~ Tilde

A character which does not fall into any of these categories is dispatched back to the base class for conversion. In the case of Lingua::Alphabet::Phonetic, this returns the character unchanged.


This module was inspired by the web-based password generator at In particular, the words used for special characters are the same as used by that application whenever possible. Some translations, like the character x are different because this module uses Lingua::Alphabet::Phonetic to do the heavy lifting for alphabetic characters. In that module, x is rendered as xray, but reders it as x-ray. C'est la vie.

This module supports more special characters than the passwords which that application generates, so any liberties taken with these characters are my own.


Lingua::Alphabet::Phonetic by Martin Thurn, the core for which this module serves as a dictionary.


James FitzGibbon, <>.


Martin Thurn for writing Lingua::Alphabet::Phonetic. The interface was pleasantly simple to extend.


Copyright (c) 2004 Primus Telecommunications Canada Inc. All Rights Reserved.

This module is free software. You may use and/or modify it under the same terms as perl itself.