Changes for version 0.18

  • 2018-07-10
    • Check for existence of next-level implicant before pushing it on the list. Which means the next loop runs shorter, saving time.
    • Since we only consider Hamming distances of 1 when comparing covers, it doesn't make sense to have a separate Hamming distance function to find the sole difference position. Merged the code of hdist() and diffpos() into new function hammingd1pos(), which lets us skip the list-checking functions. Since this function is embedded four loops deep, this also saves time.
    • Function remels() was checking item by item even in cases where the list items to remove were the entire list. Streamlined that.
    • The Hamming distance change above meant pairwise() isn't needed now, which was the cause of the version requirement change of List::MoreUtils. Put the older version number back in the requirement.


solve Quine-McCluskey set-cover problems
provide formatting functions to Algorithm::QuineMcCluskey
provide utility functions to Algorithm::QuineMcCluskey