Changes for version 0.3.0_8

  • Incluiding more unittests.

Changes for version 0.3.0_5

  • Splitting code around and making things more intelligible.

Changes for version 0.3.0_4

  • Moved Test2::Formatter::YAMLEnhancedTAP to it's own module.

Changes for version 0.3.0_2

  • Cleaned-up output for the happy-path (no output on all ok).

Changes for version 0.3.0_1 - 2023-11-30

  • Rewrite a couple of bits & regexes to add support for YAML output provided by `Test2::Formatter::YAMLEnhancedTAP`.
    • Context lines should be tidier now since there's a somewhat "generalized" way of storing the parsed output.