=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
OpenTelemetry::Exporter::OTLP - An OpenTelemetry Protocol exporter
# Use it with a span processor
my $processor = OpenTelemetry::SDK::Trace::Span::Processor::Batch->new(
exporter => OpenTelemetry::Exporter::OTLP->new( ... ),
# Register it with the OpenTelemetry tracer provider
This module provides an exporter that implements the
L<OpenTelemetry::Exporter> role to export telemetry data using the
OpenTelemetry Protocol (OTLP). It is the default exporter used by
L<OpenTelemetry::SDK>, and can be used to export data either using plain
JSON strings, or binary protocol buffer blobs. See below for details.
=head1 METHODS
This class implements the L<OpenTelemetry::Exporter> role. Please consult
that module's documentation for details on the behaviours it provides.
=head2 new
$exporter = OpenTelemetry::Exporter::OTLP->new(
certificate => $file_path, # optional
client_certificate => $file_path, # optional
client_key => $file_path, # optional
compression => $compression, # optional
endpoint => $url, # optional
headers => \%headers || $string, # optional
protocol => $protocol, # optional
timeout => $seconds, # optional
Constructs a new instance of the exporter. It takes the following named
parameters, both of which are optional:
=item certificate
A string with the path to a file containing the trusted certificate to use
when verifying a server's TLS credentials. If not set, this will be read from
if that variable is not set.
If none of those values are set, this will remain undefined.
=item client_certificate
A string with the path to a file containing the client certificate/chain trust
for the client's private key use in mTLS communication. The file should be in
PEM format. If not set, this will be read from
if that variable is not set.
If none of those values are set, this will remain undefined.
=item client_key
A string with the path to a file containing the client's private key to use
in mTLS communication. The file should be in PEM format. If not set, this will
be read from
if that variable is not set.
If none of those values are set, this will remain undefined.
=item compression
Controls if and how the exported data will be compressed before sending
out. Possible values are "none", in which case no compression will be
done, and "gzip", in which case that compression algorithm will be used.
If not set, the default value will be read from the
environment variable, or
if the first one is not set.
If none of these values is set, the default will depend on availability.
If L<Compress::Zlib> is installed, the compression will default to "gzip",
otherwise none will be used.
If the value is set to a value other than the ones laid out above,
construction will throw an L<OpenTelemetry::X::Unsupported> exception.
=item endpoint
Specifies the target URL to which exported data will be sent. If set, it
must be set to a valid URL with scheme and host. It may include a port,
and should contain a path, but must not contain any additional parts.
specifies that endpoints should be signal-specific, this currently only
applies to traces, since this exporter currently only supports exporting
tracing data.
If not set, a default value will be read from
If this is set, it will be used as-is.
If that value was not set, the "/v1/traces" path will be added to a base URL
read from
If this environment variable was not set, this base URL will default to
=item headers
A set of key/value pairs to send as headers for the HTTP request. This value
can be set to either a hash reference with the desired key value pairs, or
to a string in a format matching the
except that additional semi-colon delimited metadata is not allowed, as
described in the
L<OTLP exporter specification|https://opentelemetry.io/docs/specs/otel/protocol/exporter/#specifying-headers-via-environment-variables>.
This would be a valid example: C<key1=value1,key2=value2>.
When parsing this string, both keys and values will be independently
URL-decoded and leading and trailing whitespace will be trimmed.
If this parameter is not set, it will be read from the
environment variable, or
if the first one is not set.
If none of these is set, it will default to an empty hash.
=item protocol
OTLP supports multiple protocols. This exporter currently supports only
"http/json", which exports data as a JSON string over HTTP, and
"http/protobuf", which exports it as a Protobuf-encoded binary blob.
This parameter can be set to either of them to control which encoding
to use. If not set, the default value will be read from the
environment variable.
If a value is not set in the environment value, the default value will
depend on availability. If L<Google::ProtocolBuffers::Dynamic> is installed,
the protocol will default to "http/protobuf". Otherwise the exporter will
fall back to "http/json", using whatever encoding back-end is provided by
If the value is set to a value other than the ones laid out above,
construction will throw an L<OpenTelemetry::X::Unsupported> exception.
=item retries
Determines the maximum number of retries to do for failed export requests.
If no value is set, this defaults to 5 for a maximum number of 6 attempts.
Set to 0 for no retries.
=item timeout
The maximum number of seconds to wait before disconnecting. Note that
although the specification suggests this should apply to the entire
request, this currently applies to each individual open, read, or
write operation on the socket.
If not set, this value will be read from
or from
if that variable is not set.
If none of these values is set, this will default to 10.
=head2 export
See L<OpenTelemetry::Exporter/export> for general details about this method.
The export request will be sent with L<HTTP::Tiny>. As per
L<the specification|https://opentelemetry.io/docs/specs/otlp/#failures-1>,
requests that failed with a 429 Too Many Requests, 502 Bad Gateway, 503 Service
Unavailable, or 504 Gateway Timeout status code will be retried up to as many
times as the value of the C<retries> parameter to the constructor. Requests
that resulted in HTTP::Tiny's 599 internal exception error will be retried
if they represent one of the errors covered in the L</METRICS> section below.
All other requests will result in a
As per the specification, retries will wait an exponential backoff period with
=head1 METRICS
This exporter generates a number of metrics to keep track of its regular
operation. At the time of writing, these metrics are non-standard, but their
inclusion in the standard
L<is being discussed|https://github.com/open-telemetry/semantic-conventions/issues/83>.
=item C<otel.exporter.otlp.failure>
Incremented every time an error is encountered during export. This may be a
recoverable error that disappears after a retry.
Reported with the following attributes:
=item reason
=item C<timeout>
The connection to the collector timed out.
=item C<socket_error>
There was a socket-related error while sending the data to the collector.
This could be that the socket couldn't be opened, or closed, or written
to, or otherwise properly configured.
=item C<ssl_error>
There was an error either establishing an SSL connection, or terminating a
previous SSL connection.
=item C<eof_error>
There was an unexpected end of stream.
=item C<parse_error>
There was an error parsing the URL to send the exported data to.
=item C<zlib_error>
An error was encountered when compressing payload.
=item HTTP status code
An error was encountered when calling the export endpoint. The reason will
be set to the non-successful numeric status code received from the server.
=item C<otel.exporter.otlp.success>
Incremented every time an export operation completes successfully.
=item C<otel.exporter.otlp.message.compressed.size>
Set to the size of the request content after compression is done. This is
not sent if no compression is done.
=item C<otel.exporter.otlp.message.uncompressed.size>
Set to the size of the request content before compression is done.
=item C<otel.exporter.otlp.request.duration>
Set to the number of seconds, as a fraction, that the request took to
complete. It is set with the following attributes:
=item status
Set to the HTTP status code of the response.
=head1 SEE ALSO
=item L<Compress::Zlib>
=item L<Google::ProtocolBuffers::Dynamic>
=item L<JSON::MaybeXS>
=item L<OpenTelemetry::Exporter>
=item L<OpenTelemetry::X::Unsupported>
Special thanks to L<CV-Library Ltd.|https://cv-library.co.uk> for their
support in the development of this library.
This software is copyright (c) 2023 by José Joaquín Atria.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same
terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.