Paws::Glue - Perl Interface to AWS AWS Glue


  use Paws;

  my $obj = Paws->service('Glue');
  my $res = $obj->Method(
    Arg1 => $val1,
    Arg2 => [ 'V1', 'V2' ],
    # if Arg3 is an object, the HashRef will be used as arguments to the constructor
    # of the arguments type
    Arg3 => { Att1 => 'Val1' },
    # if Arg4 is an array of objects, the HashRefs will be passed as arguments to
    # the constructor of the arguments type
    Arg4 => [ { Att1 => 'Val1'  }, { Att1 => 'Val2' } ],


AWS Glue

Defines the public endpoint for the AWS Glue service.

For the AWS API documentation, see



DatabaseName => Str
PartitionInputList => ArrayRef[Paws::Glue::PartitionInput]
TableName => Str
[CatalogId => Str]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::BatchCreatePartition

Returns: a Paws::Glue::BatchCreatePartitionResponse instance

Creates one or more partitions in a batch operation.


ConnectionNameList => ArrayRef[Str|Undef]
[CatalogId => Str]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::BatchDeleteConnection

Returns: a Paws::Glue::BatchDeleteConnectionResponse instance

Deletes a list of connection definitions from the Data Catalog.


DatabaseName => Str
PartitionsToDelete => ArrayRef[Paws::Glue::PartitionValueList]
TableName => Str
[CatalogId => Str]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::BatchDeletePartition

Returns: a Paws::Glue::BatchDeletePartitionResponse instance

Deletes one or more partitions in a batch operation.


DatabaseName => Str
TablesToDelete => ArrayRef[Str|Undef]
[CatalogId => Str]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::BatchDeleteTable

Returns: a Paws::Glue::BatchDeleteTableResponse instance

Deletes multiple tables at once.

After completing this operation, you no longer have access to the table versions and partitions that belong to the deleted table. AWS Glue deletes these "orphaned" resources asynchronously in a timely manner, at the discretion of the service.

To ensure the immediate deletion of all related resources, before calling BatchDeleteTable, use DeleteTableVersion or BatchDeleteTableVersion, and DeletePartition or BatchDeletePartition, to delete any resources that belong to the table.


DatabaseName => Str
TableName => Str
VersionIds => ArrayRef[Str|Undef]
[CatalogId => Str]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::BatchDeleteTableVersion

Returns: a Paws::Glue::BatchDeleteTableVersionResponse instance

Deletes a specified batch of versions of a table.


CrawlerNames => ArrayRef[Str|Undef]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::BatchGetCrawlers

Returns: a Paws::Glue::BatchGetCrawlersResponse instance

Returns a list of resource metadata for a given list of crawler names. After calling the ListCrawlers operation, you can call this operation to access the data to which you have been granted permissions. This operation supports all IAM permissions, including permission conditions that uses tags.


DevEndpointNames => ArrayRef[Str|Undef]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::BatchGetDevEndpoints

Returns: a Paws::Glue::BatchGetDevEndpointsResponse instance

Returns a list of resource metadata for a given list of development endpoint names. After calling the ListDevEndpoints operation, you can call this operation to access the data to which you have been granted permissions. This operation supports all IAM permissions, including permission conditions that uses tags.


JobNames => ArrayRef[Str|Undef]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::BatchGetJobs

Returns: a Paws::Glue::BatchGetJobsResponse instance

Returns a list of resource metadata for a given list of job names. After calling the ListJobs operation, you can call this operation to access the data to which you have been granted permissions. This operation supports all IAM permissions, including permission conditions that uses tags.


DatabaseName => Str
PartitionsToGet => ArrayRef[Paws::Glue::PartitionValueList]
TableName => Str
[CatalogId => Str]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::BatchGetPartition

Returns: a Paws::Glue::BatchGetPartitionResponse instance

Retrieves partitions in a batch request.


TriggerNames => ArrayRef[Str|Undef]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::BatchGetTriggers

Returns: a Paws::Glue::BatchGetTriggersResponse instance

Returns a list of resource metadata for a given list of trigger names. After calling the ListTriggers operation, you can call this operation to access the data to which you have been granted permissions. This operation supports all IAM permissions, including permission conditions that uses tags.


Names => ArrayRef[Str|Undef]
[IncludeGraph => Bool]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::BatchGetWorkflows

Returns: a Paws::Glue::BatchGetWorkflowsResponse instance

Returns a list of resource metadata for a given list of workflow names. After calling the ListWorkflows operation, you can call this operation to access the data to which you have been granted permissions. This operation supports all IAM permissions, including permission conditions that uses tags.


JobName => Str
JobRunIds => ArrayRef[Str|Undef]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::BatchStopJobRun

Returns: a Paws::Glue::BatchStopJobRunResponse instance

Stops one or more job runs for a specified job definition.


TaskRunId => Str
TransformId => Str

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::CancelMLTaskRun

Returns: a Paws::Glue::CancelMLTaskRunResponse instance

Cancels (stops) a task run. Machine learning task runs are asynchronous tasks that AWS Glue runs on your behalf as part of various machine learning workflows. You can cancel a machine learning task run at any time by calling CancelMLTaskRun with a task run's parent transform's TransformID and the task run's TaskRunId.


[CsvClassifier => Paws::Glue::CreateCsvClassifierRequest]
[GrokClassifier => Paws::Glue::CreateGrokClassifierRequest]
[JsonClassifier => Paws::Glue::CreateJsonClassifierRequest]
[XMLClassifier => Paws::Glue::CreateXMLClassifierRequest]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::CreateClassifier

Returns: a Paws::Glue::CreateClassifierResponse instance

Creates a classifier in the user's account. This can be a GrokClassifier, an XMLClassifier, a JsonClassifier, or a CsvClassifier, depending on which field of the request is present.


ConnectionInput => Paws::Glue::ConnectionInput
[CatalogId => Str]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::CreateConnection

Returns: a Paws::Glue::CreateConnectionResponse instance

Creates a connection definition in the Data Catalog.


Name => Str
Role => Str
Targets => Paws::Glue::CrawlerTargets
[Classifiers => ArrayRef[Str|Undef]]
[Configuration => Str]
[CrawlerSecurityConfiguration => Str]
[DatabaseName => Str]
[Description => Str]
[Schedule => Str]
[SchemaChangePolicy => Paws::Glue::SchemaChangePolicy]
[TablePrefix => Str]
[Tags => Paws::Glue::TagsMap]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::CreateCrawler

Returns: a Paws::Glue::CreateCrawlerResponse instance

Creates a new crawler with specified targets, role, configuration, and optional schedule. At least one crawl target must be specified, in the s3Targets field, the jdbcTargets field, or the DynamoDBTargets field.


DatabaseInput => Paws::Glue::DatabaseInput
[CatalogId => Str]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::CreateDatabase

Returns: a Paws::Glue::CreateDatabaseResponse instance

Creates a new database in a Data Catalog.


EndpointName => Str
RoleArn => Str
[Arguments => Paws::Glue::MapValue]
[ExtraJarsS3Path => Str]
[ExtraPythonLibsS3Path => Str]
[GlueVersion => Str]
[NumberOfNodes => Int]
[NumberOfWorkers => Int]
[PublicKey => Str]
[PublicKeys => ArrayRef[Str|Undef]]
[SecurityConfiguration => Str]
[SecurityGroupIds => ArrayRef[Str|Undef]]
[SubnetId => Str]
[Tags => Paws::Glue::TagsMap]
[WorkerType => Str]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::CreateDevEndpoint

Returns: a Paws::Glue::CreateDevEndpointResponse instance

Creates a new development endpoint.


Command => Paws::Glue::JobCommand
Name => Str
Role => Str
[AllocatedCapacity => Int]
[Connections => Paws::Glue::ConnectionsList]
[DefaultArguments => Paws::Glue::GenericMap]
[Description => Str]
[ExecutionProperty => Paws::Glue::ExecutionProperty]
[GlueVersion => Str]
[LogUri => Str]
[MaxCapacity => Num]
[MaxRetries => Int]
[NonOverridableArguments => Paws::Glue::GenericMap]
[NotificationProperty => Paws::Glue::NotificationProperty]
[NumberOfWorkers => Int]
[SecurityConfiguration => Str]
[Tags => Paws::Glue::TagsMap]
[Timeout => Int]
[WorkerType => Str]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::CreateJob

Returns: a Paws::Glue::CreateJobResponse instance

Creates a new job definition.


InputRecordTables => ArrayRef[Paws::Glue::GlueTable]
Name => Str
Parameters => Paws::Glue::TransformParameters
Role => Str
[Description => Str]
[GlueVersion => Str]
[MaxCapacity => Num]
[MaxRetries => Int]
[NumberOfWorkers => Int]
[Timeout => Int]
[WorkerType => Str]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::CreateMLTransform

Returns: a Paws::Glue::CreateMLTransformResponse instance

Creates an AWS Glue machine learning transform. This operation creates the transform and all the necessary parameters to train it.

Call this operation as the first step in the process of using a machine learning transform (such as the FindMatches transform) for deduplicating data. You can provide an optional Description, in addition to the parameters that you want to use for your algorithm.

You must also specify certain parameters for the tasks that AWS Glue runs on your behalf as part of learning from your data and creating a high-quality machine learning transform. These parameters include Role, and optionally, AllocatedCapacity, Timeout, and MaxRetries. For more information, see Jobs (


DatabaseName => Str
PartitionInput => Paws::Glue::PartitionInput
TableName => Str
[CatalogId => Str]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::CreatePartition

Returns: a Paws::Glue::CreatePartitionResponse instance

Creates a new partition.


[DagEdges => ArrayRef[Paws::Glue::CodeGenEdge]]
[DagNodes => ArrayRef[Paws::Glue::CodeGenNode]]
[Language => Str]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::CreateScript

Returns: a Paws::Glue::CreateScriptResponse instance

Transforms a directed acyclic graph (DAG) into code.


EncryptionConfiguration => Paws::Glue::EncryptionConfiguration
Name => Str

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::CreateSecurityConfiguration

Returns: a Paws::Glue::CreateSecurityConfigurationResponse instance

Creates a new security configuration. A security configuration is a set of security properties that can be used by AWS Glue. You can use a security configuration to encrypt data at rest. For information about using security configurations in AWS Glue, see Encrypting Data Written by Crawlers, Jobs, and Development Endpoints (


DatabaseName => Str
TableInput => Paws::Glue::TableInput
[CatalogId => Str]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::CreateTable

Returns: a Paws::Glue::CreateTableResponse instance

Creates a new table definition in the Data Catalog.


Actions => ArrayRef[Paws::Glue::Action]
Name => Str
Type => Str
[Description => Str]
[Predicate => Paws::Glue::Predicate]
[Schedule => Str]
[StartOnCreation => Bool]
[Tags => Paws::Glue::TagsMap]
[WorkflowName => Str]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::CreateTrigger

Returns: a Paws::Glue::CreateTriggerResponse instance

Creates a new trigger.


DatabaseName => Str
FunctionInput => Paws::Glue::UserDefinedFunctionInput
[CatalogId => Str]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::CreateUserDefinedFunction

Returns: a Paws::Glue::CreateUserDefinedFunctionResponse instance

Creates a new function definition in the Data Catalog.


Name => Str
[DefaultRunProperties => Paws::Glue::WorkflowRunProperties]
[Description => Str]
[Tags => Paws::Glue::TagsMap]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::CreateWorkflow

Returns: a Paws::Glue::CreateWorkflowResponse instance

Creates a new workflow.


Name => Str

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::DeleteClassifier

Returns: a Paws::Glue::DeleteClassifierResponse instance

Removes a classifier from the Data Catalog.


ConnectionName => Str
[CatalogId => Str]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::DeleteConnection

Returns: a Paws::Glue::DeleteConnectionResponse instance

Deletes a connection from the Data Catalog.


Name => Str

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::DeleteCrawler

Returns: a Paws::Glue::DeleteCrawlerResponse instance

Removes a specified crawler from the AWS Glue Data Catalog, unless the crawler state is RUNNING.


Name => Str
[CatalogId => Str]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::DeleteDatabase

Returns: a Paws::Glue::DeleteDatabaseResponse instance

Removes a specified database from a Data Catalog.

After completing this operation, you no longer have access to the tables (and all table versions and partitions that might belong to the tables) and the user-defined functions in the deleted database. AWS Glue deletes these "orphaned" resources asynchronously in a timely manner, at the discretion of the service.

To ensure the immediate deletion of all related resources, before calling DeleteDatabase, use DeleteTableVersion or BatchDeleteTableVersion, DeletePartition or BatchDeletePartition, DeleteUserDefinedFunction, and DeleteTable or BatchDeleteTable, to delete any resources that belong to the database.


EndpointName => Str

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::DeleteDevEndpoint

Returns: a Paws::Glue::DeleteDevEndpointResponse instance

Deletes a specified development endpoint.


JobName => Str

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::DeleteJob

Returns: a Paws::Glue::DeleteJobResponse instance

Deletes a specified job definition. If the job definition is not found, no exception is thrown.


TransformId => Str

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::DeleteMLTransform

Returns: a Paws::Glue::DeleteMLTransformResponse instance

Deletes an AWS Glue machine learning transform. Machine learning transforms are a special type of transform that use machine learning to learn the details of the transformation to be performed by learning from examples provided by humans. These transformations are then saved by AWS Glue. If you no longer need a transform, you can delete it by calling DeleteMLTransforms. However, any AWS Glue jobs that still reference the deleted transform will no longer succeed.


DatabaseName => Str
PartitionValues => ArrayRef[Str|Undef]
TableName => Str
[CatalogId => Str]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::DeletePartition

Returns: a Paws::Glue::DeletePartitionResponse instance

Deletes a specified partition.


[PolicyHashCondition => Str]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::DeleteResourcePolicy

Returns: a Paws::Glue::DeleteResourcePolicyResponse instance

Deletes a specified policy.


Name => Str

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::DeleteSecurityConfiguration

Returns: a Paws::Glue::DeleteSecurityConfigurationResponse instance

Deletes a specified security configuration.


DatabaseName => Str
Name => Str
[CatalogId => Str]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::DeleteTable

Returns: a Paws::Glue::DeleteTableResponse instance

Removes a table definition from the Data Catalog.

After completing this operation, you no longer have access to the table versions and partitions that belong to the deleted table. AWS Glue deletes these "orphaned" resources asynchronously in a timely manner, at the discretion of the service.

To ensure the immediate deletion of all related resources, before calling DeleteTable, use DeleteTableVersion or BatchDeleteTableVersion, and DeletePartition or BatchDeletePartition, to delete any resources that belong to the table.


DatabaseName => Str
TableName => Str
VersionId => Str
[CatalogId => Str]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::DeleteTableVersion

Returns: a Paws::Glue::DeleteTableVersionResponse instance

Deletes a specified version of a table.


Name => Str

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::DeleteTrigger

Returns: a Paws::Glue::DeleteTriggerResponse instance

Deletes a specified trigger. If the trigger is not found, no exception is thrown.


DatabaseName => Str
FunctionName => Str
[CatalogId => Str]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::DeleteUserDefinedFunction

Returns: a Paws::Glue::DeleteUserDefinedFunctionResponse instance

Deletes an existing function definition from the Data Catalog.


Name => Str

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::DeleteWorkflow

Returns: a Paws::Glue::DeleteWorkflowResponse instance

Deletes a workflow.


[CatalogId => Str]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::GetCatalogImportStatus

Returns: a Paws::Glue::GetCatalogImportStatusResponse instance

Retrieves the status of a migration operation.


Name => Str

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::GetClassifier

Returns: a Paws::Glue::GetClassifierResponse instance

Retrieve a classifier by name.


[MaxResults => Int]
[NextToken => Str]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::GetClassifiers

Returns: a Paws::Glue::GetClassifiersResponse instance

Lists all classifier objects in the Data Catalog.


Name => Str
[CatalogId => Str]
[HidePassword => Bool]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::GetConnection

Returns: a Paws::Glue::GetConnectionResponse instance

Retrieves a connection definition from the Data Catalog.


[CatalogId => Str]
[Filter => Paws::Glue::GetConnectionsFilter]
[HidePassword => Bool]
[MaxResults => Int]
[NextToken => Str]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::GetConnections

Returns: a Paws::Glue::GetConnectionsResponse instance

Retrieves a list of connection definitions from the Data Catalog.


Name => Str

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::GetCrawler

Returns: a Paws::Glue::GetCrawlerResponse instance

Retrieves metadata for a specified crawler.


[CrawlerNameList => ArrayRef[Str|Undef]]
[MaxResults => Int]
[NextToken => Str]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::GetCrawlerMetrics

Returns: a Paws::Glue::GetCrawlerMetricsResponse instance

Retrieves metrics about specified crawlers.


[MaxResults => Int]
[NextToken => Str]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::GetCrawlers

Returns: a Paws::Glue::GetCrawlersResponse instance

Retrieves metadata for all crawlers defined in the customer account.


Name => Str
[CatalogId => Str]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::GetDatabase

Returns: a Paws::Glue::GetDatabaseResponse instance

Retrieves the definition of a specified database.


[CatalogId => Str]
[MaxResults => Int]
[NextToken => Str]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::GetDatabases

Returns: a Paws::Glue::GetDatabasesResponse instance

Retrieves all databases defined in a given Data Catalog.


[CatalogId => Str]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::GetDataCatalogEncryptionSettings

Returns: a Paws::Glue::GetDataCatalogEncryptionSettingsResponse instance

Retrieves the security configuration for a specified catalog.


[PythonScript => Str]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::GetDataflowGraph

Returns: a Paws::Glue::GetDataflowGraphResponse instance

Transforms a Python script into a directed acyclic graph (DAG).


EndpointName => Str

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::GetDevEndpoint

Returns: a Paws::Glue::GetDevEndpointResponse instance

Retrieves information about a specified development endpoint.

When you create a development endpoint in a virtual private cloud (VPC), AWS Glue returns only a private IP address, and the public IP address field is not populated. When you create a non-VPC development endpoint, AWS Glue returns only a public IP address.


[MaxResults => Int]
[NextToken => Str]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::GetDevEndpoints

Returns: a Paws::Glue::GetDevEndpointsResponse instance

Retrieves all the development endpoints in this AWS account.

When you create a development endpoint in a virtual private cloud (VPC), AWS Glue returns only a private IP address and the public IP address field is not populated. When you create a non-VPC development endpoint, AWS Glue returns only a public IP address.


JobName => Str

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::GetJob

Returns: a Paws::Glue::GetJobResponse instance

Retrieves an existing job definition.


JobName => Str
[RunId => Str]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::GetJobBookmark

Returns: a Paws::Glue::GetJobBookmarkResponse instance

Returns information on a job bookmark entry.


JobName => Str
RunId => Str
[PredecessorsIncluded => Bool]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::GetJobRun

Returns: a Paws::Glue::GetJobRunResponse instance

Retrieves the metadata for a given job run.


JobName => Str
[MaxResults => Int]
[NextToken => Str]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::GetJobRuns

Returns: a Paws::Glue::GetJobRunsResponse instance

Retrieves metadata for all runs of a given job definition.


[MaxResults => Int]
[NextToken => Str]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::GetJobs

Returns: a Paws::Glue::GetJobsResponse instance

Retrieves all current job definitions.


Source => Paws::Glue::CatalogEntry
[Location => Paws::Glue::Location]
[Sinks => ArrayRef[Paws::Glue::CatalogEntry]]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::GetMapping

Returns: a Paws::Glue::GetMappingResponse instance

Creates mappings.


TaskRunId => Str
TransformId => Str

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::GetMLTaskRun

Returns: a Paws::Glue::GetMLTaskRunResponse instance

Gets details for a specific task run on a machine learning transform. Machine learning task runs are asynchronous tasks that AWS Glue runs on your behalf as part of various machine learning workflows. You can check the stats of any task run by calling GetMLTaskRun with the TaskRunID and its parent transform's TransformID.


TransformId => Str
[Filter => Paws::Glue::TaskRunFilterCriteria]
[MaxResults => Int]
[NextToken => Str]
[Sort => Paws::Glue::TaskRunSortCriteria]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::GetMLTaskRuns

Returns: a Paws::Glue::GetMLTaskRunsResponse instance

Gets a list of runs for a machine learning transform. Machine learning task runs are asynchronous tasks that AWS Glue runs on your behalf as part of various machine learning workflows. You can get a sortable, filterable list of machine learning task runs by calling GetMLTaskRuns with their parent transform's TransformID and other optional parameters as documented in this section.

This operation returns a list of historic runs and must be paginated.


TransformId => Str

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::GetMLTransform

Returns: a Paws::Glue::GetMLTransformResponse instance

Gets an AWS Glue machine learning transform artifact and all its corresponding metadata. Machine learning transforms are a special type of transform that use machine learning to learn the details of the transformation to be performed by learning from examples provided by humans. These transformations are then saved by AWS Glue. You can retrieve their metadata by calling GetMLTransform.


[Filter => Paws::Glue::TransformFilterCriteria]
[MaxResults => Int]
[NextToken => Str]
[Sort => Paws::Glue::TransformSortCriteria]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::GetMLTransforms

Returns: a Paws::Glue::GetMLTransformsResponse instance

Gets a sortable, filterable list of existing AWS Glue machine learning transforms. Machine learning transforms are a special type of transform that use machine learning to learn the details of the transformation to be performed by learning from examples provided by humans. These transformations are then saved by AWS Glue, and you can retrieve their metadata by calling GetMLTransforms.


DatabaseName => Str
PartitionValues => ArrayRef[Str|Undef]
TableName => Str
[CatalogId => Str]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::GetPartition

Returns: a Paws::Glue::GetPartitionResponse instance

Retrieves information about a specified partition.


DatabaseName => Str
TableName => Str
[CatalogId => Str]
[Expression => Str]
[MaxResults => Int]
[NextToken => Str]
[Segment => Paws::Glue::Segment]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::GetPartitions

Returns: a Paws::Glue::GetPartitionsResponse instance

Retrieves information about the partitions in a table.


Mapping => ArrayRef[Paws::Glue::MappingEntry]
Source => Paws::Glue::CatalogEntry
[Language => Str]
[Location => Paws::Glue::Location]
[Sinks => ArrayRef[Paws::Glue::CatalogEntry]]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::GetPlan

Returns: a Paws::Glue::GetPlanResponse instance

Gets code to perform a specified mapping.


Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::GetResourcePolicy

Returns: a Paws::Glue::GetResourcePolicyResponse instance

Retrieves a specified resource policy.


Name => Str

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::GetSecurityConfiguration

Returns: a Paws::Glue::GetSecurityConfigurationResponse instance

Retrieves a specified security configuration.


[MaxResults => Int]
[NextToken => Str]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::GetSecurityConfigurations

Returns: a Paws::Glue::GetSecurityConfigurationsResponse instance

Retrieves a list of all security configurations.


DatabaseName => Str
Name => Str
[CatalogId => Str]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::GetTable

Returns: a Paws::Glue::GetTableResponse instance

Retrieves the Table definition in a Data Catalog for a specified table.


DatabaseName => Str
[CatalogId => Str]
[Expression => Str]
[MaxResults => Int]
[NextToken => Str]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::GetTables

Returns: a Paws::Glue::GetTablesResponse instance

Retrieves the definitions of some or all of the tables in a given Database.


DatabaseName => Str
TableName => Str
[CatalogId => Str]
[VersionId => Str]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::GetTableVersion

Returns: a Paws::Glue::GetTableVersionResponse instance

Retrieves a specified version of a table.


DatabaseName => Str
TableName => Str
[CatalogId => Str]
[MaxResults => Int]
[NextToken => Str]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::GetTableVersions

Returns: a Paws::Glue::GetTableVersionsResponse instance

Retrieves a list of strings that identify available versions of a specified table.


ResourceArn => Str

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::GetTags

Returns: a Paws::Glue::GetTagsResponse instance

Retrieves a list of tags associated with a resource.


Name => Str

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::GetTrigger

Returns: a Paws::Glue::GetTriggerResponse instance

Retrieves the definition of a trigger.


[DependentJobName => Str]
[MaxResults => Int]
[NextToken => Str]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::GetTriggers

Returns: a Paws::Glue::GetTriggersResponse instance

Gets all the triggers associated with a job.


DatabaseName => Str
FunctionName => Str
[CatalogId => Str]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::GetUserDefinedFunction

Returns: a Paws::Glue::GetUserDefinedFunctionResponse instance

Retrieves a specified function definition from the Data Catalog.


DatabaseName => Str
Pattern => Str
[CatalogId => Str]
[MaxResults => Int]
[NextToken => Str]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::GetUserDefinedFunctions

Returns: a Paws::Glue::GetUserDefinedFunctionsResponse instance

Retrieves multiple function definitions from the Data Catalog.


Name => Str
[IncludeGraph => Bool]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::GetWorkflow

Returns: a Paws::Glue::GetWorkflowResponse instance

Retrieves resource metadata for a workflow.


Name => Str
RunId => Str
[IncludeGraph => Bool]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::GetWorkflowRun

Returns: a Paws::Glue::GetWorkflowRunResponse instance

Retrieves the metadata for a given workflow run.


Name => Str
RunId => Str

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::GetWorkflowRunProperties

Returns: a Paws::Glue::GetWorkflowRunPropertiesResponse instance

Retrieves the workflow run properties which were set during the run.


Name => Str
[IncludeGraph => Bool]
[MaxResults => Int]
[NextToken => Str]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::GetWorkflowRuns

Returns: a Paws::Glue::GetWorkflowRunsResponse instance

Retrieves metadata for all runs of a given workflow.


[CatalogId => Str]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::ImportCatalogToGlue

Returns: a Paws::Glue::ImportCatalogToGlueResponse instance

Imports an existing Amazon Athena Data Catalog to AWS Glue


[MaxResults => Int]
[NextToken => Str]
[Tags => Paws::Glue::TagsMap]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::ListCrawlers

Returns: a Paws::Glue::ListCrawlersResponse instance

Retrieves the names of all crawler resources in this AWS account, or the resources with the specified tag. This operation allows you to see which resources are available in your account, and their names.

This operation takes the optional Tags field, which you can use as a filter on the response so that tagged resources can be retrieved as a group. If you choose to use tags filtering, only resources with the tag are retrieved.


[MaxResults => Int]
[NextToken => Str]
[Tags => Paws::Glue::TagsMap]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::ListDevEndpoints

Returns: a Paws::Glue::ListDevEndpointsResponse instance

Retrieves the names of all DevEndpoint resources in this AWS account, or the resources with the specified tag. This operation allows you to see which resources are available in your account, and their names.

This operation takes the optional Tags field, which you can use as a filter on the response so that tagged resources can be retrieved as a group. If you choose to use tags filtering, only resources with the tag are retrieved.


[MaxResults => Int]
[NextToken => Str]
[Tags => Paws::Glue::TagsMap]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::ListJobs

Returns: a Paws::Glue::ListJobsResponse instance

Retrieves the names of all job resources in this AWS account, or the resources with the specified tag. This operation allows you to see which resources are available in your account, and their names.

This operation takes the optional Tags field, which you can use as a filter on the response so that tagged resources can be retrieved as a group. If you choose to use tags filtering, only resources with the tag are retrieved.


[DependentJobName => Str]
[MaxResults => Int]
[NextToken => Str]
[Tags => Paws::Glue::TagsMap]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::ListTriggers

Returns: a Paws::Glue::ListTriggersResponse instance

Retrieves the names of all trigger resources in this AWS account, or the resources with the specified tag. This operation allows you to see which resources are available in your account, and their names.

This operation takes the optional Tags field, which you can use as a filter on the response so that tagged resources can be retrieved as a group. If you choose to use tags filtering, only resources with the tag are retrieved.


[MaxResults => Int]
[NextToken => Str]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::ListWorkflows

Returns: a Paws::Glue::ListWorkflowsResponse instance

Lists names of workflows created in the account.


DataCatalogEncryptionSettings => Paws::Glue::DataCatalogEncryptionSettings
[CatalogId => Str]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::PutDataCatalogEncryptionSettings

Returns: a Paws::Glue::PutDataCatalogEncryptionSettingsResponse instance

Sets the security configuration for a specified catalog. After the configuration has been set, the specified encryption is applied to every catalog write thereafter.


PolicyInJson => Str
[PolicyExistsCondition => Str]
[PolicyHashCondition => Str]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::PutResourcePolicy

Returns: a Paws::Glue::PutResourcePolicyResponse instance

Sets the Data Catalog resource policy for access control.


Name => Str
RunId => Str
RunProperties => Paws::Glue::WorkflowRunProperties

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::PutWorkflowRunProperties

Returns: a Paws::Glue::PutWorkflowRunPropertiesResponse instance

Puts the specified workflow run properties for the given workflow run. If a property already exists for the specified run, then it overrides the value otherwise adds the property to existing properties.


JobName => Str
[RunId => Str]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::ResetJobBookmark

Returns: a Paws::Glue::ResetJobBookmarkResponse instance

Resets a bookmark entry.


[CatalogId => Str]
[Filters => ArrayRef[Paws::Glue::PropertyPredicate]]
[MaxResults => Int]
[NextToken => Str]
[SearchText => Str]
[SortCriteria => ArrayRef[Paws::Glue::SortCriterion]]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::SearchTables

Returns: a Paws::Glue::SearchTablesResponse instance

Searches a set of tables based on properties in the table metadata as well as on the parent database. You can search against text or filter conditions.

You can only get tables that you have access to based on the security policies defined in Lake Formation. You need at least a read-only access to the table for it to be returned. If you do not have access to all the columns in the table, these columns will not be searched against when returning the list of tables back to you. If you have access to the columns but not the data in the columns, those columns and the associated metadata for those columns will be included in the search.


Name => Str

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::StartCrawler

Returns: a Paws::Glue::StartCrawlerResponse instance

Starts a crawl using the specified crawler, regardless of what is scheduled. If the crawler is already running, returns a CrawlerRunningException (


CrawlerName => Str

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::StartCrawlerSchedule

Returns: a Paws::Glue::StartCrawlerScheduleResponse instance

Changes the schedule state of the specified crawler to SCHEDULED, unless the crawler is already running or the schedule state is already SCHEDULED.


OutputS3Path => Str
TransformId => Str

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::StartExportLabelsTaskRun

Returns: a Paws::Glue::StartExportLabelsTaskRunResponse instance

Begins an asynchronous task to export all labeled data for a particular transform. This task is the only label-related API call that is not part of the typical active learning workflow. You typically use StartExportLabelsTaskRun when you want to work with all of your existing labels at the same time, such as when you want to remove or change labels that were previously submitted as truth. This API operation accepts the TransformId whose labels you want to export and an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) path to export the labels to. The operation returns a TaskRunId. You can check on the status of your task run by calling the GetMLTaskRun API.


InputS3Path => Str
TransformId => Str
[ReplaceAllLabels => Bool]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::StartImportLabelsTaskRun

Returns: a Paws::Glue::StartImportLabelsTaskRunResponse instance

Enables you to provide additional labels (examples of truth) to be used to teach the machine learning transform and improve its quality. This API operation is generally used as part of the active learning workflow that starts with the StartMLLabelingSetGenerationTaskRun call and that ultimately results in improving the quality of your machine learning transform.

After the StartMLLabelingSetGenerationTaskRun finishes, AWS Glue machine learning will have generated a series of questions for humans to answer. (Answering these questions is often called 'labeling' in the machine learning workflows). In the case of the FindMatches transform, these questions are of the form, “What is the correct way to group these rows together into groups composed entirely of matching records?” After the labeling process is finished, users upload their answers/labels with a call to StartImportLabelsTaskRun. After StartImportLabelsTaskRun finishes, all future runs of the machine learning transform use the new and improved labels and perform a higher-quality transformation.

By default, StartMLLabelingSetGenerationTaskRun continually learns from and combines all labels that you upload unless you set Replace to true. If you set Replace to true, StartImportLabelsTaskRun deletes and forgets all previously uploaded labels and learns only from the exact set that you upload. Replacing labels can be helpful if you realize that you previously uploaded incorrect labels, and you believe that they are having a negative effect on your transform quality.

You can check on the status of your task run by calling the GetMLTaskRun operation.


JobName => Str
[AllocatedCapacity => Int]
[Arguments => Paws::Glue::GenericMap]
[JobRunId => Str]
[MaxCapacity => Num]
[NotificationProperty => Paws::Glue::NotificationProperty]
[NumberOfWorkers => Int]
[SecurityConfiguration => Str]
[Timeout => Int]
[WorkerType => Str]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::StartJobRun

Returns: a Paws::Glue::StartJobRunResponse instance

Starts a job run using a job definition.


TransformId => Str

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::StartMLEvaluationTaskRun

Returns: a Paws::Glue::StartMLEvaluationTaskRunResponse instance

Starts a task to estimate the quality of the transform.

When you provide label sets as examples of truth, AWS Glue machine learning uses some of those examples to learn from them. The rest of the labels are used as a test to estimate quality.

Returns a unique identifier for the run. You can call GetMLTaskRun to get more information about the stats of the EvaluationTaskRun.


OutputS3Path => Str
TransformId => Str

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::StartMLLabelingSetGenerationTaskRun

Returns: a Paws::Glue::StartMLLabelingSetGenerationTaskRunResponse instance

Starts the active learning workflow for your machine learning transform to improve the transform's quality by generating label sets and adding labels.

When the StartMLLabelingSetGenerationTaskRun finishes, AWS Glue will have generated a "labeling set" or a set of questions for humans to answer.

In the case of the FindMatches transform, these questions are of the form, “What is the correct way to group these rows together into groups composed entirely of matching records?”

After the labeling process is finished, you can upload your labels with a call to StartImportLabelsTaskRun. After StartImportLabelsTaskRun finishes, all future runs of the machine learning transform will use the new and improved labels and perform a higher-quality transformation.


Name => Str

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::StartTrigger

Returns: a Paws::Glue::StartTriggerResponse instance

Starts an existing trigger. See Triggering Jobs ( for information about how different types of trigger are started.


Name => Str

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::StartWorkflowRun

Returns: a Paws::Glue::StartWorkflowRunResponse instance

Starts a new run of the specified workflow.


Name => Str

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::StopCrawler

Returns: a Paws::Glue::StopCrawlerResponse instance

If the specified crawler is running, stops the crawl.


CrawlerName => Str

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::StopCrawlerSchedule

Returns: a Paws::Glue::StopCrawlerScheduleResponse instance

Sets the schedule state of the specified crawler to NOT_SCHEDULED, but does not stop the crawler if it is already running.


Name => Str

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::StopTrigger

Returns: a Paws::Glue::StopTriggerResponse instance

Stops a specified trigger.


ResourceArn => Str
TagsToAdd => Paws::Glue::TagsMap

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::TagResource

Returns: a Paws::Glue::TagResourceResponse instance

Adds tags to a resource. A tag is a label you can assign to an AWS resource. In AWS Glue, you can tag only certain resources. For information about what resources you can tag, see AWS Tags in AWS Glue (


ResourceArn => Str
TagsToRemove => ArrayRef[Str|Undef]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::UntagResource

Returns: a Paws::Glue::UntagResourceResponse instance

Removes tags from a resource.


[CsvClassifier => Paws::Glue::UpdateCsvClassifierRequest]
[GrokClassifier => Paws::Glue::UpdateGrokClassifierRequest]
[JsonClassifier => Paws::Glue::UpdateJsonClassifierRequest]
[XMLClassifier => Paws::Glue::UpdateXMLClassifierRequest]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::UpdateClassifier

Returns: a Paws::Glue::UpdateClassifierResponse instance

Modifies an existing classifier (a GrokClassifier, an XMLClassifier, a JsonClassifier, or a CsvClassifier, depending on which field is present).


ConnectionInput => Paws::Glue::ConnectionInput
Name => Str
[CatalogId => Str]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::UpdateConnection

Returns: a Paws::Glue::UpdateConnectionResponse instance

Updates a connection definition in the Data Catalog.


Name => Str
[Classifiers => ArrayRef[Str|Undef]]
[Configuration => Str]
[CrawlerSecurityConfiguration => Str]
[DatabaseName => Str]
[Description => Str]
[Role => Str]
[Schedule => Str]
[SchemaChangePolicy => Paws::Glue::SchemaChangePolicy]
[TablePrefix => Str]
[Targets => Paws::Glue::CrawlerTargets]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::UpdateCrawler

Returns: a Paws::Glue::UpdateCrawlerResponse instance

Updates a crawler. If a crawler is running, you must stop it using StopCrawler before updating it.


CrawlerName => Str
[Schedule => Str]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::UpdateCrawlerSchedule

Returns: a Paws::Glue::UpdateCrawlerScheduleResponse instance

Updates the schedule of a crawler using a cron expression.


DatabaseInput => Paws::Glue::DatabaseInput
Name => Str
[CatalogId => Str]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::UpdateDatabase

Returns: a Paws::Glue::UpdateDatabaseResponse instance

Updates an existing database definition in a Data Catalog.


EndpointName => Str
[AddArguments => Paws::Glue::MapValue]
[AddPublicKeys => ArrayRef[Str|Undef]]
[CustomLibraries => Paws::Glue::DevEndpointCustomLibraries]
[DeleteArguments => ArrayRef[Str|Undef]]
[DeletePublicKeys => ArrayRef[Str|Undef]]
[PublicKey => Str]
[UpdateEtlLibraries => Bool]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::UpdateDevEndpoint

Returns: a Paws::Glue::UpdateDevEndpointResponse instance

Updates a specified development endpoint.


JobName => Str
JobUpdate => Paws::Glue::JobUpdate

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::UpdateJob

Returns: a Paws::Glue::UpdateJobResponse instance

Updates an existing job definition.


TransformId => Str
[Description => Str]
[GlueVersion => Str]
[MaxCapacity => Num]
[MaxRetries => Int]
[Name => Str]
[NumberOfWorkers => Int]
[Parameters => Paws::Glue::TransformParameters]
[Role => Str]
[Timeout => Int]
[WorkerType => Str]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::UpdateMLTransform

Returns: a Paws::Glue::UpdateMLTransformResponse instance

Updates an existing machine learning transform. Call this operation to tune the algorithm parameters to achieve better results.

After calling this operation, you can call the StartMLEvaluationTaskRun operation to assess how well your new parameters achieved your goals (such as improving the quality of your machine learning transform, or making it more cost-effective).


DatabaseName => Str
PartitionInput => Paws::Glue::PartitionInput
PartitionValueList => ArrayRef[Str|Undef]
TableName => Str
[CatalogId => Str]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::UpdatePartition

Returns: a Paws::Glue::UpdatePartitionResponse instance

Updates a partition.


DatabaseName => Str
TableInput => Paws::Glue::TableInput
[CatalogId => Str]
[SkipArchive => Bool]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::UpdateTable

Returns: a Paws::Glue::UpdateTableResponse instance

Updates a metadata table in the Data Catalog.


Name => Str
TriggerUpdate => Paws::Glue::TriggerUpdate

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::UpdateTrigger

Returns: a Paws::Glue::UpdateTriggerResponse instance

Updates a trigger definition.


DatabaseName => Str
FunctionInput => Paws::Glue::UserDefinedFunctionInput
FunctionName => Str
[CatalogId => Str]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::UpdateUserDefinedFunction

Returns: a Paws::Glue::UpdateUserDefinedFunctionResponse instance

Updates an existing function definition in the Data Catalog.


Name => Str
[DefaultRunProperties => Paws::Glue::WorkflowRunProperties]
[Description => Str]

Each argument is described in detail in: Paws::Glue::UpdateWorkflow

Returns: a Paws::Glue::UpdateWorkflowResponse instance

Updates an existing workflow.


Paginator methods are helpers that repetively call methods that return partial results

GetAllClassifiers(sub { },[MaxResults => Int, NextToken => Str])

GetAllClassifiers([MaxResults => Int, NextToken => Str])

If passed a sub as first parameter, it will call the sub for each element found in :

 - Classifiers, passing the object as the first parameter, and the string 'Classifiers' as the second parameter 

If not, it will return a a Paws::Glue::GetClassifiersResponse instance with all the params; from all the responses. Please take into account that this mode can potentially consume vasts ammounts of memory.

GetAllConnections(sub { },[CatalogId => Str, Filter => Paws::Glue::GetConnectionsFilter, HidePassword => Bool, MaxResults => Int, NextToken => Str])

GetAllConnections([CatalogId => Str, Filter => Paws::Glue::GetConnectionsFilter, HidePassword => Bool, MaxResults => Int, NextToken => Str])

If passed a sub as first parameter, it will call the sub for each element found in :

 - ConnectionList, passing the object as the first parameter, and the string 'ConnectionList' as the second parameter 

If not, it will return a a Paws::Glue::GetConnectionsResponse instance with all the params; from all the responses. Please take into account that this mode can potentially consume vasts ammounts of memory.

GetAllCrawlerMetrics(sub { },[CrawlerNameList => ArrayRef[Str|Undef], MaxResults => Int, NextToken => Str])

GetAllCrawlerMetrics([CrawlerNameList => ArrayRef[Str|Undef], MaxResults => Int, NextToken => Str])

If passed a sub as first parameter, it will call the sub for each element found in :

 - CrawlerMetricsList, passing the object as the first parameter, and the string 'CrawlerMetricsList' as the second parameter 

If not, it will return a a Paws::Glue::GetCrawlerMetricsResponse instance with all the params; from all the responses. Please take into account that this mode can potentially consume vasts ammounts of memory.

GetAllCrawlers(sub { },[MaxResults => Int, NextToken => Str])

GetAllCrawlers([MaxResults => Int, NextToken => Str])

If passed a sub as first parameter, it will call the sub for each element found in :

 - Crawlers, passing the object as the first parameter, and the string 'Crawlers' as the second parameter 

If not, it will return a a Paws::Glue::GetCrawlersResponse instance with all the params; from all the responses. Please take into account that this mode can potentially consume vasts ammounts of memory.

GetAllDatabases(sub { },[CatalogId => Str, MaxResults => Int, NextToken => Str])

GetAllDatabases([CatalogId => Str, MaxResults => Int, NextToken => Str])

If passed a sub as first parameter, it will call the sub for each element found in :

 - DatabaseList, passing the object as the first parameter, and the string 'DatabaseList' as the second parameter 

If not, it will return a a Paws::Glue::GetDatabasesResponse instance with all the params; from all the responses. Please take into account that this mode can potentially consume vasts ammounts of memory.

GetAllDevEndpoints(sub { },[MaxResults => Int, NextToken => Str])

GetAllDevEndpoints([MaxResults => Int, NextToken => Str])

If passed a sub as first parameter, it will call the sub for each element found in :

 - DevEndpoints, passing the object as the first parameter, and the string 'DevEndpoints' as the second parameter 

If not, it will return a a Paws::Glue::GetDevEndpointsResponse instance with all the params; from all the responses. Please take into account that this mode can potentially consume vasts ammounts of memory.

GetAllJobRuns(sub { },JobName => Str, [MaxResults => Int, NextToken => Str])

GetAllJobRuns(JobName => Str, [MaxResults => Int, NextToken => Str])

If passed a sub as first parameter, it will call the sub for each element found in :

 - JobRuns, passing the object as the first parameter, and the string 'JobRuns' as the second parameter 

If not, it will return a a Paws::Glue::GetJobRunsResponse instance with all the params; from all the responses. Please take into account that this mode can potentially consume vasts ammounts of memory.

GetAllJobs(sub { },[MaxResults => Int, NextToken => Str])

GetAllJobs([MaxResults => Int, NextToken => Str])

If passed a sub as first parameter, it will call the sub for each element found in :

 - Jobs, passing the object as the first parameter, and the string 'Jobs' as the second parameter 

If not, it will return a a Paws::Glue::GetJobsResponse instance with all the params; from all the responses. Please take into account that this mode can potentially consume vasts ammounts of memory.

GetAllPartitions(sub { },DatabaseName => Str, TableName => Str, [CatalogId => Str, Expression => Str, MaxResults => Int, NextToken => Str, Segment => Paws::Glue::Segment])

GetAllPartitions(DatabaseName => Str, TableName => Str, [CatalogId => Str, Expression => Str, MaxResults => Int, NextToken => Str, Segment => Paws::Glue::Segment])

If passed a sub as first parameter, it will call the sub for each element found in :

 - Partitions, passing the object as the first parameter, and the string 'Partitions' as the second parameter 

If not, it will return a a Paws::Glue::GetPartitionsResponse instance with all the params; from all the responses. Please take into account that this mode can potentially consume vasts ammounts of memory.

GetAllSecurityConfigurations(sub { },[MaxResults => Int, NextToken => Str])

GetAllSecurityConfigurations([MaxResults => Int, NextToken => Str])

If passed a sub as first parameter, it will call the sub for each element found in :

 - SecurityConfigurations, passing the object as the first parameter, and the string 'SecurityConfigurations' as the second parameter 

If not, it will return a a Paws::Glue::GetSecurityConfigurationsResponse instance with all the params; from all the responses. Please take into account that this mode can potentially consume vasts ammounts of memory.

GetAllTables(sub { },DatabaseName => Str, [CatalogId => Str, Expression => Str, MaxResults => Int, NextToken => Str])

GetAllTables(DatabaseName => Str, [CatalogId => Str, Expression => Str, MaxResults => Int, NextToken => Str])

If passed a sub as first parameter, it will call the sub for each element found in :

 - TableList, passing the object as the first parameter, and the string 'TableList' as the second parameter 

If not, it will return a a Paws::Glue::GetTablesResponse instance with all the params; from all the responses. Please take into account that this mode can potentially consume vasts ammounts of memory.

GetAllTableVersions(sub { },DatabaseName => Str, TableName => Str, [CatalogId => Str, MaxResults => Int, NextToken => Str])

GetAllTableVersions(DatabaseName => Str, TableName => Str, [CatalogId => Str, MaxResults => Int, NextToken => Str])

If passed a sub as first parameter, it will call the sub for each element found in :

 - TableVersions, passing the object as the first parameter, and the string 'TableVersions' as the second parameter 

If not, it will return a a Paws::Glue::GetTableVersionsResponse instance with all the params; from all the responses. Please take into account that this mode can potentially consume vasts ammounts of memory.

GetAllTriggers(sub { },[DependentJobName => Str, MaxResults => Int, NextToken => Str])

GetAllTriggers([DependentJobName => Str, MaxResults => Int, NextToken => Str])

If passed a sub as first parameter, it will call the sub for each element found in :

 - Triggers, passing the object as the first parameter, and the string 'Triggers' as the second parameter 

If not, it will return a a Paws::Glue::GetTriggersResponse instance with all the params; from all the responses. Please take into account that this mode can potentially consume vasts ammounts of memory.

GetAllUserDefinedFunctions(sub { },DatabaseName => Str, Pattern => Str, [CatalogId => Str, MaxResults => Int, NextToken => Str])

GetAllUserDefinedFunctions(DatabaseName => Str, Pattern => Str, [CatalogId => Str, MaxResults => Int, NextToken => Str])

If passed a sub as first parameter, it will call the sub for each element found in :

 - UserDefinedFunctions, passing the object as the first parameter, and the string 'UserDefinedFunctions' as the second parameter 

If not, it will return a a Paws::Glue::GetUserDefinedFunctionsResponse instance with all the params; from all the responses. Please take into account that this mode can potentially consume vasts ammounts of memory.


This service class forms part of Paws


The source code is located here:

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