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Apache2::ASP::Manual::BestPractices - How to use Apache2::ASP properly


This is a collection of best practices for using Apache2::ASP in the real world.

As more "Best Practices" are discovered, they will end up in some kind of collection. Probably a Wiki or similar.


Do this:

    <title><%= $title %></title>
    for( 1...5 ) {
    Hello <%= $_ %>
    }# end for()

Don't do this:

    <title><%= $title %></title>

        for( 1...5 ) {
    Hello <%= $_ %>
        }# end for()

The reason is that visually locating the "<%" and "%>" tags becomes increasingly difficult when they are not lined up vertically in the first column.

The "<%=" tags can be interspersed through your code where needed, since they do not enclose blocks of logic.


Do not declare subroutines within your code.

To get around this limitation, do the following:

    my $add = sub {
      my ($arg) = shift;
      return $arg + 1;
    my $val = $add->( 10 ); # returns 11


Apache2::ASP supports multiple modes of page composition.

SSI Includes

Only basic SSI includes (aka "Apache-Style" or "Server-Side" includes) are supported.


  <!-- #include virtual="/inc/top.asp" -->
  <!-- #include virtual="/inc/bottom.asp" -->

$Response->Include( $path, { args } )

If you need to pass in some arguments to your include, do this:


  <% $Response->Include( $Server->MapPath("/inc/top.asp"), { foo => "bar" } ); %>
  <% $Response->Include( $Server->MapPath("/inc/bottom.asp"), { foo => "bar" } ); %>

Your includes would access the passed-in arguments like this:

    my ($s, $context, $args) = @_;
    $args->{foo}; # bar


Think of MasterPages as a kind of page "class" that other pages can subclass.

Example (MasterPage): - /masters/main.asp

  <%@ MasterPage %>
      <title><asp:ContentPlaceHolder id="ph_title" runat="server"></asp:ContentPlaceHolder></title>
      <div class="content"><asp:ContentPlaceHolder id="ph_content" runat="server"></asp:ContentPlaceHolder></div>

Example (normal Page):

  <%@ Page UseMasterPage="/masters/main.asp">
  <asp:Content PlaceHolderID="ph_title">The Title</asp:Content>
  <asp:Content PlaceHolderID="ph_content">
    Hello World!

The resulting page that will be printed to the browser will look like this:

      <title>The Title</title>
      <div class="content">Hello World!</div>

Nested Master Pages

MasterPages can "subclass" other MasterPages as well, as many levels deep as necessary.

Example MasterPage: /masters/main.asp

  <%@ MasterPage %>
      <title><asp:ContentPlaceHolder id="ph_title" runat="server"></asp:ContentPlaceHolder></title>
      <div class="content"><asp:ContentPlaceHolder id="ph_content" runat="server"></asp:ContentPlaceHolder></div>

Example "nested" MasterPage: /masters/child.asp

  <%@ MasterPage %>
  <%@ Page UseMasterPage="/masters/main.asp">
  <asp:Content PlaceHolderID="ph_content">
    <div class="left_column">
      <!-- menu goes here -->
    <div class="right_column">
      <!-- individual page content goes here -->
      <asp:ContentPlaceHolder id="ph_page_content" runat="server"></asp:ContentPlaceHolder>

And a page that uses /masters/child.asp as a MasterPage would look like this:

  <%@ Page UseMasterPage="/masters/child.asp" %>
  <asp:Content id="title" PlaceHolderID="ph_title" runat="server">The Title</asp:Content>
  <asp:Content id="copy" PlaceHolderID="ph_page_content" runat="server">
    Hello World!

The resulting HTML printed to the browser would look like this:

      <title>The Title</title>
      <div class="content">
        <div class="left_column">
          <!-- menu goes here -->
        <div class="right_column">
          <!-- individual page content goes here -->
          Hello World!

Advantages of MasterPages

Not only do you get inheritance for your web pages, they actually execute faster. Why? Because includes require extra overhead of setting up "mock" requests in which the included ASP scripts are executed. MasterPages do not require this extra work.


Generally speaking, all forms should submit to handlers, rather than other ASP scripts. This results in a predictable MVC setup.

Of course, Apache2::ASP doesn't force you to do this. You can do whatever you want.

However, if you upload a file, you must upload it to a subclass of Apache2::ASP::UploadHandler. Generally you would inherit from Apache2::ASP::MediaManager though, if you plan on doing much with uploaded files.


Because of the way namespaces work in Perl, web servers with multiple VirtualHosts should keep all handlers in their own namespaces.

For example:

Site 1:


Site 2:


If you were to simply use /handlers/user.login, that one handler would be invoked for any website's /handlers/user.login URI. Unless this is what you want, avoid the namespace clashes by going with the naming convention described above.

Path-to-Class Mapping

Apache2::ASP converts URI's matching /handlers/* to their corresponding Perl class names.


  • /handlers/site1.user.login


  • /handlers/site1.user.logout



Just inherit from Apache2::ASP::MediaManager unless you need more control.

See the documentation for Apache2::ASP::MediaManager for more information.


Apache2::ASP supports - but does not provide - server-side validation. In fact, it is recommended that all validation is performed on the server, in one way or another.

AJAX may be your preferred means of doing form validations and such, which Apache2::ASP fully supports. Apache2::ASP simply does not require the use of AJAX or any other idiom.


The recommended form validation idiom for Apache2::ASP is as follows:

The Form:

    if( my $args = delete($Session->{__lastArgs}) )
      $Form->{$_} = $args->{$_} foreach keys(%$args);
    }# end if()
    my $errors = delete($Session->{validation_errors}) || { };
    my $errLabel = sub {
      my $name = shift;
      return unless $errors->{$name};
  %><span class="field_error"><%= $Server->HTMLEncode( $errors->{$name} ) %></span><%
    if( my $msg = delete($Session->{msg}) ) {
  <div class="message"><%= $Server->HTMLEncode( $msg ) %></div>
    }# end if()
    if( $errors->{general} ) {
  <div class="general_error"><%= $Server->HTMLEncode( $errors->{general} ) %></div>
    }# end if()
  <form action="/handlers/site1.user.login" method="post">
    <input type="text" name="username" value="<%= $Server->HTMLEncode( $Form->{username} ) %>" />
    <% $errLabel->( 'username' ); %>
    <br />
    <input type="password" name="password" />
    <% $errLabel->( 'password' ); %>
    <br />
    <input type="submit" value="Submit" />

The form submits to the URI /handlers/site1.user.login which maps to the package site1::user::login.

It is recommended that inside your /etc folder you have a YAML file, /etc/properties.yaml:

The YAML File: (/etc/properties.yaml)

      is_missing: Required
      is_invalid: Invalid username
      is_missing: Required
      is_invalid: Invalid password
      success: Successfully Logged In
      fail: Invalid username and/or password.  Please try again.

The Handler: (/handlers/site1/user/

  package site1::user::login;
  use strict;
  use warnings 'all';
  use base 'Apache2::ASP::FormHandler';
  use vars __PACKAGE__->VARS;
  use Data::Properties::YAML;
  sub run
    my ($s, $context) = @_;
    if( my $errors = $s->validate( $context ) )
      # We found some kind of validation error:
      $Session->{__lastArgs} = $Form;
      $Session->{validation_errors} = $errors;
      return $Response->Redirect( $ENV{HTTP_REFERER} );
    }# end if()
    # Success! - no validation errors:
    my ($user) = find_user( ... );
    $Session->{user} = $user;
    # Find our success message:
    my $props = Data::Properties::YAML->new(
      properties_file => $Config->web->application_root . '/etc/properties.yaml'
    $Session->{msg} = $props->general->success;
    # Redirect the user to the logged-in page:
    return $Response->Redirect("/logged-in.asp");
  }# end run()
  sub validate
    my ($s, $context) = @_;
    # Remove leading and trailing whitespace:
    map {
      $Form->{$_} =~ s/^\s+//;
      $Form->{$_} =~ s/\s+$//;
    } keys(%$Form);
    my $props = Data::Properties::YAML->new(
      properties_file => $Config->web->application_root . '/etc/properties.yaml'
    my $errors = { };
    no warnings 'uninitialized';
    # username:
    if( length($Form->{username}) )
      # Username cannot contain whitespace:
      if( $Form->{username} =~ m/\s/ )
        $errors->{username} = $props->username->is_invalid;
      }# end if()
      $errors->{username} = $props->username->is_missing;
    }# end if()
    # password:
    if( length($Form->{password}) )
      # Password cannot contain whitespace:
      if( $Form->{password} =~ m/\s/ )
        $errors->{password} = $props->password->is_invalid;
      }# end if()
      $errors->{password} = $props->password->is_missing;
    }# end if()
    # Only check to see if the user exists if we haven't encountered other errors:
    unless( keys(%$errors) )
      if( ! find_user( ... ) )
        $errors->{general} = $props->general->fail;
      }# end if()
    }# end unless()
    return unless keys(%$errors);
    return $errors;
  }# end validate()
  1;# return true:


Unit testing was the number one reason behind the development of Apache2::ASP.

Apache2::ASP offers a unit testing environment that is not dependent on Apache or any other server.

Unit tests are made possible via instances of Apache2::ASP::Test::Base and use Apache2::ASP::Test::UserAgent to make "requests" to ASP scripts and handlers in your Apache2::ASP web application.


Supposing your website is at /var/www/, create a folder /t at /var/www/

Inside /t create /t/00-basic.t which contains:

  #!/usr/bin/env perl -w
  use strict;
  use warnings 'all';
  use Test::More 'no_plan';
  use base 'Apache2::ASP::Test::Base';
  # Create our base test object:
  my $s = __PACKAGE__->SUPER::new();
  # Make a request:
  my $res = $s->ua->get("/index.asp");
  # $res is a normal HTTP::Response object:
  ok( $res->is_success => "Got /index.asp" );
  like $res->content, qr/Hello, World/, "Contents look right";
  is( $res->header('content-type') => 'text/html' );

Run your tests with:

  prove t

All of your tests will be run.


Along with unit testing, code coverage is another great reason to use Apache2::ASP.

Just by using the Devel::Cover utility cover you can get code coverage for not only your website's libraries, but also its handlers and ASP scripts.


Profiling an Apache2::ASP web application fits right in with your unit tests and code coverage.

Devel::NYTProf is an excellent profiler tool for Perl and works very well with Apache2::ASP web applications.


Errors are handled by subclasses of Apache2::ASP::ErrorHandler.

The default ErrorHandler prints a stacktrace to the browser and sends a copy to the email address specified in your config file.


Open your /conf/apache2-asp-config.xml file and look for the following:


Make changes as necessary.


Almost any time you need to process a file upload, your best bet is to subclass Apache2::ASP::MediaManager.

See Apache2::ASP::MediaManager for details.

If you really need to do something special, either subclass Apache2::ASP::UploadHandler or write your own mod_perl handler and submit to it.


Restricting Access

Apache2::ASP simplifies this by providing the RequestFilter interface (Apache2::ASP::RequestFilter).


Suppose you want all requests to /members/* to require authentication.

Adjust your /conf/apache2-asp-config.xml like this:


Somewhere in your @INC (like, say, /lib) add My/ with the following code:

  package My::MembersOnlyFilter;
  use strict;
  use warnings 'all';
  use base 'Apache2::ASP::RequestFilter';
  use vars __PACKAGE__->VARS;
  sub run
    my ($s, $context) = @_;
    unless( $Session->{logged_in} )
      # User is *not* logged in:
      return $Response->Redirect("/login.asp");
    }# end unless()
    # User is logged in:
    return $Response->Declined;
  }# end run()
  1;# return true:

Now, every request to /members/* will be denied unless the Session variable logged_in is set to a true value.

Cross-Site-Scripting (xSS)

Never, ever, ever, Ever $Response->Write() or <%= %> something you received from your users. That goes for user data that might have been stored in a database as well.



  <input type="text" name="color" value="<%= $Server->HTMLEncode( $Form->{color} ) %>" />


  <input type="text" name="color" value="<%= $Form->{color} %>" />

The reason is that the user could have input text like the following:

  red"/><script type="text/javascript">alert(document.cookie)</script><br

Which would evaluate to this:

  <input type="text" name="color" value="red"/><script type="text/javascript">alert(document.cookie)</script><br />

Using Server->HTMLEncode causes that same attack to be rendered harmless, like this:

  <input type="text" name="color" value="red/&gt;&lt;script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;&gt;alert(document.cookie)&lt;/script&gt;&lt;br" />

The attacker gets nothing, and moves on.


By default, Apache2::ASP uses 3 database handles, defined within the <data_connections> element in the XML config:


  • session

    Sessions are serialized and stored in a database, one record per session.

  • application

    Applications are serialized and stored in a database, one record per application.

  • main

    Most web applications use a "main" database handle. This is the configuration for that connection.

Choosing an ORM

Depending on your preference and the task at hand, an ORM (Object/Relational Mapper) such as DBIx::Class or Class::DBI may be chosen without any problems.

Apache2::ASP was developed specifically to work with Class::DBI::Lite and this combination has been tested thoroughly.

Preventing SQL Injection

Whatever you do, always use SQL placeholders (?). For more information on preventing SQL injection attacks, see


John Drago <>


Copyright 2008 John Drago. All rights reserved.


This software is Free software and may be used and redistributed under the same terms as perl itself.