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Business::SiteCatalyst - Interface to Adobe SiteCatalyst's REST API.


Version 1.0.0


This module allows you to interact with Adobe SiteCatalyst, an analystics Service Provider. It encapsulates all the communications with the API provided by Adobe SiteCatalyst to offer a Perl interface for managing reports.

Please note that you will need to have purchased the Adobe SiteCatalyst product, and have web services enabled first in order to obtain a web services shared secret, as well as agree with the Terms and Conditions for using the API.

        use Business::SiteCatalyst;
        # Create an object to communicate with Adobe SiteCatalyst
        my $site_catalyst = Business::SiteCatalyst->new(
                username        => 'dummyusername',
                shared_secret   => 'dummysecret',



Create a new Adobe SiteCatalyst object that will be used as the interface with Adobe SiteCatalyst's API

        my $site_catalyst = Business::SiteCatalyst->new(
                username        => 'dummyusername',
                shared_secret   => 'dummysecret',

Creates a new object to communicate with Adobe SiteCatalyst.

'username' and 'shared_secret' are mandatory. The 'verbose' parameter is optional and defaults to not verbose.


Create a new Business::SiteCatalyst::Report object, which will allow retrieval of SiteCatalyst reports.

        # Create a new report
        my $report = $site_catalyst->instantiate_report(
                type            => 'report type',
                report_suite_id => 'report suite id',

        # Act on an existing report
        my $report = $site_catalyst->instantiate_report(
                report_id       => 'report id',



  • type

    The type of the report to instantiate. Acceptable values are 'Overtime', 'Ranked', and 'Trended'.

  • report_suite_id

    The Report Suite ID you want to pull data from.

  • report_id

    The id of the existing report you want to check status of, retrieve results for, or cancel processing.



Internal, formats the JSON call with the arguments provided and checks the reply.

        my ( $error, $response_data ) = $site_catalyst->send_request(
                method => $method,
                data   => $data,


Control the verbosity of the warnings in the code.

$site_catalyst->verbose( 1 ); # turn on verbose information

$site_catalyst->verbose( 0 ); # quiet!

warn 'Verbose' if $site_catalyst->verbose(); # getter-style


By default, only basic tests that do not require a connection to Adobe SiteCatalyst's platform are run in t/.

To run the developer tests, you will need to do the following:

  • Request access to Adobe web services from your Adobe Online Marketing Suite administrator (recommended) unless you want to run the tests in your production environment (definitely NOT recommended).

  • In Adobe SiteCatalyst's interface, you will need to log in as an admin, then go to the "Admin" tab, "Admin Console > Company > Web Services". There you can find your "shared secret" for your username.

  • Your report suite IDs can be found in Adobe SiteCatalyst's interface. From the "Admin" tab, "Admin Console > Report Suites".

You can now create a file named in your own directory, with the following content:

        package Adobe SiteCatalystConfig;
        sub new
                        username                => 'username',
                        shared_secret           => 'shared_secret',
                        report_suite_id         => 'report_suite_id',
                        verbose                 => 0,

You will then be able to run all the tests included in this distribution, after adding the path to Adobe to your library paths.


Jennifer Pinkham, <jpinkham at>.


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-Business-SiteCatalyst at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

        perldoc Business::SiteCatalyst

You can also look for information at:


Thanks to ThinkGeek ( and its corporate overlords at Geeknet (, for footing the bill while I write code for them! Special thanks for technical help from fellow ThinkGeek CPAN author Guillaume Aubert


Copyright 2012 Jennifer Pinkham.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic License.

See for more information.