Framework to create/configure Reports for any output format.
Part of Perl Open Report Framework (Porf).
This documentation refers to version 2.001 of Report::Porf::Framework
All subs are no longer camel cased, so update your scripts, please. A list for conversion can be find in Report/Porf/
Structure Of A Report
Line (Conatining data of data row)
*============+============+============* # Bold separator line
| Prename | Surname | Age | # The header line
*------------+------------+------------* # Separator line
| Vorname 1 | <a cell> | 7.69230769 | # A data line with <cell>s
| Vorname 2 | Name 2 | 15.3846153 |
| Vorname 3 | Name 3 | 23.0769230 |
| Vorname 4 | Name 4 | 30.7692307 |
Using Auto Configure
use Report::Porf qw(:all);
auto_report(\@data); # prints to STDOUT
auto_report(\@data, $file); # writes into $file
auto_report(\@data, $file, -format => 'html');
auto_report(\@data, -file => $file, -format => 'html', -max_rows => 13);
has to be a list of hashes or arrays. If $file
is a filename (as string), then ending of filename defines format of created table.
Filehandles don't know the filename, so format has to be select explicit in this case.
defines maximum rows to print out. In case of printing out at STDOUT there is a default max_rows as set to 10 rows. That makes live easy for debugging.
create And Configure Report Explicit
my $report_frame_work = Report::Porf::Framework::get();
my $report = $report_frame_work->create_report($format);
# $report->set_verbose(3); # uncomment to see infos about configuring phase
Current supported formats:
Configure Report
After creation a report has to be configured.
Call configure_column(%options)
to configure a report. Following options are available:
-header -h constant: Text
-align -a constant: (left|center|right)
(l | c | r)
-width -w constant: integer
-format -f constant: string for sprintf
-color -c constant / sub {...}
The sub {...} makes conditional coloring easy possible.
Value Manipulation
-default_value -def_val -dv constant: default value
-escape_special_chars -esc_spec_chr -esc constant: 1 or 0
Use default_cell_value if value is undef or ''.
To switch off special value escaping use
escape_special_chars => 0
As next, access to the value has to be defined. There are 4 alternatives to get the value of a cell depending of type (array, hash, object).
GetValue Alternative 1 --- ARRAY
my $prename = 1;
my $surname = 2;
my $age = 3;
$report->configure_column(-header => 'Prename', -value_indexed => $prename ); # long
$report->conf_col (-h => 'Surname', -val_idx => $surname ); # short
$report->cc (-h => 'Age', -vi => $age ); # minimal
GetValue Alternative 2 --- HASH
$report->configure_column(-header => 'Prename', -value_named => 'Prename' ); # long
$report->conf_col (-h => 'Surname', -val_nam => 'Surname' ); # short
$report->cc (-h => 'Age', -vn => 'Age' ); # minimal
GetValue Alternative 3 --- OBJECT
$report->configure_column(-header => 'Prename', -value_object => 'get_prename()'); # long
$report->conf_col (-h => 'Surname', -val_obj => 'get_surname()'); # short
$report->cc (-h => 'Age', -vo => 'get_age()' ); # minimal
GetValue Alternative 4 --- Free
$report->configure_column(-h => 'Prename', -value => '"Dr. " . $_[0]->{Surname}' );
$report->conf_col (-h => 'Surname', -val => sub { return $_[0]->{Prename}; }; );
$report->cc (-h => 'Age (Months)', -v => '(12.0 * $_[0]->get_age())' );
When All Columns Are Configured
Write Table Out Into File
$report->write_all($person_rows, $out_file_name);
You can also put out single rows or single cells or start actions to do that. [Needs to be explained more]
In "Report/Porf/examples" subdir you can find more examples.
Here are the details for those, who want to modify an existing or create a new ReportConfigurator. It's actually not complete. See * for more.
Report Attributes
There a following attributes of report, that can used by get*/Set*
*============+==== # BoldSeparatorLine
| Prename | ... # HeaderRowStart HeaderStart <HeaderText> HeaderEnd ... HeaderRowEnd
*------------+---- # SeparatorLine
| Vorname 1 | ... # RowStart CellStart <CellValue> CellEnd ... RowEnd
| ... | ... # ...
*============+==== # BoldSeparatorLine
To be continued...
Copyright (c) 2014 by Ralf Peine, Germany. All rights reserved.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.6.0 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.