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Search::Query::Parser - convert query strings into query objects


 use Search::Query;
 my $parser = Search::Query->parser(
    term_regex  => qr/[^\s()]+/,
    field_regex => qr/\w+/,
    op_regex    => qr/==|<=|>=|!=|=~|!~|[:=<>~#]/,

    # ops that admit an empty left operand
    op_nofield_regex => qr/=~|!~|[~:#]/,

    # case insensitive
    and_regex        => qr/\&|AND|ET|UND|E/i,
    or_regex         => qr/\||OR|OU|ODER|O/i,
    not_regex        => qr/NOT|PAS|NICHT|NON/i,

    default_field  => "",
    phrase_delim   => q/"/,
    default_boolop => '+',
    query_class    => 'Search::Query::Dialect::Native',
    field_class    => 'Search::Query::Field',
    query_class_opts => {
        default_field => 'foo',

 my $query = $parser->parse('+hello -world now');
 print $query;


Search::Query::Parser is a fork of Search::QueryParser that supports multiple query dialects.

The Parser class transforms a query string into a Dialect object structure to be handled by external search engines.

The query string can contain simple terms, "exact phrases", field names and comparison operators, '+/-' prefixes, parentheses, and boolean connectors.

The parser can be customized using regular expressions for specific notions of "term", "field name" or "operator" -- see the new method.

The Dialect object resulting from a parsed query is a tree of terms and operators. Each Dialect can be re-serialized as a string using the stringify() method, or simply by printing the Dialect object, since the string-related Perl operations are overloaded using stringify().


The query string is decomposed into Clause objects, where each Clause has an optional sign prefix, an optional field name and comparison operator, and a mandatory value.

Sign prefix

Prefix '+' means that the item is mandatory. Prefix '-' means that the item must be excluded. No prefix means that the item will be searched for, but is not mandatory.

See also section "Boolean connectors" below, which is another way to combine items into a query.

Field name and comparison operator

Internally, each query item has a field name and comparison operator; if not written explicitly in the query, these take default values '' (empty field name) and ':' (colon operator).

Operators have a left operand (the field name) and a right operand (the value to be compared with); for example, foo:bar means "search documents containing term 'bar' in field 'foo'", whereas foo=bar means "search documents where field 'foo' has exact value 'bar'".

Here is the list of admitted operators with their intended meaning:


treat value as a term to be searched within field. This is the default operator.

~ or =~

treat value as a regex; match field against the regex.

Note that ~ after a phrase indicates a proximity assertion:

 "foo bar"~5

means "match 'foo' and 'bar' within 5 positions of each other."


negation of above

== or =, <=, >=, !=, <, >

classical relational operators


Inclusion in the set of comma-separated integers supplied on the right-hand side.

Operators :, ~, =~, !~ and # admit an empty left operand (so the field name will be ''). Search engines will usually interpret this as "any field" or "the whole data record". But see the default_field feature.


A value (right operand to a comparison operator) can be

  • A term (as recognized by regex term_regex, see new method below).

  • A quoted phrase, i.e. a collection of terms within single or double quotes.

    Quotes can be used not only for "exact phrases", but also to prevent misinterpretation of some values : for example -2 would mean "value '2' with prefix '-'", in other words "exclude term '2'", so if you want to search for value -2, you should write "-2" instead.

    Note that ~ after a phrase indicates a proximity assertion:

     "foo bar"~5

    means "match 'foo' and 'bar' within 5 positions of each other."

  • A subquery within parentheses. Field names and operators distribute over parentheses, so for example foo:(bar bie) is equivalent to foo:bar foo:bie.

    Nested field names such as foo:(bar:bie) are not allowed.

    Sign prefixes do not distribute : +(foo bar) +bie is not equivalent to +foo +bar +bie.

Boolean connectors

Queries can contain boolean connectors 'AND', 'OR', 'NOT' (or their equivalent in some other languages -- see the *_regex features in new()). This is mere syntactic sugar for the '+' and '-' prefixes : a AND b is equivalent to +a +b; a OR b is equivalent to (a b); NOT a is equivalent to -a. +a OR b does not make sense, but it is translated into (a b), under the assumption that the user understands "OR" better than a '+' prefix. -a OR b does not make sense either, but has no meaningful approximation, so it is rejected.

Combinations of AND/OR clauses must be surrounded by parentheses, i.e. (a AND b) OR c or a AND (b OR c) are allowed, but a AND b OR c is not.

The NEAR connector is treated like the proximity phrase assertion.

 foo NEAR5 bar

is treated as if it were:

 "foo bar"~5

See the near_regex option.



The following attributes may be initialized in new(). These are also available as get/set methods on the returned Parser object.


Applied to all terms where no field is defined. The default value is undef (no default).


The operator used when default_field is applied.


dialect is an alias for query_class.


Will be passed to query_class new() method each time a query is parse()'d.


Default value is false (0). Set to true to automatically throw an exception via Carp::croak() if parse() would return undef.


Overrides the base method to initialize the object.


Returns the last error message.

get_field( name )

Returns Field object for name or undef if there isn't one defined.

set_fields( fields )

Set the fields structure. Called internally by init() if you pass a fields key/value pair to new().

The structure of fields may be one of the following:

 my $fields = {
    field1 => 1,
    field2 => { alias_for => 'field1' },
    field3 => Search::Query::Field->new( name => 'field3' ),
    field4 => { alias_for => [qw( field1 field3 )] },

 # or

 my $fields = [
    { name => 'field2', alias_for => 'field1' },
    Search::Query::Field->new( name => 'field3' ),
    { name => 'field4', alias_for => [qw( field1 field3 )] },

parse( string )

Returns a Search::Query::Dialect object of type query_class.

If there is a syntax error in string, parse() will return undef and set error().


Peter Karman, <karman at>


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-search-query at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc Search::Query

You can also look for information at:


This module started as a fork of Search::QueryParser by Laurent Dami.


Copyright 2010 Peter Karman.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See for more information.