xls2csv - A script that recodes a spreadsheet's charset and saves as CSV.
This script will recode a spreadsheet into a different character set and output the recoded data as a csv file.
The script came about after many headaches from dealing with Excel spreadsheets from clients that were being received in various character sets.
-x : filename of the source spreadsheet
-b : the character set the source spreadsheet is in (before)
-c : the filename to save the generated csv file as
-a : the character set the csv file should be converted to (after)
-q : quiet mode
-s : print a list of supported character sets
-h : print help message
-v : get version information
-W : list worksheets in the spreadsheet specified by -x
-w : specify the worksheet name to convert (defaults to the first worksheet)
-n : specify the worksheet number to convert (you cannot use this option with -w)
-f : force the worsheet to be fully parsed. This disables the feature that skips rows when the first cell is blank
The following example will convert a spreadsheet that is in the WINDOWS-1252 character set (WinLatin1) and save it as a csv file in the UTF-8 character set.
xls2csv -x "1252spreadsheet.xls" -b WINDOWS-1252 -c "ut8csvfile.csv" -a UTF-8
This example with convert the worksheet named "Users" in the given spreadsheet.
xls2csv -x "multi_worksheet_spreadsheet.xls" -w "Users" -c "users.csv"
The spreadsheet's charset (-b) will default to UTF-8 if not set.
If the csv's charset (-a) is not set, the CSV file will be created using the same charset as the spreadsheet.
This script requires the following modules:
Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::FmtUnicode (should be included with Spreadsheet::ParseExcel)
It probably will not work work with spreadsheets that use formulas.
A line in the spreadsheet is assumed to be blank if there is nothing in the first column.
Some users have reported problems trying to convert a spreadsheet while it was opened in a different application. You should probably make sure that no other programs are working with the spreadsheet while you are converting it.
Ken Prows (
Copyright (C) 2005-2012 Ken Prows. All rights reserved.
This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.