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DBIx::Custom - DBI interface, having hash parameter binding and filtering system


Connect to the database.

    use DBIx::Custom;
    my $dbi = DBIx::Custom->connect(data_source => "dbi:mysql:database=dbname",
                                    user => 'ken', password => '!LFKD%$&');

Insert, update, and delete

    # Insert 
    $dbi->insert(table  => 'book',
                 param  => {title => 'Perl', author => 'Ken'},
                 filter => {title => 'encode_utf8'});
    # Update 
    $dbi->update(table  => 'book', 
                 param  => {title => 'Perl', author => 'Ken'}, 
                 where  => {id => 5},
                 filter => {title => 'encode_utf8'});
    # Update all
    $dbi->update_all(table  => 'book',
                     param  => {title => 'Perl'},
                     filter => {title => 'encode_utf8'});
    # Delete
    $dbi->delete(table  => 'book',
                 where  => {author => 'Ken'},
                 filter => {title => 'encode_utf8'});
    # Delete all
    $dbi->delete_all(table => 'book');


    # Select
    my $result = $dbi->select(table => 'book');
    # Select, more complex
    my $result = $dbi->select(
        table  => 'book',
        column => [qw/author title/],
        where  => {author => 'Ken'},
        append => 'order by id limit 5',
        filter => {title => 'encode_utf8'}
    # Select, join table
    my $result = $dbi->select(
        table    => ['book', 'rental'],
        column   => [' as book_name']
        relation => {'' => 'rental.book_id'}
    # Select, more flexible where
    my $result = $dbi->select(
        table  => 'book',
        where  => ['{= author} and {like title}', 
                   {author => 'Ken', title => '%Perl%'}]

Execute SQL

    # Execute SQL
    $dbi->execute("select title from book");
    # Execute SQL with hash binding and filtering
    $dbi->execute("select id from book where {= author} and {like title}",
                  param  => {author => 'ken', title => '%Perl%'},
                  filter => {title => 'encode_utf8'});

    # Create query and execute it
    my $query = $dbi->create_query(
        "select id from book where {= author} and {like title}"
    $dbi->execute($query, param => {author => 'Ken', title => '%Perl%'})

Other features.

    # Get DBI object
    my $dbh = $dbi->dbh;

Fetch row.

    # Fetch
    while (my $row = $result->fetch) {
        # ...
    # Fetch hash
    while (my $row = $result->fetch_hash) {


DBIx::Custom is one of DBI interface modules, such as DBIx::Class, DBIx::Simple.

This module is not O/R mapper. O/R mapper is useful, but you must learn many syntax of the O/R mapper, which is almost another language. Created SQL statement is offten not effcient and damage SQL performance. so you have to execute raw SQL in the end.

DBIx::Custom is middle area between DBI and O/R mapper. DBIx::Custom provide flexible hash parameter binding and filtering system, and suger methods, such as insert(), update(), delete(), select() to execute SQL easily.

DBIx::Custom respects SQL. SQL is very complex and not beautiful, but de-facto standard, so all people learing database know it. If you already know SQL, you learn a little thing to use DBIx::Custom.

See DBIx::Custom::Guides for more details.



    my $cache = $dbi->cache;
    $dbi      = $dbi->cache(1);

Enable parsed DBIx::Custom::Query object caching. Default to 1.


    my $data_source = $dbi->data_source;
    $dbi            = $dbi->data_source("DBI:mysql:database=dbname");

Data source. connect() method use this value to connect the database.


    my $dbh = $dbi->dbh;
    $dbi    = $dbi->dbh($dbh);

DBI object. You can call all methods of DBI.


    my $dbi_options = $dbi->dbi_options;
    $dbi            = $dbi->dbi_options($dbi_options);

DBI options. connect() method use this value to connect the database.

Default filter when row is fetched.


    my $filters = $dbi->filters;
    $dbi        = $dbi->filters(\%filters);

Filter functions. "encode_utf8" and "decode_utf8" is registered by default.


    my $filter_check = $dbi->filter_check;
    $dbi             = $dbi->filter_check(0);

this attribute is now deprecated and has no mean because check is always done.


    my $password = $dbi->password;
    $dbi         = $dbi->password('lkj&le`@s');

Password. connect() method use this value to connect the database.


    my $sql_class = $dbi->query_builder;
    $dbi          = $dbi->query_builder(DBIx::Custom::QueryBuilder->new);

SQL builder. query_builder() must be the instance of DBIx::Custom::QueryBuilder subclass. Default to DBIx::Custom::QueryBuilder object.


    my $result_class = $dbi->result_class;
    $dbi             = $dbi->result_class('DBIx::Custom::Result');

Result class for select statement. Default to DBIx::Custom::Result.


    my $user = $dbi->user;
    $dbi     = $dbi->user('Ken');

User name. connect() method use this value to connect the database.


DBIx::Custom inherits all methods from Object::Simple and implements the following new ones.

(experimental) apply_filter

        $column1 => {in => $infilter1, out => $outfilter1}
        $column2 => {in => $infilter2, out => $outfilter2}

apply_filter is automatically filter for columns of table. This have effect insert, update, delete. select and DBIx::Custom::Result object. but this has'nt execute method.

If you want to have effect execute() method, use table arguments.

    $result = $dbi->execute(
        "select * from table1 where {= key1} and {= key2};",
         param => {key1 => 1, key2 => 2},
         table => ['table1']



Start transaction. This is same as DBI's begin_work.

DBIx::Custom inherits all methods from Object::Simple and implements the following new ones.



Commit transaction. This is same as DBI's commit.


    my $dbi = DBIx::Custom->connect(data_source => "dbi:mysql:database=dbname",
                                    user => 'ken', password => '!LFKD%$&');

Create a new DBIx::Custom object and connect to the database. DBIx::Custom is a wrapper of DBI. AutoCommit and RaiseError options are true, and PrintError option is false by default.


    my $query = $dbi->create_query(
        "select * from book where {= author} and {like title};"

Create the instance of DBIx::Custom::Query from the source of SQL. If you want to get high performance, use create_query() method and execute it by execute() method instead of suger methods.

    $dbi->execute($query, {author => 'Ken', title => '%Perl%'});


    my $result = $dbi->execute($query,  param => $params, filter => \%filter);
    my $result = $dbi->execute($source, param => $params, filter => \%filter);

Execute query or the source of SQL. Query is DBIx::Custom::Query object. Return value is DBIx::Custom::Result if select statement is executed, or the count of affected rows if insert, update, delete statement is executed.


    my $result = $dbi->execute(
        "select * from book where {= author} and {like title}", 
        param => {author => 'Ken', title => '%Perl%'}
    while (my $row = $result->fetch) {
        my $author = $row->[0];
        my $title  = $row->[1];

(experimental) expand

    my %expand = $dbi->expand($source);

The following hash

    {book => {title => 'Perl', author => 'Ken'}}

is expanded to

    ('book.title' => 'Perl', '' => 'Ken')

This is used in select()


    $dbi->delete(table  => $table,
                 where  => \%where,
                 append => $append,
                 filter => \%filter);

Execute delete statement. delete method have table, where, append, and filter arguments. table is a table name. where is where clause. this must be hash reference. append is a string added at the end of the SQL statement. filter is filters when parameter binding is executed. Return value of delete() is the count of affected rows.


    $dbi->delete(table  => 'book',
                 where  => {id => 5},
                 append => 'some statement',
                 filter => {id => 'encode_utf8'});


    $dbi->delete_all(table => $table);

Execute delete statement to delete all rows. Arguments is same as delete method, except that delete_all don't have where argument. Return value of delete_all() is the count of affected rows.


    $dbi->delete_all(table => 'book');

(experimental) helper

        update_or_insert => sub {
            my $self = shift;
            # do something
        find_or_create   => sub {
            my $self = shift;
            # do something

Register helper methods. These method is called from DBIx::Custom object directory.



    $dbi->insert(table  => $table, 
                 param  => \%param,
                 append => $append,
                 filter => \%filter);

Execute insert statement. insert method have table, param, append and filter arguments. table is a table name. param is the pairs of column name value. this must be hash reference. append is a string added at the end of the SQL statement. filter is filters when parameter binding is executed. This is overwrites default_bind_filter. Return value of insert() is the count of affected rows.


    $dbi->insert(table  => 'book', 
                 param  => {title => 'Perl', author => 'Taro'},
                 append => "some statement",
                 filter => {title => 'encode_utf8'})


    my $dbi = DBIx::Custom->connect(data_source => "dbi:mysql:database=dbname",
                                    user => 'ken', password => '!LFKD%$&');

Create a new DBIx::Custom object.

(experimental) iterate_all_columns

        sub {
            my ($table, $column, $column_info) = @_;
            # do something;

Iterate all columns of all tables. Argument is callback. You can do anything by callback.



Register filter. Registered filters is available in the following attributes or arguments.

  • filter argument of insert(), update(), update_all(), delete(), delete_all(), select() methods

  • execute() method

  • default_filter and filter of DBIx::Custom::Query

  • default_filter and filter of DBIx::Custom::Result


        encode_utf8 => sub {
            my $value = shift;
            require Encode;
            return Encode::encode('UTF-8', $value);
        decode_utf8 => sub {
            my $value = shift;
            require Encode;
            return Encode::decode('UTF-8', $value)



Rollback transaction. This is same as DBI's rollback.


    my $result = $dbi->select(table    => $table,
                              column   => [@column],
                              where    => \%where,
                              append   => $append,
                              relation => \%relation,
                              filter   => \%filter);

Execute select statement. select method have table, column, where, append, relation and filter arguments. table is a table name. where is where clause. this is normally hash reference. append is a string added at the end of the SQL statement. filter is filters when parameter binding is executed.


    # select * from book;
    my $result = $dbi->select(table => 'book');
    # select * from book where title = ?;
    my $result = $dbi->select(table => 'book', where => {title => 'Perl'});
    # select title, author from book where id = ? for update;
    my $result = $dbi->select(
        table  => 'book',
        column => ['title', 'author'],
        where  => {id => 1},
        appned => 'for update'
    # select as book_name from book, rental
    # where = rental.book_id;
    my $result = $dbi->select(
        table    => ['book', 'rental'],
        column   => [' as book_name']
        relation => {'' => 'rental.book_id'}

If you use more complex condition, you can specify a array reference to where argument.

    my $result = $dbi->select(
        table  => 'book',
        column => ['title', 'author'],
        where  => ['{= title} or {like author}',
                   {title => '%Perl%', author => 'Ken'}]

First element is a string. it contains tags, such as "{= title} or {like author}". Second element is paramters.


    $dbi->update(table  => $table, 
                 param  => \%params,
                 where  => \%where,
                 append => $append,
                 filter => \%filter)

Execute update statement. update method have table, param, where, append and filter arguments. table is a table name. param is column-value pairs. this must be hash reference. where is where clause. this must be hash reference. append is a string added at the end of the SQL statement. filter is filters when parameter binding is executed. This is overwrites default_bind_filter. Return value of update() is the count of affected rows.


    $dbi->update(table  => 'book',
                 param  => {title => 'Perl', author => 'Taro'},
                 where  => {id => 5},
                 append => "some statement",
                 filter => {title => 'encode_utf8'});

(experimental) txn_scope

        my $txn = $dbi->txn_scope;
        $dbi->insert(table => 'book', param => {title => 'Perl'});
        $dbi->insert(table => 'book', param => {title => 'Good days'});

Create transaction scope. If you escape scope(that is { .. }) and commited, Rollback is automatically done.

Note that this is feature of DBIx::TransactionManager DBIx::TransactionManager is required.

(experimental) table

        insert => sub { ... },
        update => sub { ... }
    my $table = $dbi->table('book');

Create a DBIx::Custom::Table object, or get a DBIx::Custom::Table object.


    $dbi->update_all(table  => $table, 
                     param  => \%params,
                     filter => \%filter,
                     append => $append);

Execute update statement to update all rows. Arguments is same as update method, except that update_all don't have where argument. Return value of update_all() is the count of affected rows.


    $dbi->update_all(table  => 'book', 
                     param  => {author => 'taro'},
                     filter => {author => 'encode_utf8'});

(deprecated) default_bind_filter

    my $default_bind_filter = $dbi->default_bind_filter;
    $dbi                    = $dbi->default_bind_filter($fname);

Default filter when parameter binding is executed.

(deprecated) default_fetch_filter

    my $default_fetch_filter = $dbi->default_fetch_filter;
    $dbi = $dbi->default_fetch_filter($fname);

(deprecated) cache_method

    $dbi          = $dbi->cache_method(\&cache_method);
    $cache_method = $dbi->cache_method

Method to set and get caches.


        sub {
            my $self = shift;
            $self->{_cached} ||= {};
            if (@_ > 1) {
                $self->{_cached}{$_[0]} = $_[1] 
            else {
                return $self->{_cached}{$_[0]}


DBIx::Custom is now stable. APIs keep backword compatible in the feature.


Please tell me bugs if found.

<kimoto.yuki at>


Yuki Kimoto, <kimoto.yuki at>


Copyright 2009 Yuki Kimoto, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.