The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.

Changes for version 0.989067 - 2023-01-05

  • Incompatible Changes
    • Remove the DEFAULT_CAPACITY enumeration from the StringBuffer class.
  • New Features
    • Add the memset_char method to the Fn class.
    • Add the set_length method to the StringBuffer class.
    • Add the set method to the StringBuffer class.
  • Incompatible Changes
    • The dump operator print escaped character if caracters in the string is not valid UTF-8 or is not printable ASCII.
  • Bug Fix
    • Fix the bug that {"foo"} causes a segmentation fault.
  • Exception Messages Improvement
    • Improve the exception message of the new method in the SPVM::Builder::Config.
  • Document Fix and Improvement
    • Fix and improve the doc of SPVM::Builder::Config.
    • Fix and improve the doc of SPVM::Builder::Resource.
    • Fix and improve the doc of SPVM::Builder::Config::Exe.
  • Document Improvement
    • Improve the docs of the Byte, Short, Int, Long, Float, Double classes.
    • Improve the docs of the ByteList, ShortList, IntList, LongList, FloatList, DoubleList classes.


Generating Excutable File
Generating SPVM Distribution


SPVM Language
Array Utilities
SPVM object
A Boolean value as An Object
Build Dynamic Libraries for SPVM Distribution
Defining Public Functions of SPVM::Builder
Compilation and Link of Native Class
Compiler Information
SPVM Builder Compiler
Compiler and Linker Configuration for Native Classes
Excutable File Config Generated by The spvmcc Command.
SPVM Builder Environment
Creating Executable File
Library Information for A Linker
Linker Information
Object File Information
SPVM Builder Runtime
SPVM Builder Stack
Builder Utilities
Defining Public Functions of SPVM::Builder::Util
A byte Value as An Object
Dynamic byte Arrays
Callback interface
Interface Type to Clone Object
Interface Type for the Callback to Clone a Object
Command Line Information
Interface Type for Object Comparation Callback
Interface Type for double Comparation Callback
Interface Type for float Comparation Callback
Interface Type for int Comparation Callback
Interface Type for long Comparation Callback
Interface Type for String Comparation Callback
double Complex Type
float Complex Type
SPVM Exchange API
SPVM Language Specification
SPVM Standard Modules
Allocator Native APIs
Basic Type Native APIs
Class File Native APIs
Class Variable Native APIs
Class File Native APIs
String Buffer Native APIs
Document of Native Class
How to write the resource class
A double value as An Object
Dynamic double Arrays
Interface Type for Object Equality Checking Callback
a callback implementation of EqualityChecker to check if the memory addresses of the two objects are equal.
Compilation Errors
Not Supported Error
System Error
Invalid UTF8 Errors
SPVM Exchange API
A float value as An Object
Dynamic float Arrays
SPVM Starndard Functions
Format Utilities
SPVM Global Instance for Perl Interpreter
Hash (Associative Array)
Hash entry
Immutable byte Array
Immutable double Array
Immutable float Array
Immutable int Array
Immutable long Array
Immutable short Array
Immutable string array
An int value as An Object
Dynamic int Arrays
Dynamic Object Array
A long value as An Object
Dynamic long Arrays
Getting the current native environment, stack, runtime, compiler.
Information of Arguments
Information of Basic Types
Information of Class Files
Information of Class Variables
Execution Native::Environment
Information of Fields
Information of Methods
Call Native::Stack
Point 3D
Executing Callback at End of Scope
A short Value as An Object
Dynamic short Arrays
Sorting Functions
String Buffers
Dynamic string array
A Interface Type to Stringify a Object
Interface Type for Stringing Callback


in lib/SPVM/
