use 5.008007;
package SPVM;
use strict;
our $VERSION = "0.990043";
require XSLoader;
XSLoader::load('SPVM', $VERSION);
sub import {
my ($class, $class_name) = @_;
my ($file, $line) = (caller)[1, 2];
if (defined $class_name) {
SPVM::Global::build_class($class_name, $file, $line);
sub api { SPVM::Global::api() }
=encoding utf8
=head1 Name
SPVM - The SPVM Language
=begin html
=end html
=head1 Description
SPVM is a statically typed programming language that has Perl-like syntax.
SPVM has not yet reached a stable release of version 1.0. For now, there is currently no policy to keep the L<backward compatibility|>.
=head1 Usage
=head2 One Liner
Run a one liner using L<spvm> command.
# Hello World!
spvm -e 'say "Hello World!";';
Run a one liner with loading a class.
# foo,bar,baz
spvm -M Fn -e 'say Fn->join(",", ["foo", "bar", "baz"]);'
=head2 Executing An SPVM Program
Write a L<SPVM class|SPVM::Document::Language::Class> named C<hello.spvm> to print "Hello World!" using L<the say operator|SPVM::Document::Language::Operators/"say Operator">.
# hello.spvm
class {
static method main : void () {
say "Hello World!";
This class is an L<anon class|SPVM::Document::Language::Class/"Anon Class"> and has C<main> method that is an L<bootstrap method|SPVM::Document::Language::Class/"Bootstrap Method">.
Run the SPVM program using L<spvm> command.
spvm hello.spvm
=head2 Generating An Executable File
Generate an executable file using L<spvmcc> command.
spvmcc -B ~/.spvm_build -o ./hello --no-config hello.spvm
Run the executable file.
=head2 Calling An SPVM Method from Perl
Write an SPVM class.
# lib/SPVM/MyMath.spvm
class MyMath {
static method sum : int ($nums : int[]) {
my $total = 0;
for (my $i = 0; $i < @$nums; $i++) {
$total += $nums->[$i];
return $total;
Write a Perl program calling an SPVM method using L<exchange APIs|SPVM::ExchangeAPI>.
use FindBin;
use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib";
use SPVM 'MyMath';
my $total = SPVM::MyMath->sum([3, 6, 8, 9]);
print "$total\n";
Run the Perl program.
# Run
=head1 Features
=over 2
=item * L<Native threads|SPVM::Thread> and L<goroutines|SPVM::Go>.
=item * L<Executing SPVM programs|spvm>
=item * L<Generating an executable file|spvmcc>
=item * AOT(Ahead-of-time compilation) and JIT(Just-in-time compilation).
=item * Static types, type inference and L<static analysis|SPVM::Native::Compiler>.
=item * L<C and C++ binding|SPVM::Document::NativeClass> and L<resource system|SPVM::Document::Resource> for C and C++ libraries.
=item * L<Perl binding for SPVM methods|SPVM::ExchangeAPI>.
=item * L<Perl-like syntax|SPVM::Document::Language> with class syntax.
=head1 Tutorial
=over 2
=head1 Documents
L<All SPVM Documents|SPVM::Document>
=over 2
=item * L<Language Specification|SPVM::Document::Language>
=over 2
=item * L<Lexical Tokenization|SPVM::Document::Language::Tokenization>
=item * L<Syntax Parsing|SPVM::Document::Language::SyntaxParsing>
=item * L<Class Definition|SPVM::Document::Language::Class>
=item * L<Types|SPVM::Document::Language::Types>
=item * L<Statements|SPVM::Document::Language::Statements>
=item * L<Operators|SPVM::Document::Language::Operators>
=item * L<Exception Handling|SPVM::Document::Language::ExceptionHandling>
=item * L<Garbage Collection|SPVM::Document::Language::GarbageCollection>
=item * L<System Setting|SPVM::Document::Language::System>
=item * L<Native Classes|SPVM::Document::NativeClass>
=item * L<Native Class Config|SPVM::Builder::Config>
=item * L<Native APIs|SPVM::Document::NativeAPI>
=over 2
=item * L<Runtime Native APIs|SPVM::Document::NativeAPI::Runtime>
=item * L<Basic Type Native APIs|SPVM::Document::NativeAPI::BasicType>
=item * L<Class Variable Native APIs|SPVM::Document::NativeAPI::ClassVariable>
=item * L<Field Native APIs|SPVM::Document::NativeAPI::Field>
=item * L<Method Native APIs|SPVM::Document::NativeAPI::Method>
=item * L<Argument Native APIs|SPVM::Document::NativeAPI::Argument>
=item * L<Type Native APIs|SPVM::Document::NativeAPI::Type>
=item * L<Compiler Native APIs|SPVM::Document::NativeAPI::Compiler>
=item * L<Class File Native APIs|SPVM::Document::NativeAPI::ClassFile>
=item * L<String Buffer Native APIs|SPVM::Document::NativeAPI::StringBuffer>
=item * L<Allocatord Native APIs|SPVM::Document::NativeAPI::Allocator>
=item * L<Mutex Native APIs|SPVM::Document::NativeAPI::Mutex>
=item * L<Internal Native APIs|SPVM::Document::NativeAPI::Internal>
=item * L<Resources|SPVM::Document::Resource>
=item * L<Environment Variables|SPVM::Document::EnvironmentVariables>
=head1 Exchange APIs
=over 2
=item * L<Exchange APIs|SPVM::ExchangeAPI>
=head1 Builder APIs
=over 2
=item * L<Builder APIs|SPVM::Builder::API>
=item * L<Builder Utility APIs|SPVM::Builder::Util::API>
=item * L<Config Builder|SPVM::Builder::ConfigBuilder>
=item * L<SPVM Script Information|SPVM::Builder::ProgramInfo>
=head1 Commands
=over 2
=item * L<spvm - Executing SPVM Programs|spvm>
=item * L<spvmcc - Generating Executable Files|spvmcc>
=item * L<spvmdist - Distributing SPVM Modules|spvmdist>
=item * L<spvmdeps - Class Dependencies Analyzer|spvmdeps>
=head1 Modules
=over 2
=item * L<Standard Modules|SPVM::Document::Modules>
=head1 Examples
=over 2
=head1 Wiki
=over 2
=head1 Repository
=head1 Author
Yuki Kimoto E<lt>kimoto.yuki@gmail.comE<gt>
=head1 Core Developers
=head1 Contributors
=over 2
=item * Mohammad S Anwar
=item * akinomyoga
=item * NAGAYASU Shinya
=item * Reini Urban
=item * chromatic
=item * Kazutake Hiramatsu
=item * Yasuaki Omokawa
=item * Suman Khanal
=item * L<Ryunosuke Murakami|>
=item * L<Yoshiyuki Itoh|>
=item * L<Tore Aursand|>
=item * L<greengorcer|>
=head1 Copyright & License
Copyright (c) 2023 Yuki Kimoto
MIT License