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SPVM::R - Porting R language Features


R class in SPVM is a port of the R language features.

WARNINGS:This distribution is under beta release. Some methods and fields will be changed..


Math and Matrix Examples

  use R::OP::Double as DOP;
  use R::OP::Matrix::Double as DMOP;
  # Scalar
  my $sca1 = DOP->c((double)3);
  # Vector
  my $vec1 = DOP->c([(double)1, 2]);
  my $vec2 = DOP->c([(double)3, 4]);
  # Addition
  my $add = DOP->add($vec1, $vec2);
  # Subtruction
  my $sub = DOP->sub($vec1, $vec2);
  # Scalar multiplication
  my $scamul = DOP->scamul($sca1, $vec1);
  # Absolute
  my $abs_vec1 = DOP->abs($vec1);
  my $abs_vec2 = DOP->abs($vec2);
  # Trigonometric
  my $sin_vec1 = DOP->sin($vec1);
  my $cos_vec1 = DOP->cos($vec1);
  my $tan_vec1 = DOP->tan($vec1);
  # Innner product
  my $dot = DOP->dot($vec1, vec2);
  # Matrix(column major)
  my $mat1 = DMOP->matrix([1, 0, 0, 1], 2, 2);
  my $mat_ret = DMOP->mul($mat1, $vec1);

See also examples of matrix.

Data Frame Examples

Create a data frame.

  use R::DataFrame;
  my $data_frame = R::DataFrame->new;

Add colunns:

  use R::OP::String as STROP;
  use R::OP::Int as IOP;
  use R::OP::Double as DOP;
  use R::OP::Time::Pirce as TPOP;
  $data_frame->set_col("Name" => STROP->c(["Mike, "Ken", "Yumi"]));
  $data_frame->set_col("Age" => IOP->c([12, 20, 15]));
  $data_frame->set_col("Height" => DOP->c([(double)160.7, 173.2, 153.3]));
  $data_frame->set_col("Birth" => TPOP->c(["2010-10-15", "2000-07-08", "2020-02-08"]));

Get columns and rows:

  $data_frame->slice(["Name", "Age"], [IOP->c([0, 1, 2])]); 

Get rows using conditions:

  # Age > 12
  my $conditions = IOP->gt($data_frame->col("Age"), IOP->rep(IOP->c(12), $data_frame->nrow);
  $data_frame->slice(["Name", "Age"], [$conditions->to_indexes]);
  # Age > 12 && Height < 150.3
  my $conditions = IOP->and(
    IOP->gt($data_frame->col("Age"), IOP->rep(IOP->c(12), $data_frame->nrow)),
    IOP->lt($data_frame->col("Height"), IOP->rep(IOP->c(150.3), $data_frame->nrow)),
  $data_frame->slice(["Name", "Age"], [$conditions->to_indexes]);

Sort rows:

  # Age asc

  # Age desc
  $data_frame->sort(["Age desc"]);

  # Age asc, Height asc
  $data_frame->sort(["Age", "Height"]);

  # Age asc, Height desc
  $data_frame->sort(["Age", "Height desc"]);

See also examples of data frames.


SPVM::R Tutorial


N-Dimension Array

N-Dimension Array Operations

Matrix Operations

Data Frame



SPVM::R Wiki


SPVM::R - Github


Yuki Kimoto

Copyright & License

Copyright (c) 2024 Yuki Kimoto

MIT License