SPVM::R::Util - Utilities for N-Dimensional Array
R::Util class in SPVM has utility methods for n-dimensional array.
Class Methods
static method calc_data_length : int ($dim : int[]);
Calcurates the data length from the dimensions $dim, and returns it.
The data length means the product of all elements in $dim.
Examples are
Return Value
[2, 3] 6
[1, 2, 3] 6
The dimensions $dim must be normalized. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
static method normalize_dim : int[] ($dim : int[]);
Normalizes the dimension $dim, and returns it.
See "is_normalized_dim" method about the normalization of dimensions.
All element of the dimensions $dim except the last one must be greater than 0. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
static method is_normalized_dim : int ($dim : int[]);
If the dimensions $dim is normalized, returns 1, otherwise returns 0.
Normalized dimensions mean that
$dim is defined.
And all elements of $dim are greater than 0 if elements exists.
static method check_length : void ($data : object, $dim : int[]);
Checks if the data $data that is an array and the dimensions $dim have length compatibility.
If they are satisfied, returns 1, otherwise returns 0.
length compatibility means the array length of $data is equal to the length calcurated by "calc_data_length" method.
The data $data must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
The data $data must be an array. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
The dimensions $dim must be normalized. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
static method drop_dim : int[] ($dim : int[], $index : int = -1);
Case : $index < 0
$dim is copied and assigned to $dim.
If the length of the dimensions $dim is 0, returns $dim.
If not, removes all elements of $dim that are equal to 1. If $dim becomes [], [1] is assinged to $dim. And $dim is returned.
Examples are
Retrun value
[1, 2, 3] [2, 3]
[1, 2, 1, 3] [2, 3]
[1, 1] [1]
[1] [1]
[] []
Case : $index >= 0
$dim is copied and assigned to $dim.
If the element of $dim at index $index is 1, removes it, and returns $dim.
The dimensions $dim must be normalized. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
The index $index must be less than the length of the dimension $dim.
The element of the dimension $dim at index $index must be 1. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
static method expand_dim : int[] ($dim : int[], $index : int = -1);
$dim is copied and assigned to $dim, inserts 1 to $dim at index $index, and returns $dim.
The dimensions $dim must be normalized. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
The index $index must be less than or equal to the length of the dimension $dim.
static method equals_dim : int ($x_dim : int[], $y_dim : int[]);
If $x_dim is equal to $y_dim, returns 1, otherwise returns 0.
The dimensions $x_dim must be normalized. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
The dimensions $y_dim must be normalized. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
static method equals_dropped_dim : int ($x_dim : int[], $y_dim : int[]);
If $x_dim on which "drop_dim" method is performed is equal to $y_dim on which "drop_dim" method is performed, returns 1, otherwise returns 0.
This method calls "equals_dim" method.
Exceptions thrown by "equals_dim" method could be thrown.
Copyright & License
Copyright (c) 2024 Yuki Kimoto
MIT License