The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.

Changes for version 0.507 - 2023-12-01

  • New Features
    • Add the following user/group methods to the Sys class.
      • real_user_id
      • effective_user_id
      • real_group_id
      • effective_group_id
      • set_real_user_id
      • set_effective_user_id
      • set_real_group_id
      • set_effective_group_id
      • setpwent
      • endpwent
      • getpwent
      • setgrent
      • endgrent
      • getgrent
      • getgroups
      • setgroups
      • getpwuid
      • getpwnam
      • getgrgid
      • getgrnam


System Calls for File IO, Sockets, Time, Process, Signals, Users
Environemnt Variables
IO System Call
Constant values for IO.
the class for the DIR type in the C language.
struct dirent in the C language
the class for the FILE type in the C language.
struct flock in the C language
The stat Functions and The struct stat in the C language
struct utimbuf in the C language
IO System Call on Windows
ioctl System Call
Constant values for ioctl.
OS Information
Poll System Call
Constant values for Poll.
Array of struct pollfd in the C language
System Calls for Process Manipulation
Constant Values for Process Manipulation
Select System Call
Constant Values for Select.
fd_set structure in C Language
Signal Constant Values
Socket System Call
struct addrinfo in the C language
Sys::Socket::AddrinfoLinkedList is a SPVM module
Socket Constant Values
Socket Error Numbers
The address is not a valid network address.
struct in6_addr in the C language
struct in_addr in the C language
struct ip_mreq in the C language
struct ip_mreq_source in the C language
struct ipv6_mreq in the C language
struct sockaddr in the C language
struct sockaddr_in in the C language
struct sockaddr_in6 in the C language
struct sockaddr_storage in the C language
struct sockaddr_un in the C language
Socket Utilities
System Calls for Time Manipulation
Constant Values for Time
struct itimerval in the C language
struct timespec in the C language
struct timeval in the C language
struct timezone in the C language
struct tm in the C language
struct tms in the C language
Time Utilities
User/Group System Calls
Entry of Group Database
Entry of Password Database