The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.

Changes for version 0.508 - 2023-12-04

  • Document Fix
    • Fix the document of the new method in the Sys::Stat class. This method do not have arguments.
  • Incompatible Changes
    • The cando method in the Sys::Stat class becomes private.
    • The no_close field in the Sys::IO::FileStream is renamed to no_destroy.
    • The utime method in the Sys::IO class is moved to Sys::Time class.
    • The utimes method in the Sys::IO class is moved to Sys::Time class.
  • Bug Fix
    • Fix the bug that the spvm_stdin, spvm_stdout, spvm_stderr in the Sys::IO class do not return correct values.
    • Fix the bug that the STDIN, STDOUT, STDERR in the Sys class do not return correct values.


System Calls for File IO, Sockets, Time, Process, Signals, Users
Environemnt Variables
IO System Call
Constant values for File IO.
DIR structure in the C language.
struct dirent in the C language
FILE structure in the C language.
struct flock in the C language
struct stat in the C language
IO System Call on Windows
The ioctl System Call
Constant Values for The ioctl Function.
OS Information
Poll System Call
Constant Values for The poll System Call
Array of struct pollfd in the C language
System Calls for Process Manipulation
Constant Values for Process Manipulation
Select System Call
Constant Values for Select.
fd_set structure in C Language
Signal Constant Values
Socket System Call
struct addrinfo in the C language
Sys::Socket::AddrinfoLinkedList is a SPVM module
Socket Constant Values
Socket Error Numbers
The address is not a valid network address.
struct in6_addr in the C language
struct in_addr in the C language
struct ip_mreq in the C language
struct ip_mreq_source in the C language
struct ipv6_mreq in the C language
struct sockaddr in the C language
struct sockaddr_in in the C language
struct sockaddr_in6 in the C language
struct sockaddr_storage in the C language
struct sockaddr_un in the C language
Socket Utilities
System Calls for Time Manipulation
Constant Values for Time
struct itimerval in the C language
struct timespec in the C language
struct timeval in the C language
struct timezone in the C language
struct tm in the C language
struct tms in the C language
Time Utilities
struct utimbuf in the C language
User/Group System Calls
Entry of Group Database
Entry of Password Database