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#$Id:,v 1.7 2006/10/04 19:16:27 jef539 Exp $
package DBIx::Fun;
=head1 NAME
DBIx::Fun - access database stored procedures as methods
use DBI;
use DBIx::Fun;
my $dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:Oracle:orcl', 'scott', 'tiger');
my $fun = DBIx::Fun->context($dbh);
# print 5 random numbers from the database
$fun->dbms_random->initialize( 123 );
for my $i ( 1 .. 5 ) {
printf "%d %d\n", $i, $fun->dbms_random->random;
This module allow Perl programs to access database stored procedures
as if they were methods on an object.
use strict;
use Carp (); # don't import any subs, call them explicitly
our $VERSION = '0.02';
require Exporter;
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT_OK = qw( fun auto );
our @EXPORT_FAIL = qw( auto );
# new()
# not directly callable
# only in subclasses, as a class method
sub new {
my ( $class, %args ) = @_;
Carp::croak "new() not an object method on " . ref($class) if ref($class);
Carp::croak "Can't instantiate base class " . __PACKAGE__
if $class eq __PACKAGE__;
my $self = bless { cache => {}, %args }, $class;
# override _init in subclass
return $self;
# override _init in subclass
sub _init { }
=head2 context( $dbh )
Creates a C<DBI::Fun> subclass matching the driver of $dbh, e.g.,
DBD::Oracle => DBIx::Fun::Oracle.
# call as a class method
my $fun = DBIx::Fun->context($dbh);
Privately used as an object method to create child contexts.
sub context {
my ( $self, @args ) = @_;
# handle first element = dbh by adding 'dbh' hash key
if ( eval { $args[0]->isa('DBI::db') } ) {
unshift @args, 'dbh';
my %args = @args;
# inherit settings of parent context
my %self;
%self = %$self if eval { $self->isa('HASH') };
my $dbh = $args{dbh} || $self{dbh};
Carp::croak "No db handle supplied to context()" unless $dbh;
my $driver = $dbh->{Driver}{Name};
my $package = "DBIx::Fun::$driver";
# validate package name as Perl identifier
Carp::croak("Invalid package name $package")
unless $package =~ /^([^\W\d]\w*)(::[^\W\d]\w*)*$/;
# firesafe code from DBI:
# prevents files from messing with the current package
eval "package
require $package;"
or Carp::croak($@)
unless $INC{$package};
return $package->new( %self, %args );
=head2 fun( $dbh )
Returns a context for $dbh, cached in $dbh. Exportable as a function.
use DBIx::Fun 'fun';
print fun($dbh)->sysdate, "\n";
sleep 60;
# function signature cached in $dbh
print fun($dbh)->sysdate, "\n";
sub fun {
my ($dbh) = @_;
$dbh->{private_dbix_fun} ||= { cache => {} };
return DBIx::Fun->context(
dbh => $dbh,
%{ $dbh->{private_dbix_fun} }
=head2 auto
Not an actual function. Importing 'auto' will load fun() into the
DBI::db package, exposing it as a method on database handles.
use DBIx::Fun 'auto';
print $dbh->fun->sysdate, "\n";
sub export_fail {
my ( $class, @name ) = @_;
my @fail;
for my $name (@name) {
if ( $name eq 'auto' ) {
if ( not defined &DBI::db::fun ) {
*DBI::db::fun = \&fun;
else {
push @fail, $name;
return @fail;
=head1 METHODS
=head2 dbh
Accessor for the underlying database handle.
=head2 commit, rollback, disconnect
Convenience methods on the underlying database handle.
sub dbh { $_[0]->{dbh} }
sub commit { $_[0]->dbh->commit }
sub rollback { $_[0]->dbh->rollback }
sub disconnect { $_[0]->dbh->disconnect }
# _path
# private accessor for subclasses, returning the context 'path'
sub _path { @{ $_[0]->{path} || [] } }
# _croak_notfound($name)
# simulate normal Perl error messages for undefined subs
sub _croak_notfound {
local $Carp::Verbose = 0;
Carp::croak "Undefined subroutine &" . __PACKAGE__ . "::$_[0] called"
if @_ < 2;
my $class = ref( $_[0] ) || $_[0] || __PACKAGE__;
Carp::croak "Can't locate object method \"$_[1]\" via package \"$class\"";
# _lookup( $name )
# return a coderef or context for $name
# override in subclasses
sub _lookup { $_[0]->_croak_notfound( $_[1] ) }
# localized variable to prevent calling AUTOLOAD recursively
our $in_AUTOLOAD = undef;
=head2 _call($name, [ @args ] )
Call stored proc C<$name> with arguments @args.
C<$fun-E<gt>_call()> can be used to call a stored procedure
that contains characters not allowed in a Perl identifier, or
that clashes with a method defined in Perl.
sub _call {
my ( $self, $name ) = @_;
local $in_AUTOLOAD = $name;
my $obj = $self->_lookup($name);
return $obj->(@_) if ref($obj) eq 'CODE';
return $obj if $obj;
sub can {
my ( $self, $name ) = @_;
my $obj = $self->SUPER::can($name);
return $obj if $obj;
$obj = $self->_lookup($name);
print $obj;
return $obj if ref($obj) eq 'CODE';
return sub { $obj } if defined $obj;
return undef;
# goto &_call
Carp::croak "AUTOLOAD recursion: $in_AUTOLOAD -> $AUTOLOAD"
if defined $in_AUTOLOAD;
( my $method = $AUTOLOAD ) =~ s/.*:://;
my $self = $_[0];
# if this is an object method call, place the method name
# into the argument list and go directly to _call
if ( ref($self) and eval { $self->isa(__PACKAGE__) } ) {
splice( @_, 1, 0, $method );
goto &_call;
# for class method and plain subroutine calls, croak
sub DESTROY { local $@; }