$Id: README,v 1.10 2003/10/21 16:01:54 kmacleod Exp $
Collection of Perl modules for working with XML.
libxml-perl is a collection of smaller Perl modules, scripts, and
documents for working with XML in Perl. libxml-perl software
works in combination with XML::Parser, PerlSAX, XML::DOM,
XML::Grove and others.
See the file Changes for user-visible changes and ChangeLog for
detailed changes. See the `examples' directory for examples. POD
style documentation is included in all non-alpha modules and
scripts. You should also be able to use the 'perldoc' utility to
extract documentation from the module files directly. HTML
formatted docs are available at the libxml-perl home page
Newer versions of this module can be found on CPAN at
Perl-XML mailing list, send an email message to
ListManager@ActiveState.com with the following text in the body:
Subscribe Perl-XML
View the Perl XML FAQ at
Copyright (C) 1998 Ken MacLeod and others
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
The following modules are marked with their release status:
STABLE -- has been in use for a while with few or no outstanding
BETA -- interfaces are stable but there may still be bugs
ALPHA -- interfaces are changing, there may be lots of bugs, and
there may not be docs available yet
XML::Parser::PerlSAX is a PerlSAX parser using XML::Parser
(which uses James Clark's Expat XML Parser).
XML::Handler::Sample STABLE
XML::Handler::Sample is a PerlSAX handler that simply prints
out the event names as they are parsed by a PerlSAX parser.
It can be used for debugging or as a template for building new
handlers. XML::Handler::Sample contains handlers for all
known parser events.
XML::ESISParser is a validating PerlSAX parser using James
Clark's `nsgmls' SGML/XML Parser. ESISParser supports both
XML and SGML document instances. Unless you need validation,
you should probably be using XML::Parser::PerlSAX or
XML::ESISParser with XML::Grove obsolete the
SGML::SPGroveBuilder and SGML::Grove modules.
XML::Handler::XMLWriter STABLE
A PerlSAX handler for writing readable XML (in contrast to
Canonical XML, for example). XMLWriter is also subclassable
and supports calling start and end methods by element-names
(subclassed from XML::Handler::Subs). XMLWriter is similar to
XML::Parser's Stream style.
XML::Handler::Subs STABLE
A PerlSAX handler base class that calls start and end methods
by element-names. Subs is similar to XML::Parser's Subs
XML::Handler::CanonXMLWriter STABLE
A PerlSAX handler that outputs in Canonical XML
generally only used for debugging.
Data::Grove STABLE
Data::Grove::Parent STABLE
Data::Grove::Visitor STABLE
Data::Grove and it's helpers provide a base class for deeply
nested or directed graph structures. Used by XML::Grove (and
others soon).
SAX2Perl and Perl2SAX are SAX Parser<->DocumentHandler
filters. These modules translate parse events between the
Java/CORBA style SAX methods and PerlSAX style methods.
XML::PatAct::MatchName ALPHA
MatchName is a pattern matching module that can be used with
PatAct action modules. MatchName uses simple element names or
element name lists to match names to actions.
XML::PatAct::ToObjects ALPHA
ToObjects is a PatAct action module. ToObjects can be used to
create application-ready Perl objects from XML instances.
XML::PatAct::Amsterdam ALPHA
Amsterdam is a PatAct action module. Amsterdam can be used to
apply a very simple form of style-sheet to an XML instance by
using ``before'' and ``after'' strings that are output before
and after the contents of elements.
XML::PatAct::PatternTempl BETA
XML::PatAct::ActionTempl BETA
PatternTempl and ActionTempl are template files that
pattern/action module writers can copy to create new modules.
See Creating PatAct Modules for more information.
sax-2.0.html, sax-2.0-adv.html
PerlSAX 2.0 bindings. Maintained by Robin Berjon and the
XML-Perl mailing list.
This document defines a Perl binding to SAX 1.0. PerlSAX-
based parser modules implement and possibly extend the
interface described in PerlSAX.
A brief introduction to PerlSAX using the XML::Parser::PerlSAX
Describes how to use pattern/action modules to transform XML
A document for module writers who are writing new pattern/
action modules.
modules.xml contains a listing of all Perl XML packages and
their public modules categorized by several topics.
In order to use this package you will need Perl version 5.005 or
better. Several other modules may also be required to use some
modules in libxml-perl, including XML::Parser, XML::DOM, and
XML::Grove. These are all available in the XML module directory
on CPAN.
You install libxml-perl, as you would install any perl module
library, by running these commands:
perl Makefile.PL
make test
make install
If you want to install a private copy of libxml-perl in your home
directory, then you should try to produce the initial Makefile
with something like this command:
perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=~/perl