Storage::Nexsan::NMP - The great new way to mange Nexsan's programattically!


Version 0.05


This module ecapsulates version 2.30 of the Nexsan Management Protocol (NMP), written to automate some functions of the Nexsan storage device.

As most commands are relatively atomic, each command will carp if it fails, unless specifically otherwise noted.

This module covers only the following functions:

        System Information
        Firmware upgrade
        Rolling Reboot of controllers
        Event Log count
        Turning off MAID
        Setting options via SETOPT/DAT files

Further work will be done to implement the rest of the NMP as I require it, unless anyone wants to pitch in and help...

Sample code snippet.

use Storage::Nexsan::NMP;

say "Connecting to Nexsan: $nexsan, Port: $port"; my %NexsanInfo = ConnectToNexsan ($nexsan, $port);

my $sock = $NexsanInfo{sock};

say "Nexsan Version: " . $NexsanInfo{NMP}{Major} . "." . $NexsanInfo{NMP}{Minor} . "." . $NexsanInfo{NMP}{Patch}; say "Nexsan Serial: " . $NexsanInfo{serial};

#fill in the user and password details, then authenticate $NexsanInfo{username} = "ADMIN"; $NexsanInfo{password} = "password";

AuthenticateNexsan (\%NexsanInfo);

GetEventCount(\%NexsanInfo); #this will now be populated say "No Of Events: $NexsanInfo{eventCount}";


say "Status: $NexsanInfo{status}"; say "model: $NexsanInfo{model}"; say "firmware: $NexsanInfo{firmware}"; say "friendlyname $NexsanInfo{friendlyname}"; say "vendor: $NexsanInfo{vendor}"; say "productid $NexsanInfo{productid}"; say "enclosurenaaid: $NexsanInfo{enclosurenaaid}";

unless (defined $firmware) { die "no firmware value passed\n"; } $NexsanInfo{firmwarefile} = $firmware;




 * Rewrite the functions as OO - at the moment each function copies and pastes some standard functionality which is nasty and should be fixed, but out of TUITS..
 * apply some error checking for correct INI structure in SetOpt()
 * write a specific subroutine for the Powerlevel stanza (see notes in TurnOffMAIDInNexsan() )
 * write tests that tries functions not passing a $nexsan veriable
 * write tests that tries functions not passing a $port variable
 * write a test suite
 * write a Nexsan emulator that returns canned responses for the above test suite (definately in wish list territory here)


A list of functions that can be exported. You can delete this section if you don't export anything, such as for a purely object-oriented module.



MUST be passed IP/fqdn of Nexsan & then MAY be passed port no

Returns hash with following (example) information (thanks to Data::Dumper!);

$VAR1 = 'banner';

$VAR2 = '220 <237C2F1C> SATABeast2-059955A0-0 NMP V2.3.0 ready ';

$VAR3 = 'serial';

$VAR4 = '237C2F1C';

$VAR5 = 'NMP';

$VAR6 = { 'Minor' => '3', 'Major' => '2', 'Patch' => '0' }; $VAR7 = 'sock';


internal (i.e. not exported) function that takes the %NexsanInfo hash, and prepends nexan name/ip and date/time to the ususal 'say' output.

it assumes that ConnectToNexsan has been run, but nothing else.


Initial setup internal function used by all the utility functions to setup the telnet conenction


Authenticates to the NMP, without which any command but QUIT will fail.

MUST be passed hash containing socket, username and password pairs, e.g.

$NexsanInfo{sock} $NexsanInfo{username} $NexsanInfo{password}

croak's on failure of username or password to authenticate, as you can't do much without being logged in


        #MUST be passed a reference to a hash containing socket
        It will update the hash passed with a name:value pair called eventCount.
        It can be called as many times as you wish.


        MUST be passed an reference to a hash that contains a socket, and the AuthenticateNexsan 
                subroutine must have been run beforehand to populate the other required hash's
        Populates hash with the following name:value pairs;
        Parameter                       Description
        <status>                        Status of the RAID system (“HEALTHY”, “FAULT”)
        <serial>                        Serial number of the RAID system (8 hexadecimal digits)
        <model>                         Model name of the RAID system
        <firmware>                      Firmware version of the RAID system
        <friendlyname>          User-defined friendly name of the RAID system
        <vendor>                        “T10 Vendor Identification” field as reported in SCSI INQUIRY data [NMP 2.2.0]
        <productid>                     “Product Identification” field as reported in SCSI INQUIRY data [NMP 2.2.0]
        <enclosurenaaid>        “Enclosure NAA identifier” field as reported in SCSI INQUIRY VPD page 0x83 identifier type 3 [NMP 2.2.0]


        Uploads a firmware file to the Nexsan. Requires NMP 2.3.0 or later - and this routine
                checks for that, although it is safe to issue this command to an earlier version, as 
                it will safely reject the command, according to the developer. :-)
        MUST be passed an reference to a hash that contains a socket, and the AuthenticateNexsan 
                subroutine must have been run beforehand to populate the other required hash's
        MUST have 
        MUST have firmware filename passed in the above hash in the above hash's firmwarefile 
                name:value, e.g. $NexsanInfo->{firmware}->{filename} .
        NOTE: DOES NOT reboot the system after the upgrade; you need to use another function to do that!


To quote the NMP Reference Manual (v.2.3.0); "This command will perform a shutdown of the RAID system , the NMP connection will be closed. All cached data will be flushed to the disks, it is advised all host IO is stopped before this command is used. There are circumstances where shutdown is blocked (such as during a firmware update), these scenarios can be detected from the returned response."


To quote the NMP Reference Manual (v.2.3.0); "This command will perform a rolling restart of the RAID system , the NMP connection will be closed. Each controller is restarted in turn and therefore should minimize the amount time the storage is inaccessible. There are circumstances where rolling restart is blocked (such as during a firmware update), these scenarios can be detected from the returned response."


        #MUST be passed a reference to a hash containing socket
        This uses the SETOPT command to add the following MAID entry, as if it were uploaded 
        via a settings.dat file;
        PowerLevel1 = 2 ; 0, 2, 5 minutes
        PowerLevel2 = 0 ; 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 minutes
        PowerLevel3 = 0 ; 0, 15, 30, 60, 90, 120 minutes
        MaxSpareLevel = 2 ; 0, 1, 2, 3

        ASSUMPTION: that PowerLevel4 is not configured..


Import an .ini file (called .dat by Nexsan) that provides many confuguration options. The idea is that it can be used by another function to then upload a atandard config, replicating the behaviour of the GUI.

Requires a filename scalar passed to it, and returns a hash reference, for e.g.;

$HASH1 = { ActiveActive => { ActiveActiveMode => 'APAL' }, Cache => { AllowSCSIOverride => 'Disabled', Cache => 'Enabled', CacheTuning => 'Mixed', IgnoreForceUnitAccess => 'Enabled', Mirroring => 'Enabled', ReadStreamMode => 'Disabled', StreamingMode => 'Disabled' }, SYSLOG => { Facility => 'LOCAL0', SendToIP => '', UDPPort => 514, WhenToSend => 'All' } };


using the importDatFile internal function, apply a number of Nexsan Dat file stanza's.

The sub expects $NexsanInfo->{datfile} populated with the name of the dat file to import.

Note: no error checking is done on the hash to see it contains a correct INI structure as it assumes that its been imported from an Nexsan created/modified DAT file. Given the SETOPT command if not passed the write information, this is relatively low risk

 TODO apply some error checking for correct INI structure, as above!
 TODO write a specific subroutine for the Powerlevel stanza 
        (see notes in TurnOffMAIDInNexsan)


John Constable, <john.constable at>


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-storage-nexsan-nmp at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc Storage::Nexsan::NMP

You can also look for information at:


James Peck at Nexsan dot com for helping approve the release of this and answering inumerable questions Carl Elkins at sanger dot ac dot uk for allowing me the time to write this


Copyright 2011 John Constable.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See for more information.

1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 380:

Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in '(“HEALTHY”,'. Assuming UTF-8