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Text::Corpus::CNN - Make a corpus of CNN documents for research.


  use Cwd;
  use File::Spec;
  use Text::Corpus::CNN;
  use Data::Dump qw(dump);
  use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);
  Log::Log4perl->easy_init ($INFO);
  my $corpusDirectory = File::Spec->catfile (getcwd(), 'corpus_cnn');
  my $corpus = Text::Corpus::CNN->new (corpusDirectory => $corpusDirectory);
  $corpus->update (verbose => 1);
  dump $corpus->getTotalDocuments;


Text::Corpus::CNN can be used to create a temporary corpus of CNN news documents for personal research and testing of information processing methods. Read the CNN Interactive Service Agreement to ensure you abide by it when using this module.

The categories, description, title, etc... of a specified document are accessed using Text::Corpus::CNN::Document. Also, all errors and warnings are logged using Log::Log4perl, which should be initialized.



The constructor new creates an instance of the Text::Corpus::CNN class with the following parameters:

 corpusDirectory => '...'

corpusDirectory is the directory that documents are cached into using CHI. If corpusDirectory is not defined, then the path specified in the environment variable TEXT_CORPUS_CNN_CORPUSDIRECTORY is used if it is defined. If the directory defined does not exist, it will be created. A message is logged and an exception is thrown if no directory is specified.



 getDocument (index => $index, cacheOnly => 0)
 getDocument (uri => $uri, cacheOnly => 0)

getDocument returns a Text::Corpus::CNN::Document object for the document with index $index or uri $uri. The document indices range from zero to getTotalDocument()-1; getDocument returns undef if any errors occurred and logs them using Log::Log4perl.

 index => '...'

index should be the number of the document to return. It should be a non-negative integer less than getTotalDocument. If it is out of range undef is returned.

 uri => '...'

uri should be the URL of the document to return. If the document is not in the cache, it is fetched unless cacheOnly evaluates to false, in that case undef is returned.

 cacheOnly => 0

If cacheOnly evaluates to true, then only documents in the cache are returned, otherwise undef is returned. The default is false.

An example:

  use Cwd;
  use File::Spec;
  use Text::Corpus::CNN;
  use Data::Dump qw(dump);
  use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);
  Log::Log4perl->easy_init ($INFO);
  my $corpusDirectory = File::Spec->catfile (getcwd(), 'corpus_cnn');
  my $corpus = Text::Corpus::CNN->new (corpusDirectory => $corpusDirectory);
  $corpus->update (verbose => 1);
  my $document = $corpus->getDocument (index => 0);
  dump $document->getBody;
  dump $document->getCategories;
  dump $document->getContent;
  dump $document->getDate;
  dump $document->getDescription;
  dump $document->getHighlights;
  dump $document->getTitle;
  dump $document->getUri;


  getTotalDocuments ()

getTotalDocuments returns the total number of documents in the corpus. The index to the documents in the corpus ranges from zero to getTotalDocuments() - 1.


 getURIsInCorpus ()

getURIsInCorpus returns an array reference of all the URIs in the corpus.

For example:

  use Cwd;
  use File::Spec;
  use Text::Corpus::CNN;
  use Data::Dump qw(dump);
  use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);
  Log::Log4perl->easy_init ($INFO);
  my $corpusDirectory = File::Spec->catfile (getcwd(), 'corpus_cnn');
  my $corpus = Text::Corpus::CNN->new (corpusDirectory => $corpusDirectory);
  dump $corpus->getURIsInCorpus;


  update (verbose => 0)

This method updates the set of documents in the corpus by fetching any newly listed documents in the sitemap_news.xml file.

  verbose => 0

If verbose is positive, then after each new document is fetched a message is logged stating the number of documents remaining to fetch and the approximate time to completion. update returns the number of documents fetched.

For example:

  use Cwd;
  use File::Spec;
  use Text::Corpus::CNN;
  use Data::Dump qw(dump);
  use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);
  Log::Log4perl->easy_init ($INFO);
  my $corpusDirectory = File::Spec->catfile (getcwd(), 'corpus_cnn');
  my $corpus = Text::Corpus::CNN->new (corpusDirectory => $corpusDirectory);
  $corpus->update (verbose => 1);
  dump $corpus->getTotalDocuments;


The example below will print out all the information for each document in the corpus.

  use Cwd;
  use File::Spec;
  use Text::Corpus::CNN;
  use Data::Dump qw(dump);
  use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);
  Log::Log4perl->easy_init ($INFO);
  my $corpusDirectory = File::Spec->catfile (getcwd(), 'corpus_cnn');
  my $corpus = Text::Corpus::CNN->new (corpusDirectory => $corpusDirectory);
  my $totalDocuments = $corpus->getTotalDocuments;
  for (my $i = 0; $i < $totalDocuments; $i++)
        my $document = $corpus->getDocument(index => $i);
        next unless defined $document;
        my %documentInfo;
        $documentInfo{title} = $document->getTitle();
        $documentInfo{body} = $document->getBody();
        $documentInfo{content} = $document->getContent();
        $documentInfo{categories} = $document->getCategories();
        $documentInfo{description} = $document->getDescription();
        $documentInfo{highlights} = $document->getHighlights();
        $documentInfo{uri} = $document->getUri();
        dump \%documentInfo;

The example below will print some of the most frequent categories of all the articles in the corpus.

  use Cwd;
  use File::Spec;
  use Text::Corpus::CNN;
  use Data::Dump qw(dump);
  use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);
  Log::Log4perl->easy_init ($INFO);
  my $corpusDirectory = File::Spec->catfile (getcwd(), 'corpus_cnn');
  my $corpus = Text::Corpus::CNN->new (corpusDirectory => $corpusDirectory);
  my $totalDocuments = $corpus->getTotalDocuments;
  my %allCategories;
  for (my $i = 0; $i < $totalDocuments; $i++)
        my $document = $corpus->getDocument(index => $i);
        next unless defined $document;
        my $categories = $document->getCategories();
        foreach my $category (@$categories)
          my $categoryNormalized = lc $category;
          $allCategories{$categoryNormalized} = [0, $category] unless exists $allCategories{$categoryNormalized};
  my @allCategories = sort {$b->[0] <=> $a->[0]} values %allCategories;
  my $topCategories = 10;
  $topCategories = @allCategories if (@allCategories < $topCategories);
  for (my $i = 0; $i < $topCategories; $i++)
    print join (' ', @{$allCategories[$i]}) . "\n";


To install the module set TEXT_CORPUS_CNN_FULL_TESTING to true and run the following commands:

  perl Makefile.PL
  make test
  make install

If you are on a windows box you should use 'nmake' rather than 'make'.

The module will install if TEXT_CORPUS_CNN_FULL_TESTING is not defined or false, but little testing will be performed.


This module uses xpath expressions to extract links and text which may become invalid as the format of various pages change, causing a lot of bugs.

Please email bugs reports or feature requests to, or through the web interface at The author will be notified and you can be automatically notified of progress on the bug fix or feature request.


 Jeff Kubina<>


Copyright (c) 2009 Jeff Kubina. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module.


cnn, cable news network, corpus, english corpus, information processing


Read the CNN Interactive Service Agreement to ensure you abide by it when using this module.

CHI, Log::Log4perl, Text::Corpus::CNN::Document