=head1 NAME
A class for a Monzo transaction, extends L<Business::Monzo::Resource>
use strict;
use Moo;
use Types::Standard qw/ :all /;
The Transaction class has the following attributes (with their type).
id (Str)
account_id (Str)
category (Str)
dedupe_id (Str)
description (Str)
notes (Str)
scheme (Str)
account_balance (Int)
amount (Int)
local_amount (Int)
counterparty (HashRef)
metadata (HashRef)
is_load (Bool)
originator (Bool)
merchant (Business::Monzo::Merchant)
currency (Data::Currency)
local_currency (Data::Currency)
created (DateTime)
updated (DateTime)
settled (DateTime)
attachments (ArrayRef[Business::Monzo::Attachment])
Note that if a HashRef or Str is passed to ->merchant it will be coerced
into a Business::Monzo::Merchant object. When a Str is passed to ->currency
/ ->local_currency this will be coerced to a Data::Currency object, and
when a Str is passed to ->created / ->updated / ->settled this will be
coerced to a DateTime object.
has [ qw/
id account_id category dedupe_id description notes scheme
/ ] => (
is => 'ro',
isa => Str,
has [ qw/ account_balance amount local_amount / ] => (
is => 'ro',
isa => Int,
has [ qw/ counterparty metadata / ] => (
is => 'ro',
isa => HashRef,
has [ qw/ is_load originator / ] => (
is => 'ro',
isa => Any,
has merchant => (
is => 'ro',
isa => Maybe[InstanceOf['Business::Monzo::Merchant']],
coerce => sub {
my ( $args ) = @_;
return undef if ! defined $args;
if ( ref( $args ) eq 'HASH' ) {
return undef if ! keys %{ $args };
$args = Business::Monzo::Merchant->new(
client => $Business::Monzo::Resource::client,
%{ $args },
} elsif ( ! ref( $args ) ) {
$args = Business::Monzo::Merchant->new(
client => $Business::Monzo::Resource::client,
id => $args,
return $args;
has attachments => (
is => 'ro',
isa => Maybe[ArrayRef[InstanceOf['Business::Monzo::Attachment']]],
coerce => sub {
my ( $args ) = @_;
return undef if ! defined $args;
my @attachments;
foreach my $attachment ( @{ $args } ) {
push( @attachments,Business::Monzo::Attachment->new(
client => $Business::Monzo::Resource::client,
%{ $attachment },
) );
return [ @attachments ];
has [ qw/ created updated settled / ] => (
is => 'ro',
isa => Maybe[InstanceOf['DateTime']],
coerce => sub {
my ( $args ) = @_;
if ( ! ref( $args ) ) {
$args = DateTime::Format::DateParse->parse_datetime( $args );
return $args;
=head1 Operations on an transaction
=head2 get
Returns a new instance of the object populated with the attributes having called
the API
my $populated_transaction = $transaction->get;
This is for when you have instantiated an object with the id, so calling the API
will retrieve the full details for the entity.
sub get {
shift->SUPER::get( 'transaction' );
=head2 annotate
Returns a new instance of the object with annotated data having called the API
my $annotated_transaction = $transaction->annotate(
foo => "bar",
baz => "boz,
sub annotate {
my ( $self,%annotations ) = @_;
%annotations = $self->_params_as_array_string( 'metadata',\%annotations );
my $data = $self->client->api_patch( $self->url,\%annotations );
$data = $data->{transaction};
return $self->new(
client => $self->client,
%{ $data },
sub annotations {
return shift->metadata;
sub BUILD {
my ( $self,$args ) = @_;
foreach my $c ( 'local_','' ) {
my $amount_accessor = "${c}amount";
my $currency_accessor = "${c}currency";
if ( my $amount = $self->$amount_accessor ) {
# not all currencies have sub units, so default to 0 for exponent
my $decimal_precision = decimal_precision( $self->$currency_accessor->code ) // 0;
my $value = $amount / ( 10 ** $decimal_precision );
$self->$currency_accessor->value( $value );
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR
Lee Johnson - C<leejo@cpan.org>
=head1 LICENSE
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as Perl itself. If you would like to contribute documentation,
features, bug fixes, or anything else then please raise an issue / pull request:
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