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Perl6::Doc - all useful Perl 6 Docs in your command line


This document describes version 0.33 of Perl6::Doc, released December 23, 2007.


    > p6doc -h     # Show p6doc help
    > p6doc -c     # Show Table of Contents
    > p6doc s05    # Browse Synopsis 05
    > p6doc 5      # Same thing


This Perl module distribution contains all the latest Perl 6 documentation and a utility called p6doc for viewing it.

Below is the list of documents that are currently available; a number in the column indicates the document is currently available. An asterisk next to a number means that the document is an unofficial draft written by a member of the Perl community but not approved by the Perl 6 Design Team.


    S01  The Ugly, the Bad, and the Good   (A01)
    S02  Bits and Pieces                   (A02) (E02)
    S03  Operators                         (A03) (E03)
    S04  Syntax                            (A04) (E04)
    S05  Pattern Matching                  (A05) (E05)
    S06  Subroutines                       (A06) (E06)
         Formats                                 (E07)
    S09  Data Structures
    S10  Packages
    S11  Modules
    S12  Objects                           (A12)
    S13  Overloading
    S16* IPC / IO / Signals  
    S17* Concurrency
         Debugging                         (A20*)
    S22* CPAN
         Portable Perl
    S26* Perl Documentation
    S27* Perl Culture
    S28* Special Names
    S29* Functions

    F01  FAQ::Captures
    F02  FAQ::FUD

    O03  Overview::Operator
    O04  Overview::Smartmatch
    O06  Overview::Subroutine
    O08  Overview::Variable
    O09  Overview::Data
    O12  Overview::Object
    O16  Overview::File
    T01  Tutorial perlintro


Perl6::Doc was before Perl6::Bible which is now depreciated. We changed that name, because we expect here much more content than just Apocalypses, Exegeses and Synopses.

If you are interested in helping out the documentation project, please contact us on #perl6 or


The document codes S01 - S33 refer to the Perl 6 Synopses.

The Synopsis documents are to be taken as the formal specification for Perl 6 implementations, while still being reference documentation for Perl 6, like _Programming Perl_ is for Perl 5.

Note that while these documents are considered "formal specifications", they are still being subjected to the rigours of cross-examination through implementation.

In other words, they may change slightly or radically. But the expectation is that they are "very close" to the final shape of Perl 6.

Apocalypses (outdated)

The document codes A01 - A33 refer to the Perl 6 Apocalypses.

Larry Wall started the Apocalypse series as a systematic way of answering the RFCs (Request For Comments) that started the design process for Perl 6. Each Apocalypse corresponds to a chapter in the book _Programming Perl_, 3rd edition, and addresses the features relating to that chapter in the book that are likely to change.

Larry addresses each relevant RFC, and gives reasons why he accepted or rejected various pieces of it. But each Apocalypse also goes beyond a simple "yes" and "no" response to attack the roots of the problems identified in the RFCs.

Exegeses (outdated)

The document codes E01 - E33 refer to the Perl 6 Exegeses.

Damian Conway's Exegeses are extensions of each Apocalypse. Each Exegesis is built around a practical code example that applies and explains the new ideas.

Docs: Overview and FAQ

These are shorter summaries about a smaller specific topic. They are written mostly by the crazy Pugs people and replacing some of the outdated Synopses that are still marked as [Draft].

Tutorial (building up)

This is an community driven effort to translate the Perl 5 manpages into the shiny Perl 6 world. There are still are half way through the intro.


Perl6::Doc provides a class method to get the raw text of a document:

    my $text = Perl6::Doc->get_raw('s01');


* Ingy döt Net <>

* Sam Vilain <>

* Audrey Tang <>

* Herbert Breunung <>

* Kirrily "Skud" Robert <>

* Moritz Lenz <>

* David Koenig <>


A couple of paragraphs from _Perl 6 Essentials_ were used for the overview. Most of the Bible docs (Apocalypses, Exegeses, Synopses) are from the official Perl development site.

All draft Synopses, Overview, FAQ and Tutorial pages were taken out of the Pugs SVN repository.


Collection of docs is currently done by: Herbert Breunung <>


This Copyright applies only to the Perl6::Doc Perl software distribution, not the documents bundled within.

Copyright (c) 2007. Ingy döt Net, Herbert Breunung. All rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 304:

Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in 'döt'. Assuming CP1252