README for Thread::Bless
This module adds two features to threads that are sorely missed by some.
The first feature is that the DESTROY method is called only on the object if
the object is destroyed in the thread it was created in. This feature is
automatically activated when Thread::Bless is used.
The second feature is that an optional fixup method is called on the object
(automatically by Thread::Bless) just after the object is cloned (automatically
by Perl) when a thread is started. This is needed if the object contains
(references to) data structures that are not automatically handled by Perl.
Both features can be switched on/off seperately at compile or runtime to
provide the utmost flexibility.
For external modules that need to be thread aware but aren't yet (most notably
the ones that cannot handle having DESTROY called when cloned versions are
destroyed in threads), you can also activate Thread::Bless on them.
*** A note of CAUTION ***
This module only functions on Perl versions 5.8.0 and later. And then
only when threads are enabled with -Dusethreads. It is of no use with
any version of Perl before 5.8.0 or without threads enabled.
Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Elizabeth Mattijsen <>. All rights
reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
Required Modules:
Scalar::Util (1.08)
The build is standard:
perl Makefile.PL
make test
make install