Mail::Abuse::Filter::Time - Filter incidents according to how old they are


  use Mail::Abuse::Filter::Time;
  my $f = new Mail::Abuse::Filter::Time;



Removes those events from a Mail::Abuse::Report that are older than a given threshold, which can be specified in the configuration file for the abuse report.

The following configuration keys are recognized:

filter before

Incidents older than the specified time will be removed from the report and not considered. The time can be specified as a specific date or as a time delta according to the specifications in Date::Manip.

If this is not specified, the default is to ignore incidents that happened more than 96 hours in the past (ie, "96 hours ago").

filter after

Incidents newer than the specified time will be removed from the report and not considered. Normally, this time specification should be specified as a relative date (ie, "in 48 hours" which is the default). This is useful to discard events that occur in the future.

filter local timezone

If specified, assume this timezone for the conversion of the dates. Defaults to UTC.

debug time filter

When set to a true value, causes this module to emit debugging messages via warn(). Of course, defaults to a false value.

The following methods are implemented in this class.

criteria($report, $incident)

This function receives a Mail::Abuse::Report and a Mail::Abuse::Incident object. It returns a true value if the incident should be handled or false otherwise. This function will be generally called by the Mail::Abuse::Report object when requested to filter its events.


None by default.



Original version; created by h2xs 1.2 with options



This code and all accompanying software comes with NO WARRANTY. You use it at your own risk.

This code and all accompanying software can be used freely under the same terms as Perl itself.


Luis E. Muñoz <>



1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 202:

Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in 'Muñoz'. Assuming CP1252