# Copyrights 2007-2024 by [Mark Overmeer <markov@cpan.org>].
# For other contributors see ChangeLog.
# See the manual pages for details on the licensing terms.
# Pod stripped from pm file by OODoc 2.03.
# This code is part of distribution Log-Report. Meta-POD processed with
# OODoc into POD and HTML manual-pages. See README.md
# Copyright Mark Overmeer. Licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.
package Log::Report;
use vars '$VERSION';
$VERSION = '1.39';
use base 'Exporter';
use strict;
use List::Util qw/first/;
use Scalar::Util qw/blessed/;
my $lrm = 'Log::Report::Message';
### if you change anything here, you also have to change Log::Report::Minimal
my @make_msg = qw/__ __x __n __nx __xn N__ N__n N__w __p __px __np __npx/;
my @functions = qw/report dispatcher try textdomain/;
my @reason_functions = qw/trace assert info notice warning
mistake error fault alert failure panic/;
our @EXPORT_OK = (@make_msg, @functions, @reason_functions);
sub _whats_needed(); sub dispatcher($@); sub textdomain(@);
sub trace(@); sub assert(@); sub info(@); sub notice(@); sub warning(@);
sub mistake(@); sub error(@); sub fault(@); sub alert(@); sub failure(@);
sub panic(@);
sub __($); sub __x($@); sub __n($$$@); sub __nx($$$@); sub __xn($$$@);
sub N__($); sub N__n($$); sub N__w(@);
sub __p($$); sub __px($$@); sub __np($$$$); sub __npx($$$$@);
# Some initiations
my $reporter = {};
my $default_mode = 0;
my @nested_tries;
# we can only load these after Log::Report has compiled, because
# they use this module themselves as well.
textdomain 'log-report';
my $default_dispatcher = dispatcher PERL => 'default', accept => 'NOTICE-';
sub report($@)
{ my $opts = ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? +{ %{ (shift) } } : {};
my ($reason, $message) = (shift, shift);
my $stop = exists $opts->{is_fatal} ? $opts->{is_fatal} : is_fatal $reason;
my $try = $nested_tries[-1]; # WARNING: overloaded boolean, use 'defined'
my @disp;
if(defined $try)
{ push @disp, @{$reporter->{needs}{$reason} || []}
unless $stop || $try->hides($reason);
push @disp, $try
if $try->needs($reason) || $opts->{is_fatal};
{ @disp = @{$reporter->{needs}{$reason} || []};
is_reason $reason
or error __x"token '{token}' not recognized as reason", token=>$reason;
# return when no-one needs it: skip unused trace() fast!
@disp || $stop
or return;
my $to = delete $opts->{to};
{ # explicit destination, still disp may not need it.
if(ref $to eq 'ARRAY')
{ my %disp = map +($_->name => $_), @disp;
@disp = grep defined, @disp{@$to};
{ @disp = grep $_->name eq $to, @disp;
push @disp, $try if defined $try;
@disp || $stop
or return;
{ # internal Log::Report error can result in "deep recursions".
eval "require Carp"; Carp::confess($message);
$opts->{location} ||= Log::Report::Dispatcher->collectLocation;
my $exception;
if(!blessed $message)
{ # untranslated message into object
@_%2 and error __x"odd length parameter list with '{msg}'", msg => $message;
$message = $lrm->new(_prepend => $message, @_);
{ $exception = $message;
$message = $exception->message;
{ @_==0 or error __x"a message object is reported with more parameters";
{ # foreign object
my $text = "$message"; # hope stringification is overloaded
$text =~ s/\s*$//gs;
@_%2 and error __x"odd length parameter list with object '{msg}'",
msg => $text;
$message = $lrm->new(_prepend => $text, @_);
$message->to(undef) if $to; # overrule destination of message
if(my $disp_name = $message->to)
{ @disp = grep $_->name eq $disp_name, @disp;
push @disp, $try if defined $try && $disp_name ne 'try';
@disp or return;
$opts->{errno} //= $message->errno //
(use_errno($reason) ? ($!+0 || $?) : is_fatal($reason) ? 1 : undef);
my $domain = $message->domain;
if(my $filters = $reporter->{filters})
foreach my $d (@disp)
{ my ($r, $m) = ($reason, $message);
foreach my $filter (@$filters)
{ next if keys %{$filter->[1]} && !$filter->[1]{$d->name};
($r, $m) = $filter->[0]->($d, $opts, $r, $m, $domain);
$r or next DISPATCHER;
$d->log($opts, $r, $m, $domain);
{ $_->log($opts, $reason, $message, $domain) for @disp;
{ # $^S = $EXCEPTIONS_BEING_CAUGHT; parse: undef, eval: 1, else 0
(defined($^S) ? $^S : 1) or exit($opts->{errno} || 0);
$! = $opts->{errno} || 0;
$@ = $exception || Log::Report::Exception->new(report_opts => $opts
, reason => $reason, message => $message);
die; # $@->PROPAGATE() will be called, some eval will catch this
my %disp_actions = map +($_ => 1), qw/
close find list disable enable mode needs filter active-try do-not-reopen
my $reopen_disp = 1;
sub dispatcher($@)
{ if(! $disp_actions{$_[0]})
{ my ($type, $name) = (shift, shift);
# old dispatcher with same name will be closed in DESTROY
my $disps = $reporter->{dispatchers};
{ my $has = first {$_->name eq $name} @$disps;
if(defined $has && $has ne $default_dispatcher)
{ my $default = $name eq 'default'
? ' (refreshing configuration instead)' : '';
trace "not reopening $name$default";
return $has;
my @disps = grep $_->name ne $name, @$disps;
trace "reopening dispatcher $name" if @disps != @$disps;
my $disp = Log::Report::Dispatcher
->new($type, $name, mode => $default_mode, @_);
push @disps, $disp if $disp;
$reporter->{dispatchers} = \@disps;
return $disp ? ($disp) : undef;
my $command = shift;
if($command eq 'list')
{ mistake __"the 'list' sub-command doesn't expect additional parameters"
if @_;
my @disp = @{$reporter->{dispatchers}};
push @disp, $nested_tries[-1] if @nested_tries;
return @disp;
if($command eq 'needs')
{ my $reason = shift || 'undef';
error __"the 'needs' sub-command parameter '{reason}' is not a reason"
unless is_reason $reason;
my $disp = $reporter->{needs}{$reason};
return $disp ? @$disp : ();
if($command eq 'filter')
{ my $code = shift;
error __"the 'filter' sub-command needs a CODE reference"
unless ref $code eq 'CODE';
my %names = map +($_ => 1), @_;
push @{$reporter->{filters}}, [ $code, \%names ];
return ();
if($command eq 'active-try')
{ return $nested_tries[-1];
if($command eq 'do-not-reopen')
{ $reopen_disp = 0;
return ();
my $mode = $command eq 'mode' ? shift : undef;
my $all_disp = @_==1 && $_[0] eq 'ALL';
my $disps = $reporter->{dispatchers};
my @disps;
if($all_disp) { @disps = @$disps }
{ # take the dispatchers in the specified order. Both lists
# are small, so O(x²) is small enough
for my $n (@_) { push @disps, grep $_->name eq $n, @$disps }
error __"only one dispatcher name accepted in SCALAR context"
if @disps > 1 && !wantarray && defined wantarray;
if($command eq 'close')
{ my %kill = map +($_->name => 1), @disps;
@$disps = grep !$kill{$_->name}, @$disps;
$_->close for @disps;
elsif($command eq 'enable') { $_->_disabled(0) for @disps }
elsif($command eq 'disable') { $_->_disabled(1) for @disps }
elsif($command eq 'mode')
{ Log::Report::Dispatcher->defaultMode($mode) if $all_disp;
$_->_set_mode($mode) for @disps;
# find does require reinventarization
_whats_needed if $command ne 'find';
wantarray ? @disps : $disps[0];
END { $_->close for @{$reporter->{dispatchers}} }
# _whats_needed
# Investigate from all dispatchers which reasons will need to be
# passed on. After dispatchers are added, enabled, or disabled,
# this method shall be called to re-investigate the back-ends.
sub _whats_needed()
{ my %needs;
foreach my $disp (@{$reporter->{dispatchers}})
{ push @{$needs{$_}}, $disp for $disp->needs;
$reporter->{needs} = \%needs;
sub try(&@)
{ my $code = shift;
@_ % 2
and report {location => [caller 0]}, PANIC =>
__x"odd length parameter list for try(): forgot the terminating ';'?";
unshift @_, mode => 'DEBUG'
if $reporter->{needs}{TRACE};
my $disp = Log::Report::Dispatcher::Try->new(TRY => 'try', @_);
# L::R native messages are logged directly in $disp via @nested_tries
push @nested_tries, $disp;
# user's __DIE__ handlers would frustrate the exception mechanism
local $SIG{__DIE__};
my ($ret, @ret);
if(!defined wantarray) { eval { $code->() } } # VOID context
elsif(wantarray) { @ret = eval { $code->() } } # LIST context
else { $ret = eval { $code->() } } # SCALAR context
my $err = $@;
pop @nested_tries; # remove $disp
my $is_exception = blessed $err && $err->isa('Log::Report::Exception');
if(!$is_exception && $err && !$disp->wasFatal)
{ # Decode errors which do not origin from Log::Report reports
# Native exceptions are already logged.
my ($opts, $reason, $text) = blessed $err
? Log::Report::Die::exception_decode($err)
: Log::Report::Die::die_decode($err, on_die => $disp->die2reason);
$disp->log($opts, $reason, __$text);
if $is_exception ? $err->isFatal : $err;
$@ = $disp;
wantarray ? @ret : $ret;
sub trace(@) {report TRACE => @_}
sub assert(@) {report ASSERT => @_}
sub info(@) {report INFO => @_}
sub notice(@) {report NOTICE => @_}
sub warning(@) {report WARNING => @_}
sub mistake(@) {report MISTAKE => @_}
sub error(@) {report ERROR => @_}
sub fault(@) {report FAULT => @_}
sub alert(@) {report ALERT => @_}
sub failure(@) {report FAILURE => @_}
sub panic(@) {report PANIC => @_}
sub __($)
{ my ($cpkg, $fn, $linenr) = caller;
( _msgid => shift
, _domain => pkg2domain($cpkg)
, _use => "$fn line $linenr"
# label "msgid" added before first argument
sub __x($@)
{ my ($cpkg, $fn, $linenr) = caller;
@_%2 or error __x"even length parameter list for __x at {where}",
where => "$fn line $linenr";
my $msgid = shift;
( _msgid => $msgid
, _expand => 1
, _domain => pkg2domain($cpkg)
, _use => "$fn line $linenr"
, @_
sub __n($$$@)
{ my ($single, $plural, $count) = (shift, shift, shift);
my ($cpkg, $fn, $linenr) = caller;
( _msgid => $single
, _plural => $plural
, _count => $count
, _domain => pkg2domain($cpkg)
, _use => "$fn line $linenr"
, @_
sub __nx($$$@)
{ my ($single, $plural, $count) = (shift, shift, shift);
my ($cpkg, $fn, $linenr) = caller;
( _msgid => $single
, _plural => $plural
, _count => $count
, _expand => 1
, _domain => pkg2domain($cpkg)
, _use => "$fn line $linenr"
, @_
sub __xn($$$@) # repeated for prototype
{ my ($single, $plural, $count) = (shift, shift, shift);
my ($cpkg, $fn, $linenr) = caller;
( _msgid => $single
, _plural => $plural
, _count => $count
, _expand => 1
, _domain => pkg2domain($cpkg)
, _use => "$fn line $linenr"
, @_
sub N__($) { $_[0] }
sub N__n($$) {@_}
sub N__w(@) {split " ", $_[0]}
sub __p($$) { __($_[0])->_msgctxt($_[1]) }
sub __px($$@)
{ my ($ctxt, $msgid) = (shift, shift);
__x($msgid, @_)->_msgctxt($ctxt);
sub __np($$$$)
{ my ($ctxt, $msgid, $plural, $count) = @_;
__n($msgid, $msgid, $plural, $count)->_msgctxt($ctxt);
sub __npx($$$$@)
{ my ($ctxt, $msgid, $plural, $count) = splice @_, 0, 4;
__nx($msgid, $msgid, $plural, $count, @_)->_msgctxt($ctxt);
sub import(@)
{ my $class = shift;
{ my ($pkg, $fn, $line) = caller; # do not report on LR:: modules
if(index($pkg, 'Log::Report::') != 0)
{ # @pkgs empty during release testings of L::R distributions
my @pkgs = Log::Report::Optional->usedBy;
die "Log::Report loaded too late in $fn line $line, "
. "put in $pkg before ", (join ',', @pkgs) if @pkgs;
my $to_level = ($_[0] && $_[0] =~ m/^\+\d+$/ ? shift : undef) || 0;
my $textdomain = @_%2 ? shift : undef;
my %opts = @_;
my ($pkg, $fn, $linenr) = caller $to_level;
my $domain;
if(defined $textdomain)
{ pkg2domain $pkg, $textdomain, $fn, $linenr;
$domain = textdomain $textdomain;
### Log::Report options
if(exists $opts{mode})
{ $default_mode = delete $opts{mode} || 0;
dispatcher mode => $default_mode, 'ALL';
my @export;
if(my $in = delete $opts{import})
{ push @export, ref $in eq 'ARRAY' ? @$in : $in;
{ push @export, @functions, @make_msg;
my $syntax = delete $opts{syntax} || 'SHORT';
if($syntax eq 'SHORT')
{ push @export, @reason_functions
elsif($syntax ne 'REPORT' && $syntax ne 'LONG')
{ error __x"syntax flag must be either SHORT or REPORT, not `{flag}' in {fn} line {line}"
, flag => $syntax, fn => $fn, line => $linenr;
if(my $msg_class = delete $opts{message_class})
{ $msg_class->isa($lrm)
or error __x"message_class {class} does not extend {base}"
, base => $lrm, class => $msg_class;
$lrm = $msg_class;
$class->export_to_level(1+$to_level, undef, @export);
### Log::Report::Domain configuration
if(!%opts) { }
{ $domain->configure(%opts, where => [$pkg, $fn, $linenr ]) }
{ error __x"no domain for configuration options in {fn} line {line}"
, fn => $fn, line => $linenr;
# deprecated, since we have a ::Domain object in 1.00
sub translator($;$$$$)
{ # replaced by (textdomain $domain)->configure
my ($class, $name) = (shift, shift);
my $domain = textdomain $name
or error __x"textdomain `{domain}' for translator not defined"
, domain => $name;
@_ or return $domain->translator;
my ($translator, $pkg, $fn, $line) = @_;
($pkg, $fn, $line) = caller # direct call, not via import
unless defined $pkg;
or error __x"translator must be a {pkg} object for {domain}"
, pkg => 'Log::Report::Translator', domain => $name;
$domain->configure(translator => $translator, where => [$pkg, $fn, $line]);
sub textdomain(@)
{ if(@_==1 && blessed $_[0])
{ my $domain = shift;
$domain->isa('Log::Report::Domain') or panic;
return $reporter->{textdomains}{$domain->name} = $domain;
{ # used for 'maintenance' and testing
return delete $reporter->{textdomains}{$_[0]} if $_[1] eq 'DELETE';
return $reporter->{textdomains}{$_[0]} if $_[1] eq 'EXISTS';
my $name = (@_%2 ? shift : pkg2domain((caller)[0])) || 'default';
my $domain = $reporter->{textdomains}{$name}
||= Log::Report::Domain->new(name => $name);
$domain->configure(@_, where => [caller]) if @_;
sub needs(@)
{ my $thing = shift;
my $self = ref $thing ? $thing : $reporter;
first {$self->{needs}{$_}} @_;