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Mail::Box::Mbox::Message - one message in a Mbox folder


 is a Mail::Box::Message
 is a Mail::Message + ::Construct
 is a Mail::Reporter


 my $folder  = new Mail::Box::Mbox folder => $ENV{MAIL}, ...;
 my $message = $folder->message(0);


Maintain one message in an Mbox folder. See the Mail::Message documentation for exceptions and extensions to messages which are Mbox-specific on this page.

The bottom of this page provides more details about the implementation, but first the use.


The general methods for Mail::Box::Mbox::Message objects:

   MM bcc                               MM label LABEL [,VALUE]
  MMC bounce OPTIONS                    MR log [LEVEL [,STRINGS]]
  MMC build [MESSAGE|BODY], CONTENT     MM messageId
  MMC buildFromBody BODY, HEADERS       MM modified [BOOL]
   MM cc                                   new OPTIONS
  MBM copyTo FOLDER                     MM nrLines
   MM date                              MM parent
   MM decoded OPTIONS                   MM parts
  MBM delete                               print [FILEHANDLE]
  MBM deleted [BOOL]                    MM printUndisclosed [FILEHANDLE]
   MM destinations                     MMC reply OPTIONS
   MM encode OPTIONS                   MMC replyPrelude [STRING|FIELD|...
   MR errors                           MMC replySubject STRING
  MBM folder [FOLDER]                   MR report [LEVEL]
  MMC forward OPTIONS                   MR reportAll [LEVEL]
  MMC forwardPostlude                   MM send [MAILER], OPTIONS
  MMC forwardPrelude                   MBM seqnr [INTEGER]
  MMC forwardSubject STRING            MBM shortString
   MM from                              MM size
      fromLine [LINE]                   MM subject
   MM get FIELD                         MM timestamp
   MM guessTimestamp                    MM to
   MM isDummy                           MM toplevel
   MM isMultipart                       MR trace [LEVEL]
   MM isPart                            MR warnings

The extra methods for extension writers:

   MR AUTOLOAD                             loadBody
   MM DESTROY                           MR logPriority LEVEL
   MM body [BODY]                       MR logSettings
   MM clone                                moveLocation DISTANCE
   MM coerce MESSAGE                    MR notImplemented
  MBM diskDelete                           parser
      fileLocation                         read PARSER
   MM head [HEAD, [LABELS]]            MBM readBody PARSER, HEAD [, BO...
   MR inGlobalDestruction               MM readHead PARSER [,CLASS]
   MM isDelayed                         MM storeBody BODY
   MM labels                            MM takeMessageId [STRING]

Methods prefixed with an abbreviation are described in the following manual-pages:

   MM = L<Mail::Message>
   MR = L<Mail::Reporter>
  MBM = L<Mail::Box::Message>
  MMC = L<Mail::Message::Construct>



Messages in file-based folders use the following options for creation:

 body          Mail::Message         undef
 deleted       Mail::Box::Message    0
 folder        Mail::Box::Message    <required>
 head          Mail::Message         undef
 head_wrap     Mail::Message         72
 labels        Mail::Box::Message    []
 log           Mail::Reporter        'WARNINGS'
 messageId     Mail::Message         undef
 modified      Mail::Message         0
 size          Mail::Box::Message    undef
 trace         Mail::Reporter        'WARNINGS'
 trusted       Mail::Message         0

Only for extension writers:

 body_type     Mail::Box::Message    <defined by folder>
 field_type    Mail::Message         undef
 head_type     Mail::Message         'Mail::Message::Head::Complete'
  • from_line STRING

    The line which begins each message in the file. Some people detest this line, but this is just how things were invented...

fromLine [LINE]

Many people detest file-style folders because they store messages all in one file, where a line starting with From leads the header. If we receive a message from a file-based folder, we store that line. If we write to such a file, but there is no such line stored, then we try to generate one.

If LINE is provided, then the starting line is set to this value.

Write one message to a file handle. Unmodified messages are taken from the folder-file where they were stored. Modified messages are written to memory. Specify a FILEHANDLE to write to (defaults to STDOUT).

METHODS for extension writers


Read one message from a Mbox folder, including the message separator. See Mail::Message::read() for more details.


Returns the parser when there are still delayed parts of this message, or undef when all message parts are already read into real structures.


Return the location of the whole message including the from-line.

moveLocation DISTANCE

The message is relocated in the file, being moved over DISTANCE bytes. Setting a new location will update the according information in the header and body.





Mark Overmeer ( All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


This code is beta, version 2.004.

Copyright (c) 2001 Mark Overmeer. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.