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Mail::Message::Construct - extends the functionality of a Mail::Message


 Mail::Message has extra code in

   is a Mail::Reporter

 Mail::Message is extended by


 my $msg1 = Mail::Message->read(\*STDIN);
 my $msg2 = Mail::Message->read(\@lines);

 my $msg3 = Mail::Message->build
   (From => 'me', data => "only two\nlines\n");

 my $msg4 = Mail::Message->buildFromBody($body);

 my Mail::Message $reply = $message->reply;
 my $quoted  = $message->replyPrelude($head->get('From'));


Read Mail::Box-Overview and Mail::Message first.

When complex methods are called on a Mail::Message-object, this package is autoloaded to supply that functionality.




See Mail::Message::new()

Constructing a Message


The program calling this method considers itself as an intermediate step in the message delivery process; it therefore leaves a resent group of header fields as trace.

When a message is received, the Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) adds a Received field to the header. As OPTIONS, you may specify lines which are added to the resent group of that received field. Resent- is prepended before the field-names automatically, unless already present.

You may also specify an instantiated Mail::Message::Head::ResentGroup (RG) object. See Mail::Message::Head::ResentGroup::new() for the available options. This is required if you want to add a new resent group: create a new Received line in the header as well.

If you are planning to change the body of a bounce message, don't! Bounced messages have the same message-id as the original message, and therefore should have the same content (message-ids are universally unique). If you still insist, use Mail::Message::body().


 my $bounce = $folder->message(3)->bounce(To => 'you', Bcc => 'everyone');


 my $rg     = Mail::Message::Head::ResentGroup->new(To => 'you',
    Received => 'from ... by ...');

(Class method) Simplified message object builder. In case a MESSAGE is specified, a new message is created with the same body to start with, but new headers. A BODY may be specified as well. However, there are more ways to add data simply.

The CONTENT is a list of key-value pairs and header field objects. The keys which start with a capital are used as header-lines. Lowercased fields are used for other purposes as listed below. Each field may be used more than once. If more than one data, file, and attach is specified, a multi-parted message is created.

This build method will use buildFromBody() when the body object has been constructed. Together, they produce your message.

 OPTION               DEFAULT
 attach               undef
 data                 undef
 file                 undef
 files                []
 head                 undef

One attachment to the message. Each attachment can be full MESSAGE or a BODY.

 attach => $folder->message(3)->decoded  # body
 attach => $folder->message(3)           # message

The text for one part, specified as one STRING, or an ARRAY of lines. Each line, including the last, must be terminated by a newline. This argument is passed to the data options of Mail::Message::Body::new() to construct one.

  data => [ "line 1\n", "line 2\n" ]     # array of lines
  data => <<'TEXT'                       # string
 line 1
 line 2

Create a body where the data is read from the specified FILENAME, FILEHANDLE, or object of type IO::Handle. Also this body is used to create a Mail::Message::Body.

 my $in = IO::File->new('/etc/passwd', 'r');

 file => 'picture.jpg'                   # filename
 file => \*MYINPUTFILE                   # file handle
 file => $in                             # IO::Handle
files => ARRAY-OF-FILE

See option file, but then an array reference collection more of them.

head => HEAD

Start with a prepared header, otherwise one is created.


 my $msg = Mail::Message->build
  ( From   => ''
  , To     => Mail::Address->new('your name', '')
  , Cc     => ''
  , $other_message->get('Bcc')

  , data   => [ "This is\n", "the first part of\n", "the message\n" ]
  , file   => 'myself.gif'
  , file   => 'you.jpg'
  , attach => $signature
buildFromBody BODY, [HEAD], HEADERS

(Class method) Shape a message around a BODY. Bodies have information about their content in them, which is used to construct a header for the message. You may specify a HEAD object which is pre-initialized, or one is created for you (also when HEAD is undef). Next to that, more HEADERS can be specified which are stored in that header.

Header fields are added in order, and before the header lines as defined by the body are taken. They may be supplied as key-value pairs or Mail::Message::Field objects. In case of a key-value pair, the field's name is to be used as key and the value is a string, address (Mail::Address object), or array of addresses.

A Date, Message-Id, and MIME-Version field are added unless supplied.


 my $type = Mail::Message::Field->new('Content-Type', 'text/html'
   , 'charset="us-ascii"');

 my @to   = ( Mail::Address->new('Your name', '')
            , ''

 my $msg  = Mail::Message->buildFromBody
   ( $body
   , From => ''
   , To   => \@to
   , $type
coerce MESSAGE

See Mail::Message::coerce()

forward OPTIONS

Forward the content of this message. The body of the message to be forwarded is encapsulated in some accompanying text (if you have no wish for that, than bounce is your choice).

You may forward a whole message, but also message parts. You may wish to overrule some of the default header settings for the reply immediately, or you may do that later with set on the header.

 OPTION               DEFAULT
 Bcc                  undef
 Cc                   undef
 Date                 <now>
 From                 <'to' in current>
 Message-ID           <uniquely generated>
 Subject              <see forwardSubject>
 To                   <obligatory>
 body                 undef
 include              'INLINE'
 max_signature        10
 message_type         'Mail::Message'
 postlude             undef
 prelude              undef
 quote                undef
 signature            undef
 strip_signature      qr/^--\s/

Receivers of blind carbon copies: their names will not be published to other message receivers.


The carbon-copy receivers, by default none.

Date => DATE

The date to be used in the message sent.


Your identification, by default taken from the To field of the source message.

Message-ID => STRING

Supply a STRING as specific message-id for the reply. By default, one is generated for you. If there are no angles around your id, they will be added.

Subject => STRING|CODE

Force the subject line to the specific STRING, or the result of the subroutine specified by CODE. The subroutine will be called passing the subject of the original message as only argument. By default, the forwardSubject() method is used.


The destination of your message. Obligatory. The ADDRESSES may be specified as string, a Mail::Address object, or as array of Mail::Address objects.

body => OBJECT

If you specify a fully prepared body OBJECT, it will be used as forwarded message contents. In this case, only the headers are constructed for you.

include => 'INLINE'|'ATTACH'

Must the message where this is a reply to be included in the message? With 'INLINE' a forward body is composed. 'ATTACH' will create a multi-part body, where the original message is added after the specified body. It is only possible to inline textual messages, therefore binary or multi-part messages will always be enclosed as attachment.

max_signature => INTEGER

Passed to stripSignature on the body as parameter max_lines. Only effective for single-part messages.

message_type => CLASS

Create a message with the requested type. By default, it will be a Mail::Message. This is correct, because it will be coerced into the correct folder message type when it is added to that folder.

postlude => BODY

The line(s) which to be added after the quoted reply lines. Create a body for it first. This should not include the signature, which has its own option. The signature will be added after the postlude when the forwarded message is INLINEd.

prelude => BODY

The line(s) which will be added before the quoted forwarded lines. If nothing is specified, the result of the forwardPrelude() method (as described below) is used. When undef is specified, no prelude will be added.

quote => CODE|STRING

Mangle the lines of an INLINEd reply with CODE, or by prepending a STRING to each line. The routine specified by CODE is called when the line is in $_.

By default, nothing is added before each line. This option is processed after the body has been decoded.

signature => BODY|MESSAGE

The signature to be added in case of a multi-part forward. The mime-type of the signature body should indicate this is a used as such. However, in INLINE mode, the body will be taken, a line containing '-- ' added before it, and added behind the epilogue.

strip_signature => REGEXP|STRING|CODE

Remove the signature of the sender. The value of this parameter is passed to the body's stripSignature method (see Mail::Message::Body) as pattern unless the source text is not included. The signature is stripped from the message before quoting.

When a multi-part body is encountered, and the message is included to ATTACH, the parts which look like signatures will be removed. If only one message remains, it will be the added as single attachment, otherwise a nested multipart will be the result. The value of this option does not matter, as long as it is present. See Mail::Message::Body::Multipart.


Added after the forwarded message.


 ---- END forwarded message

Create a few lines to be included before the forwarded message content. The return is an array of lines.


 ---- BEGIN forwarded message
 From: (Original Sender)
 To: (Me the receiver)
 Date: Wed, 9 Feb 2000 15:44:05 -0500
 <blank line>
forwardSubject STRING

Create a subject for a message which is a forward from this one. This routine tries to count the level of reply in subject field, and transform it into a standard form. Please contribute improvements.


 subject                 --> Forw: subject
 Re: subject             --> Forw: Re: subject
 Re[X]: subject          --> Forw: Re[X]: subject
 <blank>                 --> Forwarded

(Class method) Read a message from a FILEHANDLE, SCALAR, a reference to a SCALAR, or a reference to an array of LINES. The OPTIONS are passed to the new() of the message which is created.

Please have a look at build() and buildFromBody() before thinking about this read method. Use this read only when you have a file-handle like STDIN to parse from, or some external source of message lines. When you already have a separate set of head and body lines, then read is certainly not your best choice.


 my $msg1 = Mail::Message->read(\*STDIN);
 my $msg2 = Mail::Message->read(\@lines, log => 'PROGRESS');
 $folder->addMessages($msg1, $msg2);

 my $msg3 = Mail::Message->read(<<MSG);
 Subject: hello world
                      # warning: empty line required !!!
 Hi, greetings!

Start a reply to this message. Some of the header-lines of the original message will be taken. A message-id will be assigned. Some header lines will be updated to facilitate message-thread detection (see Mail::Box::Thread::Manager).

You may reply to a whole message or a message part. You may wish to overrule some of the default header settings for the reply immediately, or you may do that later with set on the header.

ADDRESSES may be specified as string, or a Mail::Address object, or as array of Mail::Address objects.

 OPTION               DEFAULT
 Bcc                  undef
 Cc                   <'cc' in current>
 From                 <'to' in current>
 Message-ID           <uniquely generated>
 Subject              <see replySubject()>
 To                   <sender in current>
 body                 undef
 group_reply          <true>
 include              'INLINE'
 max_signature        10
 message_type         'Mail::Message'
 postlude             undef
 prelude              undef
 quote                '=E<gt> '
 signature            undef
 strip_signature      qr/^--\s/

Receivers of blind carbon copies: their names will not be published to other message receivers.


The carbon-copy receivers, by default a copy of the Cc field of the source message.


Your identification, by default taken from the To field of the source message.

Message-ID => STRING

Supply a STRING as specific message-id for the reply. By default, one is generated for you. If there are no angles around your id, they will be added.

Subject => STRING|CODE

Force the subject line to the specific STRING, or the result of the subroutine specified by CODE. The subroutine will be called passing the subject of the original message as only argument. By default, the replySubject method (described below) is used.


The destination of your message. By default taken from the Reply-To field in the source message. If that field is not present, the Sender field is taken. If that field is not present as well, the From line is scanned. If they all fail, undef is returned.

body => BODY

Usually, the reply method can create a nice, sufficient message from the source message's body. In case you like more complicated reformatting, you may also create a body yourself first, and pass this on to this reply method. Some of the other options to this method will be ingored in this case.

group_reply => BOOLEAN

Will the people listed in the Cc headers (those who received the message where you reply to now) also receive this message as carbon copy?

include => 'NO'|'INLINE'|'ATTACH'

Must the message where this is a reply to be included in the message? If 'NO' then not. With 'INLINE' a reply body is composed. 'ATTACH' will create a multi-part body, where the original message is added after the specified body. It is only possible to inline textual messages, therefore binary or multipart messages will always be enclosed as attachment.

max_signature => INTEGER

Passed to stripSignature on the body as parameter max_lines. Only effective for single-part messages.

message_type => CLASS

Create a message with the requested type. By default, it will be a Mail::Message. This is correct, because it will be coerced into the correct folder message type when it is added to that folder.

postlude => BODY|LINES

The line(s) which to be added after the quoted reply lines. Create a body for it first. This should not include the signature, which has its own option. The signature will be added after the postlude when the reply is INLINEd.

prelude => BODY|LINES

The line(s) which will be added before the quoted reply lines. If nothing is specified, the result of the replyPrelude() method is taken. When undef is specified, no prelude will be added.

quote => CODE|STRING

Mangle the lines of an INLINEd reply with CODE, or by prepending a STRING to each line. The routine specified by CODE is called when the line is in $_.

By default, '> ' is added before each line. Specify undef to disable quoting. This option is processed after the body has been decoded.

signature => BODY|MESSAGE

The signature to be added in case of a multi-part reply. The mime-type of the signature body should indicate this is a used as such. However, in INLINE mode, the body will be taken, a line containing '-- ' added before it, and added behind the epilogue.

strip_signature => REGEXP|STRING|CODE

Remove the signature of the sender. The value of this parameter is passed to the body's stripSignature method (see Mail::Message::Body) as pattern unless the source text is not included. The signature is stripped from the message before quoting.

When a multipart body is encountered, and the message is included to ATTACH, the parts which look like signatures will be removed. If only one message remains, it will be the added as single attachment, otherwise a nested multipart will be the result. The value of this option does not matter, as long as it is present. See Mail::Message::Body::Multipart.


  my $reply = $msg->reply
   ( prelude         => "No spam, please!\n\n"
   , postlude        => "\nGreetings\n"
   , strip_signature => 1
   , signature       => $my_pgp_key
   , group_reply     => 1

Produces a list of lines (usually only one), which will preceded the quoted body of the message. STRING must comply to the RFC822 email address specification, and is usually the content of a To or From header line. If a FIELD is specified, the field's body must be compliant. Without argument -or when the argument is undef- a slightly different line is produced.

An characteristic example of the output is

 On Thu Oct 13 04:54:34 1995, wrote:
replySubject STRING

(Class or Instance method) Create a subject for a message which is a reply for this one. This routine tries to count the level of reply in subject field, and transform it into a standard form. Please contribute improvements.


 subject                 --> Re: subject
 Re: subject             --> Re[2]: subject
 Re[X]: subject          --> Re[X+1]: subject
 subject (Re)            --> Re[2]: subject
 subject (Forw)          --> Re[2]: subject
 <blank>                 --> Re: your mail

The Message


See Mail::Message::clone()


See Mail::Message::container()


See Mail::Message::isDummy()


See Mail::Message::isModified()


See Mail::Message::isPart()


See Mail::Message::messageId()

modified [BOOLEAN]

See Mail::Message::modified()

See Mail::Message::print()


See Mail::Message::send()


See Mail::Message::size()


See Mail::Message::toplevel()


See Mail::Message::write()

The Header

head [HEAD]

See Mail::Message::head()

Header Shortcuts


See Mail::Message::bcc()


See Mail::Message::cc()


See Mail::Message::date()


See Mail::Message::destinations()


See Mail::Message::from()


See Mail::Message::get()


See Mail::Message::guessTimestamp()


See Mail::Message::nrLines()


See Mail::Message::sender()


See Mail::Message::subject()


See Mail::Message::timestamp()


See Mail::Message::to()

The Body

body [BODY]

See Mail::Message::body()

decoded OPTIONS

See Mail::Message::decoded()

encode OPTIONS

See Mail::Message::encode()


See Mail::Message::isMultipart()


See Mail::Message::parts()

Access to the Message


Returns the message as file-handle.


Returns the whole message as set of lines. In LIST context, copies of the lines are returned. In SCALAR context, a reference to an array of lines is returned.


Returns the whole message as string.



See Mail::Message::label()


See Mail::Message::labels()


See Mail::Message::labelsToStatus()


See Mail::Message::statusToLabels()

Reading and Writing [internals]


See Mail::Message::DESTROY()


See Mail::Message::isDelayed()


See Mail::Message::readBody()

readFromParser PARSER, [BODYTYPE]

See Mail::Message::readFromParser()

readHead PARSER [,CLASS]

See Mail::Message::readHead()

storeBody BODY

See Mail::Message::storeBody()

takeMessageId [STRING]

See Mail::Message::takeMessageId()

Logging and Tracing

defaultTrace [LEVEL, [LEVEL]

See Mail::Reporter::defaultTrace()


See Mail::Reporter::errors()


See Mail::Reporter::log()

printStructure [FILEHANDLE][, INDENT]

Print the structure of a message to the selected filehandle. The message's subject and the types of all composing parts are displayed.

INDENT specifies the initial indentation string: it is added in front of each line, and SHALL end with a blank, if specified.


 my $msg = ...;

 # Possible output for one message:
 multipart/mixed: forwarded message from Pietje Puk (1550 bytes)
    text/plain (164 bytes)
    message/rfc822 (1043 bytes)
       multipart/alternative: A multipart alternative (942 bytes)
          text/plain (148 bytes, deleted)
          text/html (358 bytes)
report [LEVEL]

See Mail::Reporter::report()

reportAll [LEVEL]

See Mail::Reporter::reportAll()

trace [LEVEL]

See Mail::Reporter::trace()


See Mail::Reporter::warnings()

Other Methods


See Mail::Reporter::AUTOLOAD()


See Mail::Reporter::inGlobalDestruction()

logPriority LEVEL

See Mail::Reporter::logPriority()


See Mail::Reporter::logSettings()


See Mail::Reporter::notImplemented()


A good start to read is Mail::Box-Overview. More documentation and a mailinglist are available from the project's website at


Written by Mark Overmeer ( with the help of many. See the ChangeLog for details.


This code is beta, version 2.040.

Copyright (c) 2001-2003 by the authors. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.