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#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Test SOAP mustUnderstand
use strict;
use lib 'lib','t';
use Test::Deep qw/cmp_deeply/;
$Data::Dumper::Indent = 1;
use Test::More tests => 18;
#use Log::Report mode => 'DEBUG';
my $schema = <<__HELPERS;
<schema targetNamespace="$TestNS"
<element name="good" type="int"/>
# Create and interpret a message
my $soap = XML::Compile::SOAP11::Client->new;
my @msg_struct =
( header => [ count => "{$TestNS}good" ]
, mustUnderstand => 'count'
my $sender = $soap->compileMessage(SENDER => @msg_struct);
is(ref $sender, 'CODE', 'compiled a sender');
my $receiver = $soap->compileMessage(RECEIVER => @msg_struct);
is(ref $receiver, 'CODE', 'compiled a receiver');
# First, the data is present
my $msg1_soap = <<__MSG1;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<x0:good xmlns:x0="$TestNS" SOAP-ENV:mustUnderstand="1">
# sender
my $xml1a = $sender->(count => 3);
isa_ok($xml1a, 'XML::LibXML::Node', 'produced XML');
compare_xml($xml1a, $msg1_soap);
my $xml1b = $sender->( {count => 3} );
isa_ok($xml1b, 'XML::LibXML::Node', 'produced XML');
compare_xml($xml1b, $msg1_soap);
# receiver
my $hash1 = $receiver->($msg1_soap);
is(ref $hash1, 'HASH', 'produced HASH');
cmp_deeply($hash1, {count => 3}, "server parsed input");
### Now, the receiver does not understand the count header
my $receiver2 = $soap->compileMessage('RECEIVER');
is(ref $receiver2, 'CODE', 'compiled unknowing receiver');
my $hash2 = $receiver2->($msg1_soap);
ok(defined $hash2, 'received2 works');
is(ref $hash2, 'HASH', 'produced HASH');
ok(defined $hash2->{Fault}, 'fault');
ok(defined $hash2->{Fault}{faultcode}, 'faultcode');
ok(defined $hash2->{Fault}{faultstring}, 'faultstring');
# any sender must accept faults
my $msg2_soap = <<__FAULT;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
SOAP mustUnderstand {http://test-types}good
# remove fault decoding extras
delete $hash2->{header};
delete $hash2->{delete $hash2->{Fault}{_NAME}};
my $xml2 = $sender->($hash2);
isa_ok($xml2, 'XML::LibXML::Node', 'produced XML fault');
compare_xml($xml2, $msg2_soap, 'correct structure');
# and any receiver can decode them
# See XML::Compile README.todo: initial prefix problem: we need to
# stringify and reparse the XML structure.
my $hash3 = $receiver->($xml2->toString);
ok(defined $hash3, 'received decodes fault');
is(ref $hash3, 'HASH');