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HOWTO for the Games::Lacuna::Task automation framework


After installing Games::Lacuna::Task you need to run lacuna_task once. The programm will guide your through the installation process. After the setup is finished you will find a basic configuration file called config.yml in the lacuna directory (Defaults to ~/.lacuna).

The config should have the following format:

    name: "Empire name"         # Required
    password: "Empire password" # Required
    api_key: "Api key"          # Optional
    uri: "Server URL"           # Optional
    # Which tasks should be run (if not provided via commandline options)
      - task1_name
      - task2_name
    # Which tasks should be excluded (if not provided via commandline options)
      - task2_name
    # Global task options
    global_task_opion: ...
     - Planet A
     - Planet B
   task1_option1: 80
   task1_option2: ...
     - "some"
     - "value"

To see which tasks are available type lacuna_run help.

To see options for a specific task type lacuna_run TASK --help.

Once you have a working setup you can start either the lacuna_run or the lacuna_task script. Configure cron to run these tasks regularly. Eg.

    # Run all default tasks every hour
    0   *    *    *    *     lacuna_task
    # Collect excavator booty once daily
    10  8    *    *    *     lacuna_run collect_excavator_booty
    # Daily empire report
    20  8    *    *    *     lacuna_run empire_report
    # Check mining platforms twice daily 
    30  8,20 *    *    *     lacuna_run mining


It is easy to create your own tasks. First you need to create a package in the Games::Lacuna::Task::Action::* namespace which should inherit from Games::Lacuna::Task::Action.

If your tasks is "planet-centric" you need to implement a process_planet method and use the Games::Lacuna::Task::Role::PlanetRun role, otherwise you need to implement the run method. The process_planet method will recieve the planet stats hash as the first argument.

Furthermore your task class has to implement a documentation function that returns a short task description string.

If your tasks requires configuration values you can specify moose accessors. Accessors should have a documentation string and meaningfull defaults. You can add the 'NoGetopt' trait if you do not want to display an accessor in the task info.

Optionall you can set the 'NoAutomatic' class trait, indicating that this task should not be run automatically/unatented but requires som sort of extra input or human interaction.

 use Moose -traits => 'NoAutomatic';

In your task class you have access to various helper methods that are provided by several roles:


Basic methods to access the Lacuna API via Games::Lacuna::Task::Client. Is always loaded.


Prints log messages. Is always loaded.


Various helper methods. Is always loaded.


Helper methods for working with the star map.


Helper methods for fetching and building ships.


Helper methods for working with spies.


Helper methods for sending notification e-mails.


Helper methods for querying the storage


Helper methods for handling waste


Helper methods for handling buildings.


Role providing common attributes used by multiple actions.

Tasks can also be called/embedded/executed directly

 use Games::Lacuna::Task::Action::Archaeology;
 my $task = Games::Lacuna::Task::Action::Archaeology->new(
    config_dir      => $path_to_config_dir,       # only needed if client is not provided and if different from default
    client          => $game_lacuna_task_client,  # will be auto-built if not provided
    other options ...
 $task->execute; # Catches exceptions
 $task->run; # Does not catch exceptions


From cpan

 # Install cpanmius first (also available as package for debian, fedora, ...)
 curl -L | perl - App::cpanminus
 cpanm Games-Lacuna-Task


 git clone git://
 cd Games-Lacuna-Task

Then continue by typing

 perl Build.PL
 ./Build test
 ./Build installdeps
 ./Build install
 ./Build clean

Alternatively you can install missing dependencies via cpanminus:

 # Install cpanmius first (also available as package for debian, fedora, ...)
 curl -L | perl - App::cpanminus
 # Install dependencies via cpanminus
 cpanm --installdeps .
 # Install verything via cpanminus
 cpanm .

1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 132:

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