# DO NOT EDIT! This file is written by perl_setup_dist.
# If needed, you can add content at the end of the file.
## no critic (Policy)
use 5.026;
use strict;
NAME => 'App::MediaPi',
DISTNAME => 'App-MediaPi',
AUTHOR => q{Mathias Kende <mathias@cpan.org>},
VERSION_FROM => 'lib/App/MediaPi.pm',
ABSTRACT => q{Media Player for Raspberry Pi or other devices with very small screen.},
LICENSE => 'mit',
EXE_FILES => ['script/mediapi',],
MIN_PERL_VERSION => '5.026',
MAN3PODS => {},
# Directories in which we look for Makefile.PL. In general could be omitted but is needed in case there
# is a file named Makefile.PL in a sub-directory. Should be customized if such a file needs to be
# processed by ExtUtils.
DIR => [],
'meta-spec' => { version => 2 },
# Goes with NO_MYMETA (which would provide the dynamic config).
dynamic_config => 0,
no_index => {
directory => [ 'local', 'vendor', 't' ],
keywords => ['raspberry','pi','media','player','vlc','audio',],
resources => {
repository => {
type => 'git',
url => 'git@github.com:mkende/mediapi.git',
bugtracker => {
dist => { COMPRESS => 'gzip -9f', SUFFIX => '.gz', },
clean => { FILES => 'App-MediaPi-*' },
# These platforms (usually) have GNU Make by default so the syntax that we use
# for our custom targets below will work (especially to export environment
# variables).
# On other platforms, we disable the custom parts of our Makefile generation, as
# the generated Makefile would otherwise not parse correctly.
sub supported_platform {
return $^O =~ m/^(?:linux|cygwin|MSWin32)$/;
sub MY::postamble {
my ($self) = @_;
my @postamble;
push @postamble, ::postamble() if *::postamble{CODE};
push @postamble, <<"MAKE_FRAGMENT" if supported_platform();
ALL_PM := \$(shell find lib -name "*.pm")
ALL_EXE := script/mediapi
.PHONY: distupload cover critic rawcritic tidy spelling alltest clean clean_coverdb pod2html exe
distupload: distcheck disttest
\t\$(MAKE) tardist
\tcpan-upload --directory Dist-Setup \$(DISTVNAME).tar\$(SUFFIX)
\tcover -test
critic: export EXTENDED_TESTING = 1
critic: all
\tperl -Ilib t/001-perlcritic.t 2>&1 | less
\tperlcritic lib script
\tperltidy -b -bext='/' \$(ALL_PM) \$(ALL_EXE)
spelling: export EXTENDED_TESTING = 1
\t\$(PERLRUN) t/001-spelling.t --interactive
alltest: export EXTENDED_TESTING = 1
alltest: test
clean:: clean_coverdb clean_build clean_pod2html
\trm -fr cover_db
\trm -fr build
\trm -fr pod2html
PM_HTML := \$(patsubst %.pm, pod2html/%.html, \$(ALL_PM))
EXE_HTML := \$(patsubst %, pod2html/%.html, \$(ALL_EXE))
pod2html: \$(PM_HTML) \$(EXE_HTML)
\$(PM_HTML): pod2html/%.html: %.pm
\tmkdir -p \$(shell dirname \$@)
\tpod2html --infile \$< --outfile \$@
\$(EXE_HTML): pod2html/%.html: %
\tmkdir -p \$(shell dirname \$@)
\tpod2html --infile \$< --outfile \$@
EXE_EXE := \$(patsubst %, build/%\$(EXE_EXT), \$(ALL_EXE))
exe: export PAR_VERBATIM=1
exe: build \$(EXE_EXE)
\tmkdir -p build
\$(EXE_EXE): build/%\$(EXE_EXT): %
\tpp -o \$@ -cd build/pp.cache -I lib -F "PodStrip=.*\\bApp/MediaPi\\b(*COMMIT)(*FAIL)|.*" \$<
return join "\n", @postamble;
# You can add below this template a `postamble` sub that returns more content to
# add to the generated Makefile.
# End of the template. You can add custom content below this line.