package OS2::PrfDB;
use strict;
require Exporter;
our $debug;
our @ISA = qw(Exporter Tie::Hash);
# Items to export into callers namespace by default. Note: do not export
# names by default without a very good reason. Use EXPORT_OK instead.
# Do not simply export all your public functions/methods/constants.
our @EXPORT = qw(
AnyIni UserIni SystemIni
our $VERSION = '0.04';
XSLoader::load 'OS2::PrfDB', $VERSION;
# Preloaded methods go here.
sub AnyIni {
new_from_int OS2::PrfDB::Hini OS2::Prf::System(0),
'Anyone of two "systemish" databases', 1;
sub UserIni {
new_from_int OS2::PrfDB::Hini OS2::Prf::System(1), 'User settings database', 1;
sub SystemIni {
new_from_int OS2::PrfDB::Hini OS2::Prf::System(2),'System settings database',1;
# Internal structure 0 => HINI, 1 => array of entries, 2 => iterator.
die "Usage: tie %arr, OS2::PrfDB, filename\n" unless @_ == 2;
my ($obj, $file) = @_;
my $hini = ref $file eq 'OS2::PrfDB::Hini' ? $file
: new OS2::PrfDB::Hini $file;
die "Error opening profile database `$file': $!" unless $hini;
# print "tiehash `@_', hini $hini\n" if $debug;
bless [$hini, undef, undef];
sub STORE {
my ($self, $key, $val) = @_;
die unless @_ == 3;
die unless ref $val eq 'HASH';
my %sub;
tie %sub, 'OS2::PrfDB::Sub', $self->[0], $key;
%sub = %$val;
sub FETCH {
my ($self, $key) = @_;
die unless @_ == 2;
my %sub;
tie %sub, 'OS2::PrfDB::Sub', $self->[0], $key;
sub DELETE {
my ($self, $key) = @_;
die unless @_ == 2;
my %sub;
tie %sub, 'OS2::PrfDB::Sub', $self->[0], $key;
%sub = ();
# CLEAR ???? - deletion of the whole
sub EXISTS {
my ($self, $key) = @_;
die unless @_ == 2;
return OS2::Prf::GetLength($self->[0]->[0], $key, undef) >= 0;
my $self = shift;
my $keys = OS2::Prf::Get($self->[0]->[0], undef, undef);
return undef unless defined $keys;
$self->[1] = [split /\0/, $keys];
# print "firstkey1 $self, `$self->[3]->[0], $self->[3]->[1]'\n" if $debug;
$self->[2] = 0;
return $self->[1]->[0];
# OS2::Prf::Get($self->[0]->[0], $self->[2], $self->[3]->[0]));
# print "nextkey `@_'\n" if $debug;
my $self = shift;
return undef unless $self->[2]++ < $#{$self->[1]};
my $key = $self->[1]->[$self->[2]];
return $key; #, OS2::Prf::Get($self->[0]->[0], $self->[2], $key));
sub new {
die "Usage: new OS2::PrfDB::Hini filename\n" unless @_ == 2;
my $file = shift;
my $hini = OS2::Prf::Open($file);
die "Error opening profile database `$file': $!" unless $hini;
bless [$hini, $file];
# Takes HINI and file name:
sub new_from_int { shift; bless [@_] }
# Internal structure 0 => HINI, 1 => filename, 2 => do-not-close.
my $self = shift;
my $hini = $self->[0];
unless ($self->[2]) {
OS2::Prf::Close($hini) or die "Error closing profile `$self->[1]': $!";
our $debug;
our @ISA = qw{Tie::Hash};
# Internal structure 0 => HINI, 1 => array of entries, 2 => iterator,
# 3 => appname.
die "Usage: tie %arr, OS2::PrfDB::Sub, filename, appname\n" unless @_ == 3;
my ($obj, $file, $app) = @_;
my $hini = ref $file eq 'OS2::PrfDB::Hini' ? $file
: new OS2::PrfDB::Hini $file;
die "Error opening profile database `$file': $!" unless $hini;
# print "tiehash `@_', hini $hini\n" if $debug;
bless [$hini, undef, undef, $app];
sub STORE {
my ($self, $key, $val) = @_;
die unless @_ == 3;
OS2::Prf::Set($self->[0]->[0], $self->[3], $key, $val);
sub FETCH {
my ($self, $key) = @_;
die unless @_ == 2;
OS2::Prf::Get($self->[0]->[0], $self->[3], $key);
sub DELETE {
my ($self, $key) = @_;
die unless @_ == 2;
OS2::Prf::Set($self->[0]->[0], $self->[3], $key, undef);
# CLEAR ???? - deletion of the whole
sub EXISTS {
my ($self, $key) = @_;
die unless @_ == 2;
return OS2::Prf::GetLength($self->[0]->[0], $self->[3], $key) >= 0;
my $self = shift;
my $keys = OS2::Prf::Get($self->[0]->[0], $self->[3], undef);
return undef unless defined $keys;
$self->[1] = [split /\0/, $keys];
# print "firstkey1 $self, `$self->[3]->[0], $self->[3]->[1]'\n" if $debug;
$self->[2] = 0;
return $self->[1]->[0];
# OS2::Prf::Get($self->[0]->[0], $self->[2], $self->[3]->[0]));
# print "nextkey `@_'\n" if $debug;
my $self = shift;
return undef unless $self->[2]++ < $#{$self->[1]};
my $key = $self->[1]->[$self->[2]];
return $key; #, OS2::Prf::Get($self->[0]->[0], $self->[2], $key));
# Autoload methods go after =cut, and are processed by the autosplit program.
# Below is the stub of documentation for your module. You better edit it!
=head1 NAME
OS2::PrfDB - Perl extension for access to OS/2 setting database.
use OS2::PrfDB;
tie %settings, OS2::PrfDB, 'my.ini';
tie %subsettings, OS2::PrfDB::Sub, 'my.ini', 'mykey';
print "$settings{firstkey}{subkey}\n";
print "$subsettings{subkey}\n";
tie %system, OS2::PrfDB, SystemIni;
$system{myapp}{mykey} = "myvalue";
The extension provides both high-level and low-level access to .ini
=head2 High level access
High-level access is the tie-hash access via two packages:
C<OS2::PrfDB> and C<OS2::PrfDB::Sub>. First one supports one argument,
the name of the file to open, the second one the name of the file to
open and so called I<Application name>, or the primary key of the
tie %settings, OS2::PrfDB, 'my.ini';
tie %subsettings, OS2::PrfDB::Sub, 'my.ini', 'mykey';
One may substitute a handle for already opened ini-file instead of the
file name (obtained via low-level access functions). In particular, 3
functions SystemIni(), UserIni(), and AnyIni() provide handles to the
"systemish" databases. AniIni will read from both, and write into User
=head2 Low-level access
Low-level access functions reside in the package C<OS2::Prf>. They are
=over 14
=item C<Open(file)>
Opens the database, returns an I<integer handle>.
=item C<Close(hndl)>
Closes the database given an I<integer handle>.
=item C<Get(hndl, appname, key)>
Retrieves data from the database given 2-part-key C<appname> C<key>.
If C<key> is C<undef>, return the "\0" delimited list of C<key>s,
terminated by \0. If C<appname> is C<undef>, returns the list of
possible C<appname>s in the same form.
=item C<GetLength(hndl, appname, key)>
Same as above, but returns the length of the value.
=item C<Set(hndl, appname, key, value [ , length ])>
Sets the value. If the C<value> is not defined, removes the C<key>. If
the C<key> is not defined, removes the C<appname>.
=item C<System(val)>
Return an I<integer handle> associated with the system database. If
C<val> is 1, it is I<User> database, if 2, I<System> database, if
0, handle for "both" of them: the handle works for read from any one,
and for write into I<User> one.
=item C<Profiles()>
returns a reference to a list of two strings, giving names of the
I<User> and I<System> databases.
=item C<SetUser(file)>
B<(Not tested.)> Sets the profile name of the I<User> database. The
application should have a message queue to use this function!
=head2 Integer handles
To convert a name or an integer handle into an object acceptable as
argument to tie() interface, one may use the following functions from
the package C<OS2::Prf::Hini>:
=over 14
=item C<new(package, file)>
=item C<new_from_int(package, int_hndl [ , filename ])>
=head2 Exports
SystemIni(), UserIni(), and AnyIni().
=head1 AUTHOR
Ilya Zakharevich,
=head1 SEE ALSO