bot-basicbot-pluggable - A standard Bot::BasicBot::Pluggable script


This script acts as standard interface for Bot::BasicBot::Pluggable, a generic framework for writing pluggable IRC bots in perl. It enables the user to administrate a full-fledged bot without writing any perl code.


  bot-basicbot-pluggable --nick MyBot --server



The server to connect to. Defaults to localhost.

--configfile FILE

Read config options from specified FILE. For a discussion of possible value and format refer to the section CONFIGFILE. The default to read the configfile found by Config::Find.


Nickname to use. Defaults to basicbot.


Channel to connect to. This paramter may be provided several times. You do not have to prefix the channel name with a hash symbol, which would have to be escaped in shell. It's automatically added for you.


Sets the admin password of the Auth module. This also loads the Auth module implicitly. Please be warned that this password will probably been seen on any process listing as on ps or top.


Modules to load. This paramter may be profided several times. You can call --list-modules to get a list of all available modules. If you do not define any module via this option, Auth and Loader are loaded by default.


Lists all installed modules and exits afterwards. No bot is started.


Lists all installed storage modules and exits afterwards. No bot is started.


Defines which storage module is used to save module settings. The default is Memory, which does not save any settings between sessions but does neither leave any files nor need any special settings. As there's no way to define any settings for the storage backend, it's not possible to use any backend that needs construction paramters. That rules out DBI for example. We'll work on that.


Charset to use for the bot. Defaults to utf8, but you can use any encoding listed in Encode. The IRC protocol doesn't define a specific character-set to use. This presents a big problem, because if you do not use the same as everybody else in the channel you just receive garbage.


Port to connect to on target host. This defaults to the irc standard port 6667. You won't need to define this in most cases.


The bot read a configfile either found by Config::Find or specified on the comamnd line via --configfile on startup. The file should be a synatctical correct yaml file with a hash as its first level element. It understands every option listed above and the special settings paramter, which is a hash, where the keys are module names and the value is a hash of configurable module settings. Easier to show than to explain:

 server: host
 nick: bot
     self_ignore: 0

All modules listed under settings are also loaded on startup.


Mario Domgoergen <>




Copyright 2005-2009 Mario Domgoergen.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either:

  • the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) any later version, or

  • the Artistic License version 2.0.