The Perl and Raku Conference 2025: Greenville, South Carolina - June 27-29 Learn more

# ABSTRACT: Stereochemistry handling routines
our $VERSION = '0.11.4'; # VERSION
use strict;
use Chemistry::OpenSMILES::Writer qw( write_SMILES );
use List::Util qw( all any first max min sum sum0 uniq );
use Set::Object qw( set );
require Exporter;
our @ISA = qw( Exporter );
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(
sub mark_all_double_bonds
my( $graph, $setting_sub, $order_sub, $color_sub ) = @_;
my @double_bonds = grep { is_double_bond( $graph, @$_ ) } $graph->edges;
if( ref $setting_sub eq 'ARRAY' ) {
# List of double bonds with their setting are given
@double_bonds = map { [ @{$_}[1..2] ] } @$setting_sub;
my %cis = map { ( join( '', sort @{$_}[1..2] ) => { atoms => set( $_->[0], $_->[3] ), setting => $_->[4] } ) }
$setting_sub = sub {
my $key = join '', sort @_[1..2];
return undef unless exists $cis{$key};
my $setting = $cis{$key}->{setting};
return $setting unless ($cis{$key}->{atoms} * set( $_[0], $_[3] ))->size == 1;
return $setting eq 'cis' ? 'trans' : 'cis';
# By default, whenever there is a choice between atoms, the one with
# lowest position in the input SMILES is chosen:
$order_sub = sub { $_[0]->{number} } unless $order_sub;
# Select non-ring double bonds
@double_bonds = grep { !is_ring_bond( $graph, @$_ ) &&
!is_unimportant_double_bond( $graph, @$_, $color_sub ) }
return unless @double_bonds;
# Construct a double bond incidence graph. Vertices are double bonds
# and edges are between those double bonds that separated by a single
# single ('-') bond. Interestingly, incidence graph for SMILES C=C(C)=C
# is connected, but for C=C=C not. This is because allenal systems
# cannot be represented yet.
my $bond_graph = Graph::Undirected->new;
my %incident_double_bonds;
for my $bond (@double_bonds) {
$bond_graph->add_vertex( join '', sort @$bond );
push @{$incident_double_bonds{$bond->[0]}}, $bond;
push @{$incident_double_bonds{$bond->[1]}}, $bond;
for my $bond ($graph->edges) {
next unless is_single_bond( $graph, @$bond );
my @adjacent_bonds;
if( $incident_double_bonds{$bond->[0]} ) {
push @adjacent_bonds,
if( $incident_double_bonds{$bond->[1]} ) {
push @adjacent_bonds,
for my $bond1 (@adjacent_bonds) {
for my $bond2 (@adjacent_bonds) {
next if $bond1 == $bond2;
$bond_graph->add_edge( join( '', sort @$bond1 ),
join( '', sort @$bond2 ) );
# In principle, bond graph could be splitted into separate components
# to reduce the number of cycles needed by Morgan algorithm, but I do
# not think there is a failure case because of keeping them together.
# Set up initial invariants
my %invariants;
for ($bond_graph->vertices) {
$invariants{$_} = $bond_graph->degree( $_ );
my %distinct_invariants = map { $_ => 1 } values %invariants;
# Perform Morgan algorithm
while( 1 ) {
my %invariants_now;
for ($bond_graph->vertices) {
$invariants_now{$_} = sum0 map { $invariants{$_} }
$bond_graph->neighbours( $_ );
my %distinct_invariants_now = map { $_ => 1 } values %invariants_now;
last if %distinct_invariants_now <= %distinct_invariants;
%invariants = %invariants_now;
%distinct_invariants = %distinct_invariants_now;
# Establish a deterministic order favouring bonds with higher invariants.
# If invariants are equal, order bonds by their atom numbers.
@double_bonds = sort { $invariants{join '', sort @$b} <=>
$invariants{join '', sort @$a} ||
(min map { $order_sub->($_) } @$a) <=>
(min map { $order_sub->($_) } @$b) ||
(max map { $order_sub->($_) } @$a) <=>
(max map { $order_sub->($_) } @$b) } @double_bonds;
for (@double_bonds) {
mark_cis_trans( $graph, @$_, $setting_sub, $order_sub );
# Requires double bonds in input. Does not check whether a bond belongs
# to a ring or not.
sub mark_cis_trans
my( $graph, $atom2, $atom3, $setting_sub, $order_sub ) = @_;
# By default, whenever there is a choice between atoms, the one with
# lowest position in the input SMILES is chosen:
$order_sub = sub { $_[0]->{number} } unless $order_sub;
my @neighbours2 = $graph->neighbours( $atom2 );
my @neighbours3 = $graph->neighbours( $atom3 );
return if @neighbours2 < 2 || @neighbours3 < 2;
# TODO: Currently we are choosing either a pair of
# neighbouring atoms which have no cis/trans markers or
# a pair of which a single atom has a cis/trans marker.
# The latter case allows to accommodate adjacent double
# bonds. However, there may be a situation where both
# atoms already have cis/trans markers, but could still
# be reconciled.
my @cistrans_bonds2 =
grep { is_cis_trans_bond( $graph, $atom2, $_ ) } @neighbours2;
my @cistrans_bonds3 =
grep { is_cis_trans_bond( $graph, $atom3, $_ ) } @neighbours3;
if( @cistrans_bonds2 + @cistrans_bonds3 > 1 ) {
warn 'cannot represent cis/trans bond between atoms ' .
join( ' and ', sort { $a <=> $b } map { $_->{number} } $atom2, $atom3 ) .
' as there are other cis/trans bonds nearby' . "\n";
if( (@neighbours2 == 2 && !@cistrans_bonds2 &&
!any { is_single_bond( $graph, $atom2, $_ ) } @neighbours2) ||
(@neighbours3 == 2 && !@cistrans_bonds3 &&
!any { is_single_bond( $graph, $atom3, $_ ) } @neighbours3) ) {
# Azide group (N=N#N) or conjugated allene-like systems (=C=)
warn 'atoms ' .
join( ' and ', sort { $a <=> $b } map { $_->{number} } $atom2, $atom3 ) .
' are part of conjugated double/triple bond system, thus ' .
'cis/trans setting of their bond is impossible to represent ' .
'(not supported yet)' . "\n";
# Making the $atom2 be the one which has a defined cis/trans bond.
# Also, a deterministic ordering of atoms in bond is achieved here.
if( @cistrans_bonds3 ||
(!@cistrans_bonds2 && $order_sub->($atom2) > $order_sub->($atom3)) ) {
( $atom2, $atom3 ) = ( $atom3, $atom2 );
@neighbours2 = $graph->neighbours( $atom2 );
@neighbours3 = $graph->neighbours( $atom3 );
@cistrans_bonds2 = @cistrans_bonds3;
@cistrans_bonds3 = ();
# Establishing the canonical order
@neighbours2 = sort { $order_sub->($a) <=> $order_sub->($b) }
grep { is_single_bond( $graph, $atom2, $_ ) } @neighbours2;
@neighbours3 = sort { $order_sub->($a) <=> $order_sub->($b) }
grep { is_single_bond( $graph, $atom3, $_ ) } @neighbours3;
# Check if there is a chance to have anything marked
my $bond_will_be_marked;
for my $atom1 (@cistrans_bonds2, @neighbours2) {
for my $atom4 (@neighbours3) {
my $setting = $setting_sub->( $atom1, $atom2, $atom3, $atom4 );
if( $setting ) {
$bond_will_be_marked = 1;
if( !$bond_will_be_marked ) {
warn 'cannot represent cis/trans bond between atoms ' .
join( ' and ', sort { $a <=> $b } map { $_->{number} } $atom2, $atom3 ) .
' as there are no eligible single bonds nearby' . "\n";
# If there is an atom with cis/trans bond, then this is this one.
# Adjustment to pre-order (neither the requested order, nor the post-order!) is needed to maintain relative settings in order.
# Otherwise nondeterminism may occur and result in different (albeit isomorphic) output SMILES like:
my( $first_atom ) = @cistrans_bonds2 ? @cistrans_bonds2 : @neighbours2;
if( !@cistrans_bonds2 ) {
$graph->set_edge_attribute( $first_atom, $atom2, 'bond', $first_atom->{number} < $atom2->{number} ? '/' : '\\' );
# Adjustments to pre-order (neither the requested order, nor the post-order!) are done here.
my $atom4_marked;
for my $atom4 (@neighbours3) {
my $atom1 = $first_atom;
my $setting = $setting_sub->( $atom1, $atom2, $atom3, $atom4 );
next unless $setting;
my $other = $graph->get_edge_attribute( $atom1, $atom2, 'bond' );
$other = toggle_cistrans $other if $setting eq 'cis';
$other = toggle_cistrans $other if $atom1->{number} > $atom2->{number};
$other = toggle_cistrans $other if $atom3->{number} > $atom4->{number};
$graph->set_edge_attribute( $atom3, $atom4, 'bond', $other );
$atom4_marked = $atom4 unless $atom4_marked;
for my $atom1 (@neighbours2) {
next if $atom1 eq $first_atom; # Marked already
my $atom4 = $atom4_marked;
my $setting = $setting_sub->( $atom1, $atom2, $atom3, $atom4 );
next unless $setting;
my $other = $graph->get_edge_attribute( $atom3, $atom4, 'bond' );
$other = toggle_cistrans $other if $setting eq 'cis';
$other = toggle_cistrans $other if $atom1->{number} > $atom2->{number};
$other = toggle_cistrans $other if $atom3->{number} > $atom4->{number};
$graph->set_edge_attribute( $atom1, $atom2, 'bond', $other );
# Store chirality character as additional pseudo vertices and edges.
sub chirality_to_pseudograph
my( $moiety ) = @_;
for my $atom ($moiety->vertices) {
next unless is_chiral $atom;
next unless exists $atom->{chirality_neighbours};
my @chirality_neighbours = @{$atom->{chirality_neighbours}};
my $has_lone_pair;
if( Chemistry::OpenSMILES::is_chiral_tetrahedral( $atom ) ||
Chemistry::OpenSMILES::is_chiral_planar( $atom ) ) {
next unless @chirality_neighbours >= 3 &&
@chirality_neighbours <= 4;
$has_lone_pair = @chirality_neighbours == 3;
} elsif( Chemistry::OpenSMILES::is_chiral_trigonal_bipyramidal( $atom ) ) {
next unless @chirality_neighbours >= 4 &&
@chirality_neighbours <= 5;
$has_lone_pair = @chirality_neighbours == 4;
if( $has_lone_pair ) {
@chirality_neighbours = ( $chirality_neighbours[0],
{}, # marking the lone pair
@chirality_neighbours[1..$#chirality_neighbours] );
if( Chemistry::OpenSMILES::is_chiral_tetrahedral( $atom ) ) {
# Algorithm is described in detail in doi:10.1186/s13321-023-00692-1
if( $atom->{chirality} eq '@' ) {
# Reverse the order if counter-clockwise
@chirality_neighbours = ( $chirality_neighbours[0],
reverse @chirality_neighbours[1..3] );
for my $i (0..3) {
my $neighbour = $chirality_neighbours[$i];
my @chirality_neighbours_now = @chirality_neighbours;
if( $i % 2 ) {
# Reverse the order due to projected atom change
@chirality_neighbours_now = ( $chirality_neighbours_now[0],
reverse @chirality_neighbours_now[1..3] );
my @other = grep { $_ != $neighbour } @chirality_neighbours_now;
for my $offset (0..2) {
my $connector = {};
$moiety->set_edge_attribute( $neighbour, $connector, 'chiral', 'from' );
$moiety->set_edge_attribute( $atom, $connector, 'chiral', 'to' );
$moiety->set_edge_attribute( $connector, $other[0], 'chiral', 1 );
$moiety->set_edge_attribute( $connector, $other[1], 'chiral', 2 );
$moiety->set_edge_attribute( $connector, $other[2], 'chiral', 3 );
push @other, shift @other;
} elsif( Chemistry::OpenSMILES::is_chiral_planar( $atom ) ) {
# For square planar environments it is enough to retain the enumeration order of atoms.
# To do so, "neighbouring neighbours" are connected together and a link to central atom is placed.
if( $atom->{chirality} eq '@SP2' ) { # 4
@chirality_neighbours = map { $chirality_neighbours[$_] } ( 0, 2, 1, 3 );
} elsif( $atom->{chirality} eq '@SP3' ) { # Z
@chirality_neighbours = map { $chirality_neighbours[$_] } ( 0, 1, 3, 2 );
for my $i (0..3) {
my $connector = {};
$moiety->set_edge_attribute( $atom, $connector, 'chiral', 'center' );
$moiety->set_edge_attribute( $connector, $chirality_neighbours[$i], 'chiral', 'neighbour' );
$moiety->set_edge_attribute( $connector, $chirality_neighbours[($i + 1) % 4], 'chiral', 'neighbour' );
} else { # Trigonal bipyrimidal
my $number = substr $atom->{chirality}, 3;
my $setting = $TB[$number - 1];
my @axis = map { $chirality_neighbours[$_ - 1] } @{$setting->{axis}};
my @other = grep { $_ != $axis[0] && $_ != $axis[1] }
map { $chirality_neighbours[$_] } 0..4;
@other = reverse @other if $setting->{order} eq '@@';
for my $from (@axis) {
my $to = first { $_ != $from } @axis;
for my $offset (0..2) {
my $connector = {};
$moiety->set_edge_attribute( $from, $connector, 'chiral', 'from' );
$moiety->set_edge_attribute( $atom, $connector, 'chiral', 'center' );
$moiety->set_edge_attribute( $to, $connector, 'chiral', 'to' );
$moiety->set_edge_attribute( $connector, $other[-1], 'chiral', 'counter-clockwise' );
$moiety->set_edge_attribute( $connector, $other[ 1], 'chiral', 'clockwise' );
push @other, shift @other;
@other = reverse @other; # Inverting the axis
sub cis_trans_to_pseudoedges
my( $moiety ) = @_;
# Select non-ring double bonds
my @double_bonds =
grep { is_double_bond( $moiety, @$_ ) &&
!is_ring_bond( $moiety, @$_ ) &&
!is_unimportant_double_bond( $moiety, @$_ ) } $moiety->edges;
# Connect cis/trans atoms in double bonds with pseudo-edges
for my $bond (@double_bonds) {
my( $atom2, $atom3 ) = @$bond;
my @atom2_neighbours = grep { !is_pseudoedge( $moiety, $atom2, $_ ) }
$moiety->neighbours( $atom2 );
my @atom3_neighbours = grep { !is_pseudoedge( $moiety, $atom3, $_ ) }
$moiety->neighbours( $atom3 );
next if @atom2_neighbours < 2 || @atom2_neighbours > 3 ||
@atom3_neighbours < 2 || @atom3_neighbours > 3;
my $atom1 = first { is_cis_trans_bond( $moiety, $atom2, $_ ) }
my $atom4 = first { is_cis_trans_bond( $moiety, $atom3, $_ ) }
next unless $atom1 && $atom4;
my $atom1_para = first { $_ != $atom1 && $_ != $atom3 } @atom2_neighbours;
my $atom4_para = first { $_ != $atom4 && $_ != $atom2 } @atom3_neighbours;
my $is_cis = $moiety->get_edge_attribute( $atom1, $atom2, 'bond' ) ne
$moiety->get_edge_attribute( $atom3, $atom4, 'bond' );
# Here atom numbers have to be compared to differentiate between cases like:
# C/C=C\C and C(\C)=C/C
$is_cis = !$is_cis if $atom1->{number} > $atom2->{number};
$is_cis = !$is_cis if $atom3->{number} > $atom4->{number};
$moiety->set_edge_attribute( $atom1, $atom4, 'pseudo',
$is_cis ? 'cis' : 'trans' );
if( $atom1_para ) {
$moiety->set_edge_attribute( $atom1_para, $atom4, 'pseudo',
$is_cis ? 'trans' : 'cis' );
if( $atom4_para ) {
$moiety->set_edge_attribute( $atom1, $atom4_para, 'pseudo',
$is_cis ? 'trans' : 'cis' );
if( $atom1_para && $atom4_para ) {
$moiety->set_edge_attribute( $atom1_para, $atom4_para, 'pseudo',
$is_cis ? 'cis' : 'trans' );
# Unset cis/trans bond markers during second pass
for my $bond ($moiety->edges) {
next unless is_cis_trans_bond( $moiety, @$bond );
$moiety->delete_edge_attribute( @$bond, 'bond' );
sub is_pseudoedge
my( $moiety, $a, $b ) = @_;
return $moiety->has_edge_attribute( $a, $b, 'pseudo' );
# An "unimportant" double bond is one which has chemically identical atoms on one of its sides.
# If C<$color_sub> is given, it is used to determine chemical identity of atoms.
# If not, only leaf atoms are considered and compared.
sub is_unimportant_double_bond
my( $moiety, $a, $b, $color_sub ) = @_;
my @a_neighbours = grep { $_ != $b } $moiety->neighbours( $a );
my @b_neighbours = grep { $_ != $a } $moiety->neighbours( $b );
for (\@a_neighbours, \@b_neighbours) {
next unless @$_ == 2;
my @representations;
if( $color_sub ) {
@representations = map { $color_sub->( $_ ) } @$_;
} else {
next if any { $moiety->degree( $_ ) != 1 } @$_;
@representations = map { write_SMILES( $_ ) } @$_;
return 1 if uniq( @representations ) == 1;