@scripts = grep {-f } glob("scripts/*.*");
@theselibs = grep {-f } glob("lib/Font/TTF/*");
# incantation to enable MY::pm_to_blib later on
push(@ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Overridable, qw(pm_to_blib)) if ($^O eq 'MSWin32');
WriteMakefile (
NAME => "Font::TTF",
VERSION_FROM => "lib/Font/TTF/Font.pm",
EXE_FILES => \@scripts,
# HTMLLIBPODS => {map {my $t = $_; $t=~s/\..*?$/.html/o; $t='blib/Html/'.$t; $_ => $t;} @theselibs},
# HTMLSCRIPTPODS => {map {my $t=$_; $t=~s/\..*?$/.html/o; $t='blib/Html/'.$t; $_ => $t;} @scripts},
AUTHOR => "martin_hosken\@sil.org",
ABSTRACT => "TTF font support for Perl",
dist => { 'TO_UNIX' => 'perl -Mtounix -e "tounix(\"$(DISTVNAME)\")"' }
if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
# incantation to solve the problem of everyone's $Config{make} being 'nmake'
# when we want 'pmake'. And $Config{} is read only.
# actually, this is just a copy of the code from ExtUtiles::MM_Win32 tidied
# up (to expose tabs) and the dependency on Config removed
sub MY::pm_to_blib
my $self = shift;
my($autodir) = $self->catdir('$(INST_LIB)','auto');
return <<"EOT";
pm_to_blib: \$(TO_INST_PM)
\t$self->{NOECHO}\$(PERL) \"-I\$(INST_ARCHLINE)\" \"-I\$(INST_LIB)\" \\
\t\"-I\$(PERL_ARCHLIB)\" \"-I\$(PERL_LIB)\" -MExtUtils::Install \\
\t-e \"pm_to_blib({ qw[\$(PM_TO_BLIB)] }, '$autodir')
\t$self->{NOECHO}\$(TOUCH) \$@