Glib::MakeHelper - Makefile.PL utilities for Glib-based extensions


 eval "use Glib::MakeHelper; 1"
     or complain_that_glib_is_too_old_and_die();
 %xspod_files = Glib::MakeHelper->do_pod_files (@xs_files);

 package MY;
 sub postamble {
     return Glib::MakeHelper->postamble_clean ()
          . Glib::MakeHelper->postamble_docs (@main::xs_files)
          . Glib::MakeHelper->postamble_rpms (
                 MYLIB_RUN => $runtime_reqs{MyLib},
                 MYLIB     => $build_reqs{MyLib},


The Makefile.PL for your typical Glib-based module is huge and hairy, thanks to all the crazy hoops you have to jump through to get things right. This module wraps up some of the more intense and error-prone bits to reduce the amount of copied code and potential for errors.


HASH = Glib::MakeHelper->do_pod_files (@xs_files)

Scan the @xs_files and return a hash describing the pod files that will be created. This is in the format wanted by WriteMakefile().

string = Glib::MakeHelper->postamble_clean (@files)

Create and return the text of a realclean rule that cleans up after much of the autogeneration performed by Glib-based modules. Everything in @files will be deleted, too (it may be empty).

The reasoning behind using this instead of just having you use the 'clean' or 'realclean' keys is that this avoids you having to remember to put Glib's stuff in your Makefile.PL's WriteMakefile arguments.

string = Glib::MakeHelper->postamble_docs (@xs_files)

Create and return the text of Makefile rules to build documentation from the XS files with Glib::ParseXSDoc and Glib::GenPod.

Use this in your MY::postamble to enable autogeneration of POD.

This updates dependencies with the list of pod names generated by an earlier run of do_pod_files.

string = Glib::MakeHelper->postamble_rpms (HASH)

Create and return the text of Makefile rules to manage building RPMs. You'd put this in your Makefile.PL's MY::postamble.

HASH is a set of search and replace keys for the spec file. All occurences of @key@ in the spec file template perl-$(DISTNAME) will be replaced with value. 'VERSION' and 'SOURCE' are supplied for you. For example:

 Glib::MakeHelper->postamble_rpms (
        MYLIB     => 2.0.0, # we can work with anything from this up
        MYLIB_RUN => 2.3.1, # we are actually compiled against this one
        PERL_GLIB => 1.01,  # you must have this version of Glib

will replace @MYLIB@, @MYLIB_RUN@, and @PERL_GLIB@ in spec file. See the build setups for Glib and Gtk2 for examples.

Note: This function just returns an empty string on Win32.


Ross McFarland <rwmcfa1 at neces dot com>

hacked up and documented by muppet.