The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.

Changes for version 2012.08002 - 2012-09-13

  • released on an unsuspecting world!


a simple database interface for Rakudo Perl 6
Parrot's configuration script
Readme to Parrot, version 4.6.0.
Parrot under Cygwin
Parrot under Windows
Readme file for the 'compilers/' top-level directory.
An opcode compiler for Parrot
Readme file for the 'compiler/pct/' directory.
Readme to the 'compilers/pge' directory.
Readme file for the 'config/' top-level directory.
Readme file for the 'docs/' directory.
Readme file for the 'docs/binaries/' directory.
Convert Parrot opcodes to C
Not Quite Perl (6)
Prove is a PIR-based TAP (Test Anything Protocol) Harness
Parrot Virtual Machine
Parrot Configuration
Create Parrot NCI thunks
Parrot bug report
Generate executables from Parrot bytecode
Parrot Plumage
The Winxed Language
Readme to a series of draft documents on Parrot development.
Parrot FAQ for compiler writers in PIR
Parrot Configuration System
Byteorder Conversion Functions
C function decoration guidelines
Debugging Parrot with Microsoft Visual C++
Design Notes for Events
Notes on the PARROT_EXPORT macro
Parrot Calling Conventions in C
Readme file for the Parrot Calling Conventions State Table.
Parrot embedding system
Parrot embedding system overview
Parrot extension system
The FAQ for PIR and Parrot Programming Compiler Developers.
Multimethod dispatch for binary opcode functions
PGE operator precedence table and parser
The Parrot Bytecode (PBC) Format
A Guide to Using an Operator Parsing Table in PGE-based grammars.
PMC (PMC Makers Compendium)
The PMC definition to C compiler.
Parrot Subsystem Porting Introduction
How to use Git to work on Parrot
A Collection of Useful Tips for Parrot Hacking
Parrot Release and Support Policy
Model Users For Parrot Design Decisions
Parrot Component/Interface Stability Classification
Parrot Submission Instructions
Overview of using exceptions in PIR.
A User-oriented Introduction writing PIR.
Productivity Comes in Pretty Colors
draw a blue rectangle using the SDL library and NQP
A simple grep using PGE for matching
Readme file for the 'ext/' top-level directory.
Readme file for the snapshot of the winxed compiler and driver.
Readme file for the 'frontend/' top-level directory.
Readme file for the 'include/' top-level directory.
write a formatter as a Pod::Simple subclass
Readme file for the 'lib/' top-level directory.
Readme file for the 'runtime/' top-level directory.
dynamic Parrot extension files.
Readme file for the runtime/parrot/include directory.
Readme file for the runtime libraries for the Parrot Compiler Toolkit (PCT).
Readme file for the 'src/' top-level directory.
Readme file for the dynamic opcode libs directory.
Parrot Native Call Frame Builder API
The Parrot Virtual Machine Test Suite
Readme file for the 't/archive/' directory.
Core Opcodes
test Parrot::Configure::Options as used in
test Parrot::Configure::Messages
test Parrot::Configure::Step::List
test Parrot::Configure
test Parrot::Configure by running one step
test bad step failure case in Parrot::Configure
test bad step failure case in Parrot::Configure
test components of Parrot's file-based interface to configuration
test what happens when a configuration step has no $description defined
test the --verbose command-line argument
test what happens when a configuration step dies during execution
see what happens when configuration step implicitly returns true value but does not set a result
see what happens when configuration step returns undefined value but has a defined result method
test Parrot::Revision
test Parrot::Revision
test Parrot::BuildUtil::parrot_version()
test Parrot::BuildUtil::parrot_version()
test Parrot::BuildUtil::parrot_version()
test Parrot::BuildUtil::parrot_version()
test Parrot::BuildUtil::parrot_version()
test Parrot::BuildUtil::parrot_version()
test Parrot::Configure::Options::Test
test Parrot::Configure::Options::Test
test Parrot::Configure::option_or_data()
test Parrot::Configure::option_or_data()
test Parrot::Configure::option_or_data()
test Parrot::Configure::option_or_data()
test run_single_step() during configuration
test run_single_step() during configuration
test run_single_step() during configuration
see what happens when configuration step returns an undefined value
test Parrot::Configure::get_list_of_steps()
test --verbose-step option to
test Parrot::BuildUtil::slurp_file()
test Parrot::BuildUtil::generated_file_header()
test Parrot::Configure::_run_this_step()
test Parrot::Configure::_run_this_step()
see what happens when configuration step returns undefined value and has an undefined result method
test Parrot::Configure::Options::Test
see what happens when --fatal-step is set for all configuration steps
test bad step failure case in Parrot::Configure
test what happens when the --silent option is set
test Parrot::Revision
test Parrot::SHA1
test caching in Parrot::Git::Describe
test Parrot::Manifest constructor
test Parrot::Manifest MANIFEST-related methods
test Parrot::Manifest MANIFEST.SKIP-related methods
What happens when MANIFEST has a different name
What happens when MANIFEST.SKIP has a different name
Readme file for the 't/manifest/' directory.
Readme file for 't/native_pbc' directory.
Readme file for the 't/perl/' directory.
test Parrot::Harness::DefaultTests
test Parrot::Harness::Options
test Parrot::Harness::Options
test Parrot::Harness::Options
test Parrot::Configure::Options as used in tools/dev/
test Parrot::Configure::Data::get_PConfig() once configuration has been completed
test Parrot::Configure::Trace
test Parrot::Configure::Data::get_PConfig_Temp() once configuration has been completed
test auto::gc
test auto::neg_0
test auto::pod2man
Test functions in Parrot::Headerizer::Functions.
Test functions in Parrot::Headerizer.
test Parrot::Pmc2c::PMC::PrintTree::print_tree()
test subroutines exported by Parrot::Install
test subroutines exported by Parrot::Install
test subroutines exported by Parrot::Install
Readme to Parrot, version 4.3.0.
test Parrot::Pmc2c::Pmc2cMain basic functionality
test Parrot::Pmc2c::Pmc2cMain::find_file()
test Parrot::Pmc2c::Pmc2cMain::dump_vtable()
test Parrot::Pmc2c::Pmc2cMain::dump_pmc()
test Parrot::Pmc2c::Pmc2cMain::gen_c()
test Parrot::Pmc2c::Pmc basic functionality
convert GNU Assembler listing to i386 code array
create initial files for a new language
Generate source for Parrot wiki ParrotFaces page
Fetch language implementations from their source code management repositories
PBC header info and manipulation
create a symlink shadow of the Parrot source.
Rakudo Perl 6 Compiler
automatically write patches for unfudging spec tests
Create a t/ file from test output.
generate a chart that displays rakudo's progress with passing tests.


install Rakudo Star from CPAN
find your rakudo install
Get a lazy list of a directory tree
Get a lazy list of a directory tree
Color screen output using ANSI escape sequences
simple SVG bar charts
XML generation and handling
command line parsing tools
Ops To C Code Generation
Parrot Operation
hints for the Darwin compiler
Portable implementation of the `which' utility
capture STDOUT and STDERR from Perl code, subprocesses or XS
Utilities for building Parrot
Parrot Configuration Data
Conducts the execution of Configuration Steps
C-Related methods for configuration and more
Configuration data container
Introduce and conclude Parrot configuration process
Process command-line options to
Functionality shared by all Parrot configuration options processing modes
Options processing functionality for Parrot's standard command-line interface
Options processing functionality for Parrot's configuration-file interface
Configuration options shared by both Command-Line and Configuration-File configuration modes
Run configuration and build tests along with
Configuration step base class
Get sequence of configuration steps
Methods for selected configuration steps
Populate Parrot::Configure object with results of configuration
subroutines used in t/configure/* tests
Trace development of Parrot::Configure object through the configuration steps
Configuration Step Utilities
Info on the Parrot Distribution
Docs-Related Directory
Docs-Related File
Group of documentation items
HTML Documentation Page
Documentation item
POD to HTML formatter
POD to HTML converter
Documentation section
C source code documentation section
Compilers documentation section
Configuration documentation section
Developer documentation section
Examples documentation section
IMCC documentation section
Project info documentation section
Parrot libraries documentation section
Parrot ops documentation section
Tutorial of Parrot Comiler Tools
PDDs documentation section
PMCs documentation section
Root documentation section
Perl documentation section
Tests documentation section
Tools documentation section
Plain text to HTML formatter
Git describe string of Parrot
Subroutines used in tools/build/
Tests run by default by t/harness
Handle options and argument processing in t/harness
Generate smoke reports
Various groups of tests
Parrot header generation functionality
Functions used in headerizer programs
Functionality for installation programs
PMC to C Code Generation
Parses and preps PMC PCCMETHOD called from Parrot:Pmc2c::Pmc2cMain
PMC model object
Create RO version of PMC
Functions called within tools/build/
Revision number of Parrot
Git SHA1 of Parrot
functions used in tools/dev/
testing routines for Parrot and language implementations
a test harness for languages built on Parrot
test functions for Perl 6 Grammar Engine
Utilities for tests which test POD
utilities for Parrot tests
consolidated test for lots of files
Functions for manipulating vtables
for resolving Pod sequences
framework for parsing Pod
check the Pod syntax of a document
put Pod::Simple into trace/debug mode
dump Pod-parsing events as text
turn Pod into XML
convert Pod to HTML
convert several Pod files to several HTML files
represent "section" attributes of L codes
turn Pod::Simple events into method calls
a pull-parser interface to parsing Pod
end-tokens from Pod::Simple::PullParser
start-tokens from Pod::Simple::PullParser
text-tokens from Pod::Simple::PullParser
tokens from Pod::Simple::PullParser
format Pod as RTF
find POD documents in directory trees
parse Pod into a simple parse tree
format Pod as plaintext
get the text content of Pod
format Pod as validating XHTML
turn Pod into XML
Preempt STDIN during testing.
Parrot Core Ops
Extra utility code for testing


in rakudo-star/parrot/lib/IO/
in rakudo-star/parrot/t/configure/testlib/
in rakudo-star/nqp/tools/lib/NQP/
in rakudo-star/parrot/lib/Parrot/Configure/Options/
in rakudo-star/parrot/config/gen/
in rakudo-star/parrot/lib/Parrot/Pmc2c/
in rakudo-star/parrot/lib/Parrot/Test/Pod/
in rakudo-star/parrot/lib/Pod/Simple/
in rakudo-star/parrot/lib/Pod/Simple/
in rakudo-star/parrot/lib/Pod/Simple/
in rakudo-star/parrot/lib/Pod/Simple/
in rakudo-star/parrot/lib/Pod/Simple/
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in rakudo-star/parrot/lib/Pod/Simple/
in rakudo-star/modules/uri/lib/URI/
in rakudo-star/modules/uri/lib/URI/
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in rakudo-star/parrot/config/auto/cpu/i386/
in rakudo-star/parrot/config/auto/cpu/ppc/
in rakudo-star/parrot/config/auto/cpu/sun4/
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in rakudo-star/parrot/config/inter/


Other files