Dave Cross: Still Munging Data With Perl: Online event - Mar 17 Learn more

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use Cwd ();
Catmandu::CLI->run // exit(2);
=head1 NAME
catmandu - LibreCat command line tools
catmandu [-D|-D2|-D3] [-I path] [-L path] [COMMAND] [-?hqv] [long options...] [ARGS]
catmandu --version
catmandu help
# convert
catmandu convert JSON to YAML < file.json
catmandu convert YAML to JSON < file.yaml
catmandu convert YAML < file.yaml # 'to JSON' is implicit
catmandu convert MARC < records.mrc
catmandu convert MARC --fix 'marc_map(245,title)' < records.mrc
catmandu convert OAI --url https://biblio.ugent.be/oai
catmandu convert SRU --base http://www.unicat.be/sru --query dna
# import
catmandu import JSON to MongoDB --database_name mydb < records.json
catmandu import MARC to MongoDB --database_name mydb < records.mrc
catmandu import MARC to ElasticSearch --index_name mydb < records.mrc
catmandu import MARC to ElasticSearch --index_name mydb --fix 'marc_map("245a","title")' < records.mrc
# export
catmandu export MongoDB --database_name mydb --bag data to JSON
catmandu export MongoDB --database_name mydb --bag data to JSON --fix 'retain("_id")'
catmandu export Solr --url http://localhost:8983/solr to JSON
catmandu export ElasticSearch --index_name mydb to JSON
# configuration
$ cat catmandu.yml
package: MongoDB
database_name: mydb
catmandu import JSON to test1 < records.json
catmandu config # show the contents of catmandu.yml
catmandu count test1
catmandu delete test1 -q 'title:"My Rabbit"'
=head2 help COMMAND
Documentation about command line options.
=head2 config
Display the contents of the catmandu.yml files in your project.
=head2 convert IMPORTER [OPTIONS] [[--fix FIX]] to EXPORTER [OPTIONS]
Convert data from one format to another format with help of L<Catmandu::Importer>s and
L<Catmandu::Exporter>s. All options given on the command line will be send to the Importer
or Exporter as initialization parameters. E.g.
catmandu convert OAI --url BASEURL --metadataPrefx PREFIX \
to \
CSV --header 1 --sep_char '|'
Look at the documentation of all the importers and exporters to see which options are
All importers accept one or more --fix options with the name of a fix file or file command.
catmandu convert JSON --fix fixes.txt
catmandu convert JSON --fix 'remove_field(abc)'
The JSON exporter is implicit and is optional.
catmandu convert YAML to JSON
catmandu convert YAML # shorter
=head2 count STORE [OPTIONS]
Count the number of items in a L<Catmandu::Store>. All options given on the command line
will be send to the store as initialization parameters. E.g.
catmandu count MongoDB --database_name mydb --bag data
=head2 delete STORE [OPTIONS] [-q QUERY]
Delete items from a L<Catmandu::Store>. All options given on the command line
will be send to the store as initialization parameters. Optionally a QUERY can
be provided to select the items to delete. E.g.
catmandu delete MongoDB --database_name mydb --bag data -q "title:Delete me"
=head2 export STORE [OPTIONS] [-q QUERY] [--limit LIMIT] [[--fix FIX]] to EXPORTER [OPTIONS]
Export items from a L<Catmandu::Store> using a L<Catmandu::Exporter>. All options given
on the command line will be send to the Store or Exporter as initialization parameters.
Optionally a QUERY and LIMIT can be provided to selectively export items from the Store.
Optionally a FIX can be provided to be executed on all the items before they are
exporter by the exporter.
catmandu export MongoDB --database_name mydb --bag data -q "title:Perl"
=head2 import IMPORTER [OPTIONS] [[--fix FIX]] to STORE [OPTIONS]
Import items from a L<Catmandu::Importer> to a L<Catmandu::Store>. All options given
on the command line will be send to the Importer or Store as initialization parameters.
Optionally a FIX can be provided to be executed on all the items before they are
stored into the Store.
catmandu import JSON to MongoDB --database_name mydb < records.json
=head2 move STORE [OPTIONS] [-q QUERY] [--limit LIMIT] [[--fix FIX]] to STORE [OPTIONS]
Move items from one L<Catmandu::Store> to another. All options given
on the command line will be send to the Stores as initialization parameters.
Optionally a QUERY and LIMIT can be provided to selectively export items from the Store.
Optionally a FIX can be provided to be executed on all the items before they are
=head2 data [LONG_OPTIONS]
Low level data manipulation command. See DATA OPTIONS below for full documentation.
=head1 OPTIONS
=over 4
=item -v
Verbose output.
=item -h
=item -?
=item --lib-path PATH
=item -I
Specifies Perl library include paths, like perl's -I option. This option is
=item --load-path PATH
=item -L PATH
Search upwards from this path for configuration files and accompanying lib
directories. This option is repeatable.
=item --debug [LEVEL]
=item -D[LEVEL]
Set the debugging level for Catmandu. LEVEL is one of:
1 - WARN messages
2 - INFO messages
3 - DEBUG messages
Requires an installation of L<Log::Log4perl> and L<Log::Any::Adapter::Log4perl>. By
default an internal log4perl configuration file is used that sends all debug messages
to stderr. Optionally in the catmandu.yml the path to a log4perl configuration file
can be set. E.g.
log4perl: /etc/log4perl.conf
log4perl: "
log4perl.appender.STDOUT.layout.ConversionPattern=%d [%P] - %p %l %M time=%r : %m%n
log4perl.appender.STDERR.layout.ConversionPattern=%d [%P] - %l : %m%n
See also L<Catmandu::Logger> to enable logging for your own Catmandu packages.
These low level options are available to the "catmandu data" command.
=over 4
=item --from-store STORE
Read items from a Catmandu::Store such as: DBI, MongoDB, Solr, ElasticSearch, ...
=item --from-importer IMPORTER
Read items from a Catmandu::Importer such as: YAML, JSON, CSV, MARC, OAI ...
=item --from-bag BAG_NAME
This option should be used in combination with a --from-store. Select from the Store
only the items belonging to the bag BAG_NAME.
To include configuration options to a Catmandu::Store or Catmandu::Importer an
argument with prefix '--from-' can be used. E.g. to provide an 'file' to an Importer
--from-file /my/path/to/file.txt
=item --into-exporter EXPORTER
Add each item read into a Catmandu::Exporter such as: JSON, YAML, Template, XLS, ...
=item --into-store STORE
Add each item read into a Catmandu::Store such as: DBI, MongoDB, Solr, ElasticSearch, ...
=item --into-bag BAG_NAME
This option should be used in combination with a --into-store. Add each item into the
Store with bag BAG_NAME.
To include configuration options to a Catmandu::Store or Catmandu::Exporter an
argument with prefix '--into-' can be used. E.g. to provide an 'file' to an Exporter
--into-file /tmp/file.txt
=item --fix EXPRESSION
=item --fix FILE
When exporting or storing apply a fix EXPRESSION or all the fixes in FILE on
each item. This option is repeatable. FILE can also be an arbitrary executable
if Catmandu::Fix::cmd is installed.
=item --start NUM
When exporting or storing data skip the first NUM items.
=item --total NUM
When exporting of storing data process only a total NUM of items.
=item --replace
When storing data first delete all the items in the Store or Bag.
=item --query QUERY
=item --cql-query QUERY | -q QUERY
When a Store is searchable execute and return the results. Using the --cql-query or -q
option the CQL query language can be used (if supported).
=item --limit NUM
Limit the number of results returned from the searchable results to NUM.
=item --count
Report the number of items processed.
=item --version
Return the installed version of Catmandu.
=head1 SEE ALSO