afsperlpts - Protection Server functions


         use AFS;
         use AFS @AFS::PTS;
         $pts = AFS::PTS_SERVER::new;
         $pts = newpts;
       $value = AFS::convert_numeric_names([$newvalue]);
       $flags = ascii2ptsaccess($access);
      $access = ptsaccess2ascii($flags);
          $ok = $pts -> adduser($NAME, $GROUP)
          $ok = $pts -> chid($NAME, $newid);
          $ok = $pts -> chown($NAME, $OWNER);
          $id = $pts -> creategroup($name [, $OWNER [, $id]]);
          $id = $pts -> createuser($name [, $id]);
          $ok = $pts -> delete($NAME);
       $entry = $pts -> dumpentry($pos [,$lookupids [,$convertflags]]);
     @members = $pts -> getcps($NAME [, $lookupids = 1 [, $wentover]]);
          $id = $pts -> id($name [, $anon]);
          @id = $pts -> id(\@names [, $anon]);      
       $idref = $pts -> id(\%names [, $anon]);
          $ok = $pts -> ismember($NAME, $GROUP);
       $entry = $pts -> listentry($NAME [, $lookupids [, $convertflags]]);
  ($uid,$gid) = $pts -> listmax;
     @members = $pts -> members($NAME [, $lookupids [, $wentover]]);
        $name = $pts -> name($id [, $anon]); 
        @name = $pts -> name(@ids [, $anon]);
     $nameref = $pts -> name(\%ids [, $anon]);
     @members = $pts -> owned($NAME|0, [, $lookupids [, $wentover]]);
          $ok = $pts -> rename($NAME, $newname);
          $ok = $pts -> removeuser($NAME, $GROUP)
          $ok = $pts -> setaccess ($NAME, $newflags);
          $ok = $pts -> setgroupquota ($NAME, $ngroups);
         $max = $pts -> setmax($id [, $isgroup]);
         $pos = $pts -> whereisit($NAME);

          $ok = $pts -> PR_AddToGroup($uid,$gid);
          $ok = $pts -> PR_ChangeEntry($id,$name,$oid,$newid);
          $ok = $pts -> PR_Delete($id);
       $entry = $pts -> PR_DumpEntry($pos);
         @ids = $pts -> PR_GetCPS($id,$over)
       @names = $pts -> PR_IDToName(\@ids);
          $id = $pts -> PR_INewEntry($name, $id, $oid);
        $flag = $pts -> PR_IsAMemberOf($uid,$gid);
         @ids = $pts -> PR_ListElements($id,$over);
       $entry = $pts -> PR_ListEntry($id);
  ($uid,$gid) = $pts -> PR_ListMax;
         @ids = $pts -> PR_ListOwned($id,$over);
         @ids = $pts -> PR_NameToID(\@names);
          $id = $pts -> PR_NewEntry($name, $flag, $oid);
          $ok = $pts -> PR_RemoveFromGroup($uid,$gid)
          $ok = $pts -> PR_SetFieldsEntry($id,$msk,$flg,$ngrp,$nuser,$s1,$s2);
         $ok  = $pts -> PR_SetMax($id,$gflag)
         $pos = $pts -> PR_WhereIsIt($id);


This document describes the PTS (Protection Server) functions available in the AFS module. The PR_* routines are essentially the same as the low-level AFS APIs. The other routines are more "user friendly" and perl-like.


  $value = AFS::convert_numeric_names([$new]);

  Sets/gets the behavior when looking up a PTS id. If the name looks like a 
  number (matches /^-?[0-9]*/) the lookup is skipped and the numeric value 
  of the name is returned. Default value is 1, and you'll probably
  want to leave it that way unless you create PTS names that look 
  exactly like numbers. (not a good idea to begin with :-) 




  $pts = AFS::PTS_SERVER::new([$sec=1 [, $cell=localcell]]);
  $pts = newpts(...);
  $pts = '';  #DESTROY connection

  The AFS::PTS_SERVER::new function is used to create a new PTS_SERVER
  object. A PTS_SERVER object is required before any of the other PTS
  functions can be called. A PTS_SERVER object is essentially a handle
  to talk to the protection servers in a given cell. Interally a PTS_SERVER
  object is a pointer to a ubik_client structure, although this may change
  and the value returned from AFS::PTS_SERVER::new should always be treaded
  as an opaque handle.

  The "newpts" function is exported from the AFS module and is an short-hand
  for the AFS::PTS_SERVER::new function.

  The are two parameters to the AFS::PTS_SERVER::new function, the security
  level, and the cell you wish to connect to.

  The security level is a number from 0 to 2:

      0    un-authenticated connection should be made
      1    try authenticated first, fall back to un-authenticated
      2    fail if an authenticated connection can't be made

  The remaining methods all need an AFS::PTS_SERVER handle.


      $ir = newpts(1, "");
  $athena = newpts(1, "");

   $ir_name     = $ir ->name($id);
   $athena_name = $athena ->name($id);


  All the high-level methods that have a uppercased parameter name
  will accept either a numeric ID or a name. For example:

     $pts -> delete($NAME);

  The "$NAME" means the delete method will take either a numeric ID,
  or a name. The low-level methods (PR_*) only work with numeric IDs.


  $ok = $pts -> adduser($NAME, $GROUP)

  This method adds a user to the specified group. See also PR_AddToGroup 
  and "pts adduser."


  $ok = $pts -> chid($NAME, $newid);

  This method changes the id of the given name. See also PR_ChangeEntry.


  $ok = $pts -> chown($NAME, $OWNER);

  This method changes the owner of the given name. See also PR_ChangeEntry and "pts chown."


  $id = $pts -> creategroup($name [, $OWNER = 0, [, $id=0]]);

  This method creates a new group. You can optionally specify
  the owner and the id of the new group. See also PR_INewEntry, 
  PR_NewEntry, and "pts creategroup."


  $id = $pts -> createuser($name [, $id=0])

  This method creates a new user. You can optionally specify
  the id of the new user. See also PR_INewEntry, PR_NewEntry, 
  and "pts createuser."


  $ok = $pts -> delete($NAME);

  This method deletes the given name.  See also PR_Delete and "pts delete."


  $entry = $pts -> dumpentry($pos [, $lookupids=1 [,$convertflags=1]]);

   This method is used in conjunction with the "whereisit" method. It
   returns a reference to a hash table containing the values from the
   C structure "prdebugentry". If $lookupids is 1 (which it is by default)
   then AFS ids in the hash table will be converted to names. If convertflags
   is 1 (which it is by default) then flags will be converted to its
   ASCII representation.

   The returned hash table contains the following key/value pairs:

      cellid             child      count      creator
      entries0-entries9  flags      id         instance
      name               next       nextID     nextOwned
      nextname           ngroups    nusers     owned
      owner              parent     sibling    reserved0-4

   See also whereisit, PR_WhereIsIt, PR_DumpEntry.


  @members = $pts -> getcps($NAME [, $lookupids = 1 [, $wentover]]);

  This method returns the "Current Protection Subdomain" (CPS) for the
  given AFS id. The CPS is the closure of all identities that the given 
  id can use. This lists includes all the groups the ID belongs to, 
  the special AFS ids (system:anyuser and system:authuser), as well 
  as the id itself. If $lookupids is 1 then names will be returned.
  If the size of list is greater then &AFS::PR_MAXGROUPS then $wentover
  will be set to a non-zero value and only &AFS::PR_MAXGROUPS items
  will be returned. See also PR_GetCPS.


     $id = $pts->id($name [, $anon=1]);
     @id = $pts->id(\@names [, $anon=1]);      
  $idref = $pts->id(\%names [, $anon=1]);

  This method is used to convert AFS names into AFS ids. The first method
  returns a single id. The second method takes a reference to an array of
  names  and returns an array of ids. The third method takes a reference
  to a hash table, the keys of which are names, and returns a reference
  to the SAME hash, with the ids as the value of each key.

  If $anon is 1 and a given name does not map into an id then 
  the value &AFS::ANONYMOUSID will be returned. If $anon is 0 then 
  the id will be set to undef (the undefined value). See also PR_NameToID


  $ok = $pts -> ismember($NAME, $GROUP);

  Returns a non-zero value if $NAME is a member of $GROUP. 
  See also PR_IsAMemberOf.


  $entry = $pts -> listentry($NAME [, $lookupids=1 [, $convertflags=1]]);

   This method returns a reference to a hash table containing the values from 
   the C structure "prcheckentry". If $lookupids is 1 (which it is by default)
   then AFS ids in the hash table will be converted to names. If convertflags
   is 1 (which it is by default) then flags will be converted to its
   ASCII representation.

   The returned hash table contains the following key/value pairs:

      flags      id      owner      creator
      ngroups    count   name

   See also PR_ListEntry, and "pts examine."


  ($uid,$gid) = $pts -> listmax;

   This method returns the largest allocated user/group ID.
   See also PR_ListMax and "pts listmax."


   @members = $pts -> members($NAME [, $lookupids = 1 [, $wentover]]);

   For a user, this method returns the list of groups in which the user
   is a member. For a group, this method returns a list of users which are
   in that group. See "getcps" for a discussion of $lookupids and $wentover.
   See also PR_ListElements, "pts membership."


     $name = $pts->name($id [, $anon=1]);
     @name = $pts->name(@ids [, $anon=1]);
  $nameref = $pts->name(\%ids [, $anon=1]);

  This method is used to convert AFS ids into names. The first method
  returns a single name. The second method takes a reference to an array of
  ids and returns an array of names. The third method takes a reference
  to a hash table, the keys of which are ids, and returns a reference
  to the SAME hash, with the names as the value of each key.

  If $anon is 1 and a given id does not map into an name then 
  the id value will be converted to a string (i.e, 11234 => "11234"). 
  If $anon is 0 then the name will be set to undef (the undefined value).
  See also Pr_NameToID.


  @members = $pts -> owned($NAME|0, [, $lookupids = 1 [, $wentover]]);

  This method returns a list of AFS ids owned by the given user or group.
  If $NAME is 0, then PDB orphan list is returned. See "getcps" for a 
  discussion of $lookupids and $wentover. See also PR_ListOwned and 
  "pts listowned."


  $ok = $pts -> rename($NAME, $newname);

  This method renames $NAME to $newname. See also PR_ChangeEntry 
  and "pts rename."


  $ok = $pts -> removeuser($NAME, $GROUP)

  This method removes $NAME from $GROUP.

  See also "PR_RemoveFromGroup" and "pts removeuser."


  $ok = $pts -> setaccess ($NAME, $newflags);

  This method sets the "privacy" flags in the given entry. See the
  "pts setfields -access" command for more information. See also 
  PR_SetFieldsEntry and "pts setfields."


  $ok = $pts -> setgroupquota ($NAME, $ngroups);

  This method sets the group creation quota for $NAME. See also 
  PR_SetFieldsEntry and "pts setfields."


  $max = $pts -> setmax($id [, $isgroup]);

  This method sets the maximum user/group ID, depending on the value of 
  $isgroup (which defaults to 0). See also PR_SetMax and "pts setmax."


  $pos = $pts -> whereisit($NAME);

  This method returns the PDB byte offset of $NAME. It is used in conjunction
  with the dumpentry method. See also whereisit, PR_WhereIsIt, PR_DumpEntry.


 The following low-level methods deal only with numeric AFS ids. 


  $ok    = $pts -> PR_AddToGroup($uid,$gid);

  This is the low-level interface to the PR_AddToGroup function. Only numeric
  ids are accepted as input. See the "adduser" method for a high-level 


  $ok    = $pts -> PR_ChangeEntry($id,$name,$oid,$newid); 

  If $name eq '' then name is not changed.
  If $oid is 0 then the owner is not changed.
  If $newid is 0 then the id is not changed.

  See the "chid", "chown", and "rename" methods for a high-level interface.


  $ok    = $pts -> PR_Delete($id);

  Deletes the given $id. See the "delete" method for a high-level interface.


  $entry = $pts -> PR_DumpEntry($pos);

  See the "dumpentry" method for a high-level interface.


  @ids   = $pts -> PR_GetCPS($id,$over)


  @names = $pts -> PR_IDToName(\@ids);

  Converts an array of ids to names. If an id does not map to a name then
  the string representation of the id will be returned. See the "name" 
  method for a high-level interface.


  $id    = $pts -> PR_INewEntry($name, $id, $oid);

  Creates a new entry in the PDB for the given $name and $id.
  See the "createuser" and "creategroup" methods for a high-level interface.


  $flag  = $pts -> PR_IsAMemberOf($uid,$gid);

  Returns a non-zero value if id $uid is a member of group $gid.
  See the "ismember" method for a high-level interface.


  @ids   = $pts -> PR_ListElements($id,$over);

  For a user id, this method returns the list of groups in which the user
  is a member. For a group id, this method returns a list of users which are
  in that group. Note that this function returns numerical ids, not names.
  See the "members" method for a high-level interface.


  $entry = $pts -> PR_ListEntry($id);
  This method returns a reference to a hash table containing the values from 
  the C structure "prcheckentry". No conversion is done on ids or flags.
  See the "listentry" method for a high-level interface.


  ($uid,$gid) = $pts -> PR_ListMax;

  This method returns the largest allocated user/group ID. 


  @ids   = $pts -> PR_ListOwned($id,$over);

  This method returns a list of AFS ids owned by the given user or group.
  If $NAME is 0, then PDB orphan list is returned. See the "owned" method
  for a high-level interface.


  @ids   = $pts -> PR_NameToID(\@names);

  This method is used to convert AFS names into ids. If a name does not
  map into an id then the id will be set to &AFS::ANONYMOUS. See the "id"
  method for a high-level interface.


  $id    = $pts -> PR_NewEntry($name, $flag, $oid);

  This method is used to create a new entry. Valid values for $flag are:

  &AFS::PRUSER    create a user
  &AFS::PRGRP     create a group

  See the "createuser" and "creategroup" methods for a high-level interface.


  $ok    = $pts -> PR_RemoveFromGroup($uid,$gid)

  This method removes the id $uid from group $gid. See the "removeuser"
  method for a high-level interface.


  $ok    = $pts -> PR_SetFieldsEntry($id,$mask,$flags,$ngroups,$nusers,$s1,$s2);

  See the "setaccess" and "setgroupquota" methods for a high-level interface.


  $ok    = $pts -> PR_SetMax($id,$gflag)

  This method sets the maximum user/group ID. Valid values for $gflag are:

  &AFS::PRUSER    create a user
  &AFS::PRGRP     create a group

  See the "setmax" method for a high-level interface.


  $pos   = $pts -> PR_WhereIsIt($id);

  This method returns the PDB byte offset of uid $uid. It is used in 
  conjunction with the PR_DumpEntry method. See the "whereisit" method 
  for a high-level interface.