use Dancer ':syntax';
use App::Netdisco::JobQueue 'jq_insert';
swagger_path {
tags => ['Queue'],
path => (setting('api_base') || '').'/queue/backends',
description => 'Return list of currently active backend names (usually FQDN)',
responses => { default => {} },
}, get '/api/v1/queue/backends' => require_role api_admin => sub {
# from 1d988bbf7 this always returns an entry
my @names = schema(vars->{'tenant'})->resultset('DeviceSkip')
return to_json \@names;
swagger_path {
tags => ['Queue'],
path => (setting('api_base') || '').'/queue/jobs',
description => 'Return jobs in the queue, optionally filtered by fields',
parameters => [
limit => {
description => 'Maximum number of Jobs to return',
type => 'integer',
default => (setting('jobs_qdepth') || 50),
device => {
description => 'IP address field of the Job',
port => {
description => 'Port field of the Job',
action => {
description => 'Action field of the Job',
status => {
description => 'Status field of the Job',
username => {
description => 'Username of the Job submitter',
userip => {
description => 'IP address of the Job submitter',
backend => {
description => 'Backend instance assigned the Job',
responses => { default => {} },
}, get '/api/v1/queue/jobs' => require_role api_admin => sub {
my @set = schema(vars->{'tenant'})->resultset('Admin')->search({
( param('device') ? ( device => param('device') ) : () ),
( param('port') ? ( port => param('port') ) : () ),
( param('action') ? ( action => param('action') ) : () ),
( param('status') ? ( status => param('status') ) : () ),
( param('username') ? ( username => param('username') ) : () ),
( param('userip') ? ( userip => param('userip') ) : () ),
( param('backend') ? ( backend => param('backend') ) : () ),
-or => [
{ 'log' => undef },
{ 'log' => { '-not_like' => 'duplicate of %' } },
}, {
order_by => { -desc => [qw/entered device action/] },
rows => (param('limit') || setting('jobs_qdepth') || 50),
return to_json \@set;
swagger_path {
tags => ['Queue'],
path => (setting('api_base') || '').'/queue/jobs',
description => 'Delete jobs and skiplist entries, optionally filtered by fields',
parameters => [
device => {
description => 'IP address field of the Job',
port => {
description => 'Port field of the Job',
action => {
description => 'Action field of the Job',
status => {
description => 'Status field of the Job',
username => {
description => 'Username of the Job submitter',
userip => {
description => 'IP address of the Job submitter',
backend => {
description => 'Backend instance assigned the Job',
responses => { default => {} },
}, del '/api/v1/queue/jobs' => require_role api_admin => sub {
my $gone = schema(vars->{'tenant'})->resultset('Admin')->search({
( param('device') ? ( device => param('device') ) : () ),
( param('port') ? ( port => param('port') ) : () ),
( param('action') ? ( action => param('action') ) : () ),
( param('status') ? ( status => param('status') ) : () ),
( param('username') ? ( username => param('username') ) : () ),
( param('userip') ? ( userip => param('userip') ) : () ),
( param('backend') ? ( backend => param('backend') ) : () ),
( param('device') ? ( device => param('device') ) : () ),
( param('action') ? ( actionset => { '&&' => \[ 'ARRAY[?]', param('action') ] } ) : () ),
( param('backend') ? ( backend => param('backend') ) : () ),
return to_json { deleted => ($gone || 0)};
swagger_path {
tags => ['Queue'],
path => (setting('api_base') || '').'/queue/jobs',
description => 'Submit jobs to the queue',
parameters => [
jobs => {
description => 'List of job specifications (action, device?, port?, extra?).',
default => '[]',
schema => {
type => 'array',
items => {
type => 'object',
properties => {
action => {
type => 'string',
required => 1,
device => {
type => 'string',
required => 0,
port => {
type => 'string',
required => 0,
extra => {
type => 'string',
required => 0,
in => 'body',
responses => { default => {} },
}, post '/api/v1/queue/jobs' => require_any_role [qw(api_admin port_control)] => sub {
my $data = request->body || '';
my $jobs = (length $data ? try { from_json($data) } : []);
send_error('Malformed body', 400) if ref $jobs ne ref [];
foreach my $job (@$jobs) {
send_error('Malformed job', 400) if ref $job ne ref {};
send_error('Malformed job', 400) if !defined $job->{action};
send_error('Not Authorized', 403)
if ($job->{action} =~ m/^cf_/ and not user_has_role('port_control'))
or ($job->{action} !~ m/^cf_/ and not user_has_role('api_admin'));
$job->{username} = session('logged_in_user');
$job->{userip} = request->remote_address;
my $happy = jq_insert($jobs);
return to_json { success => $happy };