use strict;
use Dancer qw(:syntax);
use App::Netdisco::Util::SNMP qw(%ALL_MUNGERS decode_and_munge);
use Module::Load ();
register_device_tab({ tag => 'snmp', label => 'SNMP',
render_if => sub { schema(vars->{'tenant'})->resultset('DeviceBrowser')->count() } });
get '/ajax/content/device/snmp' => require_login sub {
my $device = try { schema(vars->{'tenant'})->resultset('Device')
->search_for_device( param('q') ) }
or send_error('Bad Device', 404);
template 'ajax/device/', { device => $device->ip },
{ layout => 'noop' };
ajax '/ajax/data/device/:ip/snmptree/:base' => require_login sub {
my $device = try { schema(vars->{'tenant'})->resultset('Device')
->find( param('ip') ) }
or send_error('Bad Device', 404);
my $base = param('base');
$base =~ m/^\.1(\.\d+)*$/ or send_error('Bad OID Base', 404);
content_type 'application/json';
return to_json [{
text => 'No data for this device. You can request a snapshot in the Details tab.',
children => \0,
state => { disabled => \1 },
icon => 'icon-search',
}] unless $device->oids->count;
return to_json [{
text => 'No MIB data. Please run `~/bin/netdisco-do loadmibs`.',
children => \0,
state => { disabled => \1 },
icon => 'icon-search',
}] unless schema(vars->{'tenant'})->resultset('SNMPObject')->count();
my $items = _get_snmp_data($device->ip, $base);
to_json $items;
ajax '/ajax/data/snmp/typeahead' => require_login sub {
my $term = param('term') or return to_json [];
my $device = param('ip');
my $deviceonly = param('deviceonly');
my $table = ($deviceonly ? 'DeviceBrowser' : 'SNMPObject');
my @found = schema(vars->{'tenant'})->resultset($table)
->search({ -or => [ 'me.oid' => $term,
'me.oid' => { -like => ($term .'.%') },
'me.leaf' => { -ilike => ('%'. $term .'%') } ],
(($deviceonly and $device) ? (ip => $device) : ()), },
{ select => [
(($deviceonly and $device) ? \q{ oid_fields.mib || '::' || me.leaf }
: \q{ me.mib || '::' || me.leaf }),
as => ['qleaf'],
(($deviceonly and $device) ? (join => 'oid_fields') : ()),
rows => 25, order_by => 'me.oid_parts' })
return to_json [] unless scalar @found;
content_type 'application/json';
to_json [ sort @found ];
ajax '/ajax/data/snmp/nodesearch' => require_login sub {
my $to_match = param('str') or return to_json [];
my $partial = param('partial');
my $found = undef;
if ($partial) {
$found = schema(vars->{'tenant'})->resultset('SNMPObject')
->search({ -or => [ oid => $to_match,
oid => { -like => ($to_match .'.%') },
leaf => { -ilike => ($to_match .'%') } ] },
{ rows => 1, order_by => 'oid_parts' })->first;
else {
my ($mib, $leaf) = split m/::/, $to_match;
$found = schema(vars->{'tenant'})->resultset('SNMPObject')
(($mib and $leaf) ? (-and => [mib => $mib, leaf => $leaf])
: (-or => [oid => $to_match, leaf => { -ilike => $to_match }])),
},{ rows => 1, order_by => 'oid_parts' })->first;
return to_json [] unless $found;
$found = $found->oid;
$found =~ s/^\.1\.?//;
my @results = ('.1');
foreach my $part (split m/\./, $found) {
my $last = $results[-1];
push @results, "${last}.${part}";
content_type 'application/json';
to_json \@results;
ajax '/ajax/content/device/:ip/snmpnode/:oid' => require_login sub {
my $device = try { schema(vars->{'tenant'})->resultset('Device')
->find( param('ip') ) }
or send_error('Bad Device', 404);
my $oid = param('oid');
$oid =~ m/^\.1(\.\d+)*$/ or send_error('Bad OID', 404);
my $object = schema(vars->{'tenant'})->resultset('DeviceBrowser')
->with_snmp_object($device->ip)->find({ 'snmp_object.oid' => $oid })
or send_error('Bad OID', 404);
my $munge = (param('munge') and exists $ALL_MUNGERS{param('munge')})
? param('munge') : $object->munge;
my %data = (
snmp_object => { $object->snmp_object->get_columns },
value => decode_and_munge( $munge, $object->value ),
template 'ajax/device/',
{ node => \%data, munge => $munge, mungers => [sort keys %ALL_MUNGERS] },
{ layout => 'noop' };
sub _get_snmp_data {
my ($ip, $base, $recurse) = @_;
my @parts = grep {length} split m/\./, $base;
my %meta = map { ('.'. join '.', @{$_->{oid_parts}}) => $_ }
->search({}, { bind => [
(scalar @parts + 1),
(scalar @parts + 1),
] })->hri->all;
my @items = map {{
id => $_,
mib => $meta{$_}->{mib}, # accessed via node.original.mib
leaf => $meta{$_}->{leaf}, # accessed via node.original.leaf
text => ($meta{$_}->{leaf} .' ('. $meta{$_}->{oid_parts}->[-1] .')'),
($meta{$_}->{browser} ? (icon => 'icon-folder-close text-info')
: (icon => 'icon-folder-close-alt muted')),
(scalar @{$meta{$_}->{index}}
? (icon => 'icon-th'.($meta{$_}->{browser} ? ' text-info' : ' muted')) : ()),
(($meta{$_}->{num_children} == 0 and ($meta{$_}->{type}
or $meta{$_}->{access} =~ m/^(?:read|write)/
or $meta{$_}->{oid_parts}->[-1] == 0))
? (icon => 'icon-leaf'.($meta{$_}->{browser} ? ' text-info' : ' muted')) : ()),
# jstree will async call to expand these, and while it's possible
# for us to prefetch by calling _get_snmp_data() and passing to
# children, it's much slower UX. async is better for search especially
children => ($meta{$_}->{num_children} ? \1 : \0),
# and set the display to open to show the single child
# but only if there is data below
state => { opened => (($meta{$_}->{browser} and $meta{$_}->{num_children} == 1) ? \1 : \0 ) },
}} sort {$meta{$a}->{oid_parts}->[-1] <=> $meta{$b}->{oid_parts}->[-1]} keys %meta;
return \@items;