use strict;
=head2 with_poestats
This is a modifier for any C<search()> which will add the following
additional synthesized columns to the result set:
=over 4
=item poe_capable_ports
Count of ports which have the ability to supply PoE.
=item poe_powered_ports
Count of ports with PoE administratively disabled.
=item poe_disabled_ports
Count of ports which are delivering power.
=item poe_errored_ports
Count of ports either reporting a fault or in test mode.
=item poe_power_committed
Total power that has been negotiated and therefore committed on ports
actively supplying power.
=item poe_power_delivering
Total power as measured on ports actively supplying power.
sub with_poestats {
my ($rs, $cond, $attrs) = @_;
return $rs
->search_rs($cond, $attrs)
'columns' => {
ip => \"DISTINCT ON (me.ip, me.module) me.ip",
module => 'module',
power => 'power::bigint',
status => 'status',
poe_capable_ports => \"COUNT(ports.port) OVER (PARTITION BY me.ip, me.module)",
poe_powered_ports => \"SUM(CASE WHEN ports.status = 'deliveringPower' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) OVER (PARTITION BY me.ip, me.module)",
poe_disabled_ports => \"SUM(CASE WHEN ports.admin = 'false' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) OVER (PARTITION BY me.ip, me.module)",
poe_errored_ports => \"SUM(CASE WHEN ports.status ILIKE '%fault' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) OVER (PARTITION BY me.ip, me.module)",
poe_power_committed => \("SUM(CASE "
. "WHEN ports.status = 'deliveringPower' AND ports.class = 'class0' THEN 15.4 "
. "WHEN ports.status = 'deliveringPower' AND ports.class = 'class1' THEN 4.0 "
. "WHEN ports.status = 'deliveringPower' AND ports.class = 'class2' THEN 7.0 "
. "WHEN ports.status = 'deliveringPower' AND ports.class = 'class3' THEN 15.4 "
. "WHEN ports.status = 'deliveringPower' AND ports.class = 'class4' THEN 30.0 "
. "WHEN ports.status = 'deliveringPower' AND ports.class IS NULL THEN 15.4 "
. "ELSE 0 END) OVER (PARTITION BY me.ip, me.module)"),
poe_power_delivering => \("SUM(CASE WHEN (ports.power IS NULL OR ports.power = '0') "
. "THEN 0 ELSE round(ports.power/1000.0, 1) END) "
. "OVER (PARTITION BY me.ip, me.module)")
join => 'ports'