use Dancer ':syntax';
use Dancer::Plugin::DBIC 'schema';
use App::Netdisco::Util::Device 'get_denied_actions';
use App::Netdisco::Util::MCE 'parse_max_workers';
register_worker({ phase => 'main' }, sub {
my ($job, $workerconf) = @_;
my $happy = false;
my $devices = schema(vars->{'tenant'})->resultset('Device');
my $rs = schema(vars->{'tenant'})->resultset('DeviceSkip');
my %actionset = ();
while (my $d = $devices->next) {
my @badactions = get_denied_actions($d);
$actionset{$d->ip} = \@badactions if scalar @badactions;
debug sprintf 'priming device action skip list for %d devices',
scalar keys %actionset;
my $max_workers = parse_max_workers( setting('workers')->{tasks} ) || 0;
try {
schema(vars->{'tenant'})->txn_do(sub {
backend => setting('workers')->{'BACKEND'},
device => $_,
actionset => $actionset{$_},
}, { key => 'primary' }) for keys %actionset;
# add one faux record to allow *walk actions to see there is a backend running
backend => setting('workers')->{'BACKEND'},
device => '',
last_defer => \'LOCALTIMESTAMP',
deferrals => $max_workers,
}, { key => 'primary' });
$happy = true;
catch {
error $_;
if ($happy) {
return Status->done("Primed device action skip list");
else {
return Status->error("Failed to prime device action skip list");