use Dancer ':script';
use Path::Class 'dir';
use Net::Domain 'hostdomain';
use File::ShareDir 'dist_dir';
if (setting('include_paths') and ref [] eq ref setting('include_paths')) {
# stuff useful locations into @INC
push @{setting('include_paths')},
dir(($ENV{NETDISCO_HOME} || $ENV{HOME}), 'nd-site-local', 'lib')->stringify
if (setting('site_local_files'));
unshift @INC, @{setting('include_paths')};
no warnings 'redefine';
use SNMP;
# hardware exception on macOS at least when translateObj
# gets something like '.0.0' passed as arg
my $orig_translate = *SNMP::translateObj{'CODE'};
*SNMP::translateObj = sub {
my $arg = $_[0];
return undef unless defined $arg and $arg !~ m/^[.0]+$/;
return $orig_translate->(@_);
# set up database schema config from simple config vars
if (ref {} eq ref setting('database')) {
# override from env for docker
setting('database')->{name} =
($ENV{NETDISCO_DB_NAME} || $ENV{NETDISCO_DBNAME} || setting('database')->{name});
setting('database')->{host} =
($ENV{NETDISCO_DB_HOST} || setting('database')->{host});
setting('database')->{host} .= (';'. $ENV{NETDISCO_DB_PORT})
if (setting('database')->{host} and $ENV{NETDISCO_DB_PORT});
setting('database')->{user} =
($ENV{NETDISCO_DB_USER} || setting('database')->{user});
setting('database')->{pass} =
($ENV{NETDISCO_DB_PASS} || setting('database')->{pass});
my $name = setting('database')->{name};
my $host = setting('database')->{host};
my $user = setting('database')->{user};
my $pass = setting('database')->{pass};
my $dsn = "dbi:Pg:dbname=${name}";
$dsn .= ";host=${host}" if $host;
# set up the netdisco schema now we have access to the config
# but only if it doesn't exist from an earlier config style
setting('plugins')->{DBIC}->{'default'} ||= {
dsn => $dsn,
user => $user,
password => $pass,
options => {
AutoCommit => 1,
RaiseError => 1,
auto_savepoint => 1,
pg_enable_utf8 => 1,
schema_class => 'App::Netdisco::DB',
foreach my $c (@{setting('external_databases')}) {
my $schema = delete $c->{tag} or next;
next if exists setting('plugins')->{DBIC}->{$schema};
setting('plugins')->{DBIC}->{$schema} = $c;
||= 'App::Netdisco::GenericDB';
foreach my $c (@{setting('tenant_databases')}) {
my $schema = $c->{tag} or next;
next if exists setting('plugins')->{DBIC}->{$schema};
my $name = $c->{name} || $c->{tag};
my $host = $c->{host};
my $user = $c->{user};
my $pass = $c->{pass};
my $dsn = "dbi:Pg:dbname=${name}";
$dsn .= ";host=${host}" if $host;
setting('plugins')->{DBIC}->{$schema} = {
dsn => $dsn,
user => $user,
password => $pass,
options => {
AutoCommit => 1,
RaiseError => 1,
auto_savepoint => 1,
pg_enable_utf8 => 1,
schema_class => 'App::Netdisco::DB',
# and support tenancies by setting what the default schema points to
setting('plugins')->{DBIC}->{'netdisco'}->{'alias'} = 'default';
# allow override of the default tenancy
= setting('plugins')->{DBIC}->{$ENV{NETDISCO_DB_TENANT}}
and $ENV{NETDISCO_DB_TENANT} ne 'netdisco'
and exists setting('plugins')->{DBIC}->{$ENV{NETDISCO_DB_TENANT}};
# always set this
# override from env for docker
config->{'community'} = ($ENV{NETDISCO_RO_COMMUNITY} ?
[split ',', $ENV{NETDISCO_RO_COMMUNITY}] : config->{'community'});
config->{'community_rw'} = ($ENV{NETDISCO_RW_COMMUNITY} ?
[split ',', $ENV{NETDISCO_RW_COMMUNITY}] : config->{'community_rw'});
# if snmp_auth and device_auth not set, add defaults to community{_rw}
if ((setting('snmp_auth') and 0 == scalar @{ setting('snmp_auth') })
and (setting('device_auth') and 0 == scalar @{ setting('device_auth') })) {
config->{'community'} = [ @{setting('community')}, 'public' ];
config->{'community_rw'} = [ @{setting('community_rw')}, 'private' ];
# fix up device_auth (or create it from old snmp_auth and community settings)
# also imports legacy sshcollector config
= [ App::Netdisco::Util::DeviceAuth::fixup_device_auth() ];
# defaults for workers
setting('workers')->{queue} ||= 'PostgreSQL';
setting('workers')->{tasks} = 1;
delete config->{'schedule'};
# force skipped DNS resolution, if unset
setting('dns')->{hosts_file} ||= '/etc/hosts';
setting('dns')->{no} ||= ['fe80::/64',''];
# set max outstanding requests for AnyEvent::DNS
= setting('dns')->{max_outstanding} || 50;
$ENV{'PERL_ANYEVENT_HOSTS'} = setting('dns')->{hosts_file};
# load /etc/hosts
setting('dns')->{'ETCHOSTS'} = {};
# AE::DNS::EtcHosts only works for A/AAAA/SRV, but we want PTR.
# this loads+parses /etc/hosts file using AE. dirty hack.
use AnyEvent::Socket 'format_address';
no AnyEvent::DNS::EtcHosts; # unimport
setting('dns')->{'ETCHOSTS'}->{$_} =
[ map { [ $_ ? (format_address $_->[0]) : '' ] }
@{ $AnyEvent::DNS::EtcHosts::HOSTS{ $_ } } ]
for keys %AnyEvent::DNS::EtcHosts::HOSTS;
# override from env for docker
if ($ENV{NETDISCO_DOMAIN} eq 'discover') {
if (! setting('domain_suffix')) {
info 'resolving domain name...';
config->{'domain_suffix'} = hostdomain;
else {
config->{'domain_suffix'} = $ENV{NETDISCO_DOMAIN};
# override SNMP bulkwalk from environment
config->{'bulkwalk_off'} = true
# check user's port_control_reasons
config->{'port_control_reasons'} =
config->{'port_control_reasons'} || config->{'system_port_control_reasons'};
# convert domain_suffix from scalar or list to regexp
config->{'domain_suffix'} = [setting('domain_suffix')]
if ref [] ne ref setting('domain_suffix');
if (scalar @{ setting('domain_suffix') }) {
my @suffixes = map { (ref qr// eq ref $_) ? $_ : quotemeta }
@{ setting('domain_suffix') };
my $buildref = '(?:'. (join '|', @suffixes) .')$';
config->{'domain_suffix'} = qr/$buildref/;
else {
config->{'domain_suffix'} = qr//;
# convert expire_devices from single to dict
if (q{} eq ref setting('expire_devices')) {
= { 'group:__ANY__' => setting('expire_devices') };
# convert tacacs from single to lists
if (ref {} eq ref setting('tacacs')
and exists setting('tacacs')->{'key'}) {
config->{'tacacs'} = [
Host => setting('tacacs')->{'server'},
Key => setting('tacacs')->{'key'} || setting('tacacs')->{'secret'},
Port => (setting('tacacs')->{'port'} || 'tacacs'),
Timeout => (setting('tacacs')->{'timeout'} || 15),
elsif (ref [] eq ref setting('tacacs')) {
my @newservers = ();
foreach my $server (@{ setting('tacacs') }) {
push @newservers, [
Host => $server->{'server'},
Key => $server->{'key'} || $server->{'secret'},
Port => ($server->{'port'} || 'tacacs'),
Timeout => ($server->{'timeout'} || 15),
config->{'tacacs'} = [ @newservers ];
# support unordered dictionaries as if they were a single item list
if (ref {} eq ref setting('device_identity')) {
config->{'device_identity'} = [ setting('device_identity') ];
else { config->{'device_identity'} ||= [] }
if (ref {} eq ref setting('macsuck_no_deviceport')) {
config->{'macsuck_no_deviceports'} = [ setting('macsuck_no_deviceport') ];
if (ref {} eq ref setting('macsuck_no_deviceports')) {
config->{'macsuck_no_deviceports'} = [ setting('macsuck_no_deviceports') ];
else { config->{'macsuck_no_deviceports'} ||= [] }
if (ref {} eq ref setting('hide_deviceports')) {
config->{'hide_deviceports'} = [ setting('hide_deviceports') ];
else { config->{'hide_deviceports'} ||= [] }
if (ref {} eq ref setting('ignore_deviceports')) {
config->{'ignore_deviceports'} = [ setting('ignore_deviceports') ];
else { config->{'ignore_deviceports'} ||= [] }
# copy old ignore_* into new settings
if (scalar @{ config->{'ignore_interfaces'} }) {
= [ map { ($_ !~ m/^port:/) ? "port:$_" : $_ } @{ config->{'ignore_interfaces'} } ];
if (scalar @{ config->{'ignore_interface_types'} }) {
= [ map { ($_ !~ m/^type:/) ? "type:$_" : $_ } @{ config->{'ignore_interface_types'} } ];
if (scalar @{ config->{'ignore_notpresent_types'} }) {
= [ map { ($_ !~ m/^type:/) ? "type:$_" : $_ } @{ config->{'ignore_notpresent_types'} } ];
# copy devices_no and devices_only into others
foreach my $name (qw/devices_no devices_only
discover_no macsuck_no arpnip_no nbtstat_no
discover_only macsuck_only arpnip_only nbtstat_only/) {
config->{$name} ||= [];
config->{$name} = [setting($name)] if ref [] ne ref setting($name);
foreach my $name (qw/discover_no macsuck_no arpnip_no nbtstat_no/) {
push @{setting($name)}, @{ setting('devices_no') };
foreach my $name (qw/discover_only macsuck_only arpnip_only nbtstat_only/) {
push @{setting($name)}, @{ setting('devices_only') };
# legacy config item names
config->{'devport_vlan_limit'} =
if setting('deviceport_vlan_membership_threshold')
and not setting('devport_vlan_limit');
delete config->{'deviceport_vlan_membership_threshold'};
# portctl_native_vlan used to be called vlanctl
config->{'portctl_native_vlan'} ||= config->{'vlanctl'};
delete config->{'vlanctl'};
config->{'schedule'} = config->{'housekeeping'}
if setting('housekeeping') and not setting('schedule');
delete config->{'housekeeping'};
# used to have separate types of worker
if (exists setting('workers')->{interactives}
or exists setting('workers')->{pollers}) {
setting('workers')->{tasks} ||=
(setting('workers')->{pollers} || 0)
+ (setting('workers')->{interactives} || 0);
delete setting('workers')->{pollers};
delete setting('workers')->{interactives};
# moved the timeout setting
setting('workers')->{'timeout'} = setting('timeout')
if defined setting('timeout')
and !defined setting('workers')->{'timeout'};
# 0 for workers max_deferrals and retry_after is like disabling
# but we need to fake it with special values
setting('workers')->{'max_deferrals'} ||= (2**30);
setting('workers')->{'retry_after'} ||= '100 years';
# schedule expire used to be called expiry
setting('schedule')->{expire} ||= setting('schedule')->{expiry}
if setting('schedule') and exists setting('schedule')->{expiry};
delete config->{'schedule'}->{'expiry'} if setting('schedule');
# upgrade reports config from hash to list
if (setting('reports') and ref {} eq ref setting('reports')) {
config->{'reports'} = [ map {{
tag => $_,
%{ setting('reports')->{$_} }
}} keys %{ setting('reports') } ];
# add system_reports onto reports
config->{'reports'} = [ @{setting('system_reports')}, @{setting('reports')} ];
# set swagger ui location
#config->{plugins}->{Swagger}->{ui_dir} =
#dir(dist_dir('App-Netdisco'), 'share', 'public', 'swagger-ui')->absolute;
# setup helpers for when request->uri_for() isn't available
# (for example when inside swagger_path())
= URI::Based->new((config->{path} eq '/') ? '' : config->{path});
= config->{url_base}->with('/api/v1')->path;