use strict;
# with thanks to yanick's patch at
use Dancer ':syntax';
use File::ShareDir 'dist_dir';
sub authenticate_user {
my ($self, $username, $password) = @_;
return unless defined $username;
my $user = $self->get_user_details($username) or return;
return unless $user->in_storage;
return $self->match_password($password, $user);
sub get_user_details {
my ($self, $username) = @_;
my $settings = $self->realm_settings;
my $database = schema($settings->{schema_name})
or die "No database connection";
my $users_table = $settings->{users_resultset} || 'User';
my $username_column = $settings->{users_username_column} || 'username';
my $user = try {
$username_column => { -ilike => quotemeta($username) },
# each of these settings permits no user in the database
# so create a pseudo user entry instead
if (not $user and
(setting('no_auth') or
(not setting('validate_remote_user')
and (setting('trust_remote_user') or setting('trust_x_remote_user')) ))) {
$user = $database->resultset($users_table)
->new_result({username => $username});
return $user;
sub validate_api_token {
my ($self, $token) = @_;
return unless defined $token;
my $settings = $self->realm_settings;
my $database = schema($settings->{schema_name})
or die "No database connection";
my $users_table = $settings->{users_resultset} || 'User';
my $token_column = $settings->{users_token_column} || 'token';
$token =~ s/^Apikey //i; # should be there but swagger-ui doesn't add it
my $user = try {
$database->resultset($users_table)->find({ $token_column => $token });
return $user
if $user and $user->in_storage and $user->token_from
and $user->token_from > (time - setting('api_token_lifetime'));
return undef;
sub get_user_roles {
my ($self, $username) = @_;
return unless defined $username;
my $settings = $self->realm_settings;
my $database = schema($settings->{schema_name})
or die "No database connection";
# Get details of the user first; both to check they exist, and so we have
# their ID to use.
my $user = $self->get_user_details($username)
or return;
my $roles = $settings->{roles_relationship} || 'roles';
my $role_column = $settings->{role_column} || 'role';
# this method returns a list of current user roles
# but for API with trust_remote_user, trust_x_remote_user, and no_auth
# we need to fake that there is a valid API key
my $api_requires_key =
(setting('trust_remote_user') or setting('trust_x_remote_user') or setting('no_auth'))
eq '1' ? 'false' : 'true';
return [ try {
$user->$roles->search({}, { bind => [
$api_requires_key, setting('api_token_lifetime'),
$api_requires_key, setting('api_token_lifetime'),
] })->get_column( $role_column )->all;
} ];
sub match_password {
my($self, $password, $user) = @_;
return unless $user;
my $settings = $self->realm_settings;
my $username_column = $settings->{users_username_column} || 'username';
my $pwmatch_result = 0;
my $username = $user->$username_column;
if ($user->ldap) {
$pwmatch_result = $self->match_with_ldap($password, $username);
elsif ($user->radius) {
$pwmatch_result = $self->match_with_radius($password, $username);
elsif ($user->tacacs) {
$pwmatch_result = $self->match_with_tacacs($password, $username);
else {
$pwmatch_result = $self->match_with_local_pass($password, $user);
return $pwmatch_result;
sub match_with_local_pass {
my($self, $password, $user) = @_;
my $settings = $self->realm_settings;
my $password_column = $settings->{users_password_column} || 'password';
return unless $password and $user->$password_column;
if ($user->$password_column !~ m/^{[A-Z]+}/) {
my $sum = Digest::MD5::md5_hex($password);
if ($sum eq $user->$password_column) {
if (setting('safe_password_store')) {
# upgrade password if successful, and permitted
$user->update({password => passphrase($password)->generate});
return 1;
else {
return 0;
else {
return passphrase($password)->matches($user->$password_column);
sub match_with_ldap {
my($self, $pass, $user) = @_;
return unless setting('ldap') and ref {} eq ref setting('ldap');
my $conf = setting('ldap');
my $ldapuser = $conf->{user_string};
$ldapuser =~ s/\%USER\%?/$user/egi;
# If we can bind as anonymous or proxy user,
# search for user's distinguished name
if ($conf->{proxy_user}) {
my $user = $conf->{proxy_user};
my $pass = $conf->{proxy_pass};
my $attrs = ['distinguishedName'];
my $result = _ldap_search($ldapuser, $attrs, $user, $pass);
$ldapuser = $result->[0] if ($result->[0]);
# otherwise, if we can't search and aren't using AD and then construct DN
# by appending base
elsif ($ldapuser =~ m/=/) {
$ldapuser = "$ldapuser,$conf->{base}";
foreach my $server (@{$conf->{servers}}) {
my $opts = $conf->{opts} || {};
my $ldap = Net::LDAP->new($server, %$opts) or next;
my $msg = undef;
if ($conf->{tls_opts} ) {
$msg = $ldap->start_tls(%{$conf->{tls_opts}});
$msg = $ldap->bind($ldapuser, password => $pass);
$ldap->unbind(); # take down session
return 1 unless $msg->code();
return undef;
sub _ldap_search {
my ($filter, $attrs, $user, $pass) = @_;
my $conf = setting('ldap');
return undef unless defined($filter);
return undef if (defined $attrs and ref [] ne ref $attrs);
foreach my $server (@{$conf->{servers}}) {
my $opts = $conf->{opts} || {};
my $ldap = Net::LDAP->new($server, %$opts) or next;
my $msg = undef;
if ($conf->{tls_opts}) {
$msg = $ldap->start_tls(%{$conf->{tls_opts}});
if ( $user and $user ne 'anonymous' ) {
$msg = $ldap->bind($user, password => $pass);
else {
$msg = $ldap->bind();
$msg = $ldap->search(
base => $conf->{base},
filter => "($filter)",
attrs => $attrs,
$ldap->unbind(); # take down session
my $entries = [$msg->entries];
return $entries unless $msg->code();
return undef;
sub match_with_radius {
my($self, $pass, $user) = @_;
return unless setting('radius') and ref {} eq ref setting('radius');
my $conf = setting('radius');
my $servers = (ref [] eq ref $conf->{'server'}
? $conf->{'server'} : [$conf->{'server'}]);
my $radius = Authen::Radius->new(
NodeList => $servers,
Secret => $conf->{'secret'},
TimeOut => $conf->{'timeout'} || 15,
my $dict_dir = Path::Class::Dir->new( dist_dir('App-Netdisco') )
{ Name => 'User-Name', Value => $user },
{ Name => 'User-Password', Value => $pass }
if ($conf->{'vsa'}) {
foreach my $vsa (@{$conf->{'vsa'}}) {
Name => $vsa->{'name'},
Value => $vsa->{'value'},
Type => $vsa->{'type'},
Vendor => $vsa->{'vendor'},
Tag => $vsa->{'tag'}
my $type = $radius->recv_packet();
my $radius_return = ($type eq ACCESS_ACCEPT) ? 1 : 0;
return $radius_return;
sub match_with_tacacs {
my($self, $pass, $user) = @_;
return unless setting('tacacs') and ref [] eq ref setting('tacacs');
my $conf = setting('tacacs');
my $tacacs = new Authen::TacacsPlus(@$conf);
if (not $tacacs) {
debug sprintf('auth error: Authen::TacacsPlus: %s', Authen::TacacsPlus::errmsg());
return undef;
my $tacacs_return = $tacacs->authen($user,$pass);
if (not $tacacs_return) {
debug sprintf('error: Authen::TacacsPlus: %s', Authen::TacacsPlus::errmsg());
return $tacacs_return;