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use Dancer qw/:syntax :script/;
use App::Netdisco::Util::Device 'get_device';
use Module::Load ();
=head1 NAME
Returns an object which has an active SSH connection which can be used
for some actions such as arpnip.
my $cli = App::Netdisco::Transport::SSH->session_for( ... );
__PACKAGE__->attributes(qw/ sessions /);
sub init {
my ( $class, $self ) = @_;
$self->sessions( {} );
return $self;
=head1 session_for( $ip )
Given an IP address, returns an object instance configured for and connected
to that device.
Returns C<undef> if the connection fails.
package MySession;
use Moo;
has 'ssh' => ( is => 'rw' );
has 'auth' => ( is => 'rw' );
has 'host' => ( is => 'rw' );
has 'platform' => ( is => 'rw' );
sub arpnip {
my $self = shift;
$self->platform->arpnip(@_, $self->host, $self->ssh, $self->auth);
sub macsuck {
my $self = shift;
$self->platform->macsuck(@_, $self->host, $self->ssh, $self->auth);
sub session_for {
my ($class, $ip) = @_;
my $device = get_device($ip) or return undef;
my $sessions = $class->instance->sessions or return undef;
return $sessions->{$device->ip} if exists $sessions->{$device->ip};
debug sprintf 'cli session cache warm: [%s]', $device->ip;
my $auth = (setting('device_auth') || []);
if (1 != scalar @$auth) {
error sprintf " [%s] require only one matching auth stanza", $device->ip;
return undef;
$auth = $auth->[0];
if (!defined $auth->{platform}) {
error sprintf " [%s] Perl SSH platform not specified, assuming Python", $device->ip;
return undef;
my @master_opts = qw(-o BatchMode=no);
push(@master_opts, @{$auth->{ssh_master_opts}})
if $auth->{ssh_master_opts};
$Net::OpenSSH::debug = $ENV{SSH_TRACE};
my $ssh = Net::OpenSSH->new(
user => $auth->{username},
password => $auth->{password},
timeout => 30,
async => 0,
default_stderr_file => '/dev/null',
master_opts => \@master_opts
if ($ssh->error) {
error sprintf " [%s] ssh connection error [%s]", $device->ip, $ssh->error;
return undef;
elsif (! $ssh) {
error sprintf " [%s] Net::OpenSSH instantiation error", $device->ip;
return undef;
my $platform = "App::Netdisco::SSHCollector::Platform::" . $auth->{platform};
my $happy = false;
try {
Module::Load::load $platform;
$happy = true;
} catch { error $_ };
return unless $happy;
my $sess = MySession->new(
ssh => $ssh,
auth => $auth,
host => $device->ip,
platform => $platform->new(),
return ($sessions->{$device->ip} = $sess);