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use Dancer ':syntax';
use Dancer::Plugin::DBIC 'schema';
use NetAddr::IP::Lite ':lower';
use Time::HiRes 'gettimeofday';
register_worker({ phase => 'main', driver => 'snmp' }, sub {
my ($job, $workerconf) = @_;
my $device = $job->device;
my $snmp = App::Netdisco::Transport::SNMP->reader_for($device)
or return Status->defer("arpnip failed: could not SNMP connect to $device");
# get directly connected networks
my @subnets = gather_subnets($device);
# TODO: IPv6 subnets
my $now = 'to_timestamp('. (join '.', gettimeofday) .')::timestamp';
store_subnet($_, $now) for @subnets;
return Status->info(sprintf ' [%s] arpnip - processed %s Subnet entries',
$device->ip, scalar @subnets);
# gathers device subnets
sub gather_subnets {
my $device = shift;
my @subnets = ();
my $snmp = App::Netdisco::Transport::SNMP->reader_for($device)
or return (); # already checked!
my $ip_netmask = $snmp->ip_netmask;
foreach my $entry (keys %$ip_netmask) {
my $ip = NetAddr::IP::Lite->new($entry) or next;
my $addr = $ip->addr;
next if $addr eq '';
next if acl_matches($ip, 'group:__LOOPBACK_ADDRESSES__');
next if setting('ignore_private_nets') and $ip->is_rfc1918;
my $netmask = $ip_netmask->{$addr} || $ip->bits();
next if $netmask eq '' or $netmask eq '';
my $cidr = NetAddr::IP::Lite->new($addr, $netmask)->network->cidr;
debug sprintf ' [%s] arpnip - found subnet %s', $device->ip, $cidr;
push @subnets, $cidr;
return @subnets;
# update subnets with new networks
sub store_subnet {
my ($subnet, $now) = @_;
schema('netdisco')->txn_do(sub {
net => $subnet,
last_discover => \$now,
{ for => 'update' });