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use Dancer ':syntax';
use MIME::Base64 'decode_base64';
register_worker({ phase => 'main' }, sub {
my ($job, $workerconf) = @_;
my $extra = from_json( decode_base64( $job->extra || '' ) );
my $event_data = $extra->{'event_data'};
my $action_conf = $extra->{'action_conf'};
return Status->error('missing cmd parameter to exec Hook')
if !defined $action_conf->{'cmd'};
my $tt = Template->new({ ENCODING => 'utf8' });
my ($orig_cmd, $cmd) = ($action_conf->{'cmd'}, undef);
$action_conf->{'cmd_is_template'} ||= 1
if !exists $action_conf->{'cmd_is_template'};
if ($action_conf->{'cmd_is_template'}) {
if (ref $orig_cmd) {
foreach my $part (@$orig_cmd) {
my $tmp_part = undef;
$tt->process(\$part, $event_data, \$tmp_part);
push @$cmd, $tmp_part;
else {
$tt->process(\$orig_cmd, $event_data, \$cmd);
$cmd ||= $orig_cmd;
my $result = Command::Runner->new(
command => $cmd,
timeout => ($action_conf->{'timeout'} || 60),
env => {
ND_EVENT => $action_conf->{'event'},
ND_DEVICE_IP => $event_data->{'ip'},
$result->{cmd} = $cmd;
if ($action_conf->{'ignore_failure'} or not $result->{'result'}) {
return Status->done(sprintf 'Exec Hook: exit status %s', $result->{'result'});
else {
return Status->error(sprintf 'Exec Hook: exit status %s', $result->{'result'});