Dave Cross: Still Munging Data With Perl: Online event - Mar 17 Learn more

use Dancer ':syntax';
use Encode 'encode';
use MIME::Base64 'decode_base64';
register_worker({ phase => 'main' }, sub {
my ($job, $workerconf) = @_;
my $extra = from_json( decode_base64( $job->extra || '' ) );
my $event_data = $extra->{'event_data'};
my $action_conf = $extra->{'action_conf'};
$action_conf->{'body'} ||= to_json($event_data);
return Status->error('missing url parameter to http Hook')
if !defined $action_conf->{'url'};
my $tt = Template->new({ ENCODING => 'utf8' });
my $http = HTTP::Tiny
->new( timeout => (($action_conf->{'timeout'} || 5000) / 1000) );
$action_conf->{'custom_headers'} ||= {};
||= 'application/json; charset=UTF-8';
= ('Bearer '. $action_conf->{'bearer_token'})
if $action_conf->{'bearer_token'};
my ($orig_url, $url) = ($action_conf->{'url'}, undef);
$action_conf->{'url_is_template'} ||= 1
if !exists $action_conf->{'url_is_template'};
$tt->process(\$orig_url, $event_data, \$url)
if $action_conf->{'url_is_template'};
$url ||= $orig_url;
my ($orig_body, $body) = ($action_conf->{'body'} , undef);
$action_conf->{'body_is_template'} ||= 1
if !exists $action_conf->{'body_is_template'};
$tt->process(\$orig_body, $event_data, \$body)
if $action_conf->{'body_is_template'};
$body ||= $orig_body;
my $response = $http->request(
($action_conf->{'method'} || 'POST'), $url,
{ headers => $action_conf->{'custom_headers'},
content => encode('UTF-8', $body ) },
if ($action_conf->{'ignore_failure'} or $response->{'success'}) {
return Status->done(sprintf 'HTTP Hook: %s %s',
$response->{'status'}, $response->{'reason'});
else {
return Status->error(sprintf 'HTTP Hook: %s %s (%s)',
$response->{'status'}, $response->{'reason'}, ($response->{'content'} || 'no content'));