use Dancer ':syntax';
use Dancer::Plugin::DBIC 'schema';
register_worker({ phase => 'main', driver => 'snmp',
title => 'gather interfaces status from snmp'}, sub {
my ($job, $workerconf) = @_;
my $device = $job->device;
my $snmp = App::Netdisco::Transport::SNMP->reader_for($device)
or return Status->info("skip: could not SNMP connect to $device");
my $interfaces = $snmp->interfaces || {};
my $reverse_interfaces = { reverse %{ $interfaces } }; # might squash but prob not
my $i_up = $snmp->i_up;
my $i_up_admin = $snmp->i_up_admin;
# make sure ports reflect their latest state as reported by device
foreach my $port (keys %{ vars->{'device_ports'} }) {
my $iid = $reverse_interfaces->{$port} or next;
debug sprintf ' [%s] macsuck - updating port %s status : %s/%s',
$device->ip, $port, ($i_up_admin->{$iid} || '-'), ($i_up->{$iid} || '-');
vars->{'device_ports'}->{$port}->set_column(up => $i_up->{$iid});
vars->{'device_ports'}->{$port}->set_column(up_admin => $i_up_admin->{$iid});
return Status->info('interfaces status from snmp complete');
register_worker({ phase => 'store',
title => 'update interfaces status in database'}, sub {
my ($job, $workerconf) = @_;
my $device = $job->device;
# make sure ports are UP in netdisco (unless it's a lag master,
# because we can still see nodes without a functioning aggregate)
my %port_seen = ();
foreach my $vlan (reverse sort keys %{ vars->{'fwtable'} }) {
foreach my $port (keys %{ vars->{'fwtable'}->{$vlan} }) {
next if $port_seen{$port};
next unless scalar keys %{ vars->{'fwtable'}->{$vlan}->{$port} };
next unless exists vars->{'device_ports'}->{$port};
next if vars->{'device_ports'}->{$port}->is_master;
debug sprintf ' [%s] macsuck - updating port %s status up/up due to node presence',
$device->ip, $port;
vars->{'device_ports'}->{$port}->set_column(up => 'up');
vars->{'device_ports'}->{$port}->set_column(up_admin => 'up');
my $updated = 0;
foreach my $port (values %{ vars->{'device_ports'} }) {
next unless $port->is_changed();
return Status->info(sprintf '%s interfaces status updated in database', $updated);